HomeTerritory and economy of the populations of the Hellenistic and Roman Empires borders

HomeTerritory and economy of the populations of the Hellenistic and Roman Empires borders

Territory and economy of the populations of the Hellenistic and Roman Empires borders

Territoire et économie des populations des confins des empires hellénistique et romain

IIe International Multidisciplinary Conference in wādī Rum

IIe Conférence internationale multidisciplinaire à wādī Ramm

*  *  *

Published on Friday, July 12, 2013


The first International Multidisciplinary Conference in Wādī Rum took place from November 11th to 13th 2011 in Wādī Rum Visitor Center and was the opportunity to review scientific advances about the region. The second edition of the International Multidisciplinary Conference in Wādī Rum will be held in Wādī Rum Visitor Center on November 12th, 13th and 14th 2013. The International Multidisciplinary Conference 2ndedition will be dedicated to the study of the Nabatean territories and economy. The water issue that is particularly at stake in the region, is at the core of this International Multidisciplinary Conference 2nd edition. It will encourage the comparison between what has been done through history in Wādī Rum region and beyond.


We have the honour to submit the second edition of the International Multidisciplinary Conference in Wādī Rum that will be held in Wādī Rum Visitor Center, on November 12th, 13th and 14th 2013. The theme is: “Territory and economy of the populations of the Hellenistic and Roman Empires borders”.


The first meeting, which took place from November 11th to 13th 2011 in Wādī Rum Visitor Center, was the opportunity to review scientific advances about the region. The presence of international specialists allowed a rich debate and a confrontation of ideas and experiments. The multidisciplinary vision, which was at the core of the conference, allowed to approach several themes such as the last discoveries regarding archaeology, epigraphy, geology, geomorphology, study of the economy, combined with both preservation and management of the territory. More than 120 international participants (researchers, PhD students, social-economic actors) attended the conference, among which numerous professionals and specialists of the approached domains. The papers brought better knowledge of Wādī Rum former societies regarding their faiths and natural environment. The acquired knowledge gave perspective on the way these societies managed to adapt themselves to a very dry environment, and on the way they shaped the environment to fulfil their daily needs. It seemed as an obvious fact that these elements are necessary to set up a sustainable development strategy in Wādī Rum.

The Wādī Rum management plan, proposed and accepted by UNESCO further to its inscription in UNESCO World Heritage List in 2011, recommended to set up a policy based on a scientific excellence whose the purpose is to participate in developing a sustainable management of the site. This has to encourage the total implication of the local population. The International Multidisciplinary Conference is a first step in the realization of these objectives.


The International Multidisciplinary Conference 2nd edition will be dedicated to the study of the Nabatean territories and economy. This theme gets organized around four axes:

  1. Territory and economy: study of the organization of the territories and their related economic stakes
  2. Territory and mobility: study of the spatial and territorial mobility, with the example of the evolution of pastures, cultures and places of worship
  3. Territory and structures: study of the duality between cities and steppes
  4. Territory and representation: study of epigraphy and archaeology results

The water issue that is particularly at stake in the region, is at the core of this International Multidisciplinary Conference 2nd edition. It will encourage the comparison between what has been done through history in Wādī Rum region and beyond.

Submission guidelines

This call for papers addresses to archaeologists but not only as it addresses to any researcher working on the question of the territory and its stakes in the Middle East, including history, epigraphy, anthropology and geography from Roman Empire to the birth of Islam. These combined skills would bring a better knowledge of the populations of Arabian Peninsula borders.

The main languages of the conference will be French, English and Arabic. 

The speakers are invited to propose a title accompanied with a summary from 10 to 20 lines that must be sent to the following addresses: mcwr.jordan@gmail.com 

before July 30th 2013

The organizers cover all the speakers’ expenses.

Reminder of the decisions taken at the issue of the first conference

It is worth remembering that, during the first conference, it has been advisable to set up a research center in Wādī Rum dedicated to the nomadic societies. This research center already exists physically but its contents remain to determine. Serving as scientific reference towards the authorities in order to help them to set up territory development strategies, this research center would also welcome scientific meetings, as well as both researchers and students who work on the nomadic societies. To create such a place of scientific meeting and sharing is essential for scientific and political issues of the region.

Thus, this International Multidisciplinary Conference in Wādī Rum will allow the implementation of a double strategy regarding the future of the research on the former populations of Wādī Rum borders, as well as the support of competent authorities in supervising and developing the region natural and cultural heritage. As the first International Multidisciplinary Conference has been used as an incubator to the local economic and cultural development, it is necessary to pursue the work that has been done. We truly are looking for the concrete implementation of the Wādī Rum research center at the end of this second meeting.

Scientific committee

  • Saba Farès, Université de Lorraine,
  • Fadi Ballaawi, University of Yarmouk
  • Khaled al Jbour, University of Jordanie
  • Thomas Paradise, King Fahd Center for Middle East Studies.


  • Saba Farès
  • Erin Addison
  • Marie-Christine Michel
  • Arnaud Vernet
  • Virginia Cassola

Partner institutions

  • Cultural Service, French Embassy in Jordan, Amman, Jordan
  • Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority, Aqaba, Jordan
  • Jordan Department of Antiquities, Amman, Jordan
  • Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France
  • Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, France,
  • CNRS – GREMMO, Lyon, France
  • Institut français au Proche-Orient, Amman, Jordanie
  • Al-Hima, Amman, Jordan


  • Wādī Rum Visitor Center
    Aqaba, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan


  • Tuesday, July 30, 2013


  • Wādī Rum, Nabatène, eau, Empire romain, Empire hellénistique


  • Virginia Cassola
    courriel : virginia [dot] cassola [at] recherche [dot] ecoledulouvre [dot] fr

Information source

  • Saba Farès
    courriel : saba [dot] fares [at] univ-tlse2 [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Territory and economy of the populations of the Hellenistic and Roman Empires borders », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, July 12, 2013, https://doi.org/10.58079/o07

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