HomeDiasporas, expulsions and exiles religionis causa in Early Modern Europe (XIV- XVIII centuries)

Diasporas, expulsions and exiles religionis causa in Early Modern Europe (XIV- XVIII centuries)

Diasporas, expulsions et exilés religionis causa dans l'Europe de l'époque moderne (XIV-XVIII siècle)

Diaspore, espulsioni ed esuli religionis causa nell’Europa della prima età moderna (sec. XIV-XVIII)

Special issue of the Bollettino della Società di Studi Valdesi, n. 214, June 2014

Numéro spécial « Bollettino della Società di Studi Valdesi » n. 214, juin 2014

Numero monografico del Bollettino della Società di Studi Valdesi, n. 214, giugno 2014

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Published on Thursday, July 18, 2013


Le Bollettino della Società di Studi Valdesi est une revue d'études semestrielle italienne ayant une longue tradition et prestige. Actif depuis 1884, elle est consacrée à la publication des recherches historiques concernant le Valdisme et les mouvements de réforme religieuse en Italie et en Europe. Le comité scientifique a décidé de consacrer un numéro spécial (n ° 214, Juin 2014) à « Diasporas, expulsions et exilés religioniscausa dans l'Europe de l'époque moderne (XIV-XVIII siècles) », un sujet qui dans ces dernières années a revenu au centre du débat historique.



“Diasporas, expulsions and exiles religionis causa in Early Modern Europe (XIV- XVIII centuries), special issue of the Bollettino della Società di Studi Valdesi, n. 214, June 2014.

The Bollettino della Società di Studi Valdesi is an Italian six-monthly journal of studies with long tradition and prestige. Active since 1884, it is devoted to the publication of historical researches concerning the Waldensianism and religious reform movements in Italy and Europe.

The Scientific Committee have decided to dedicate a special issue (No. 214, June 2014) to "Diasporas, expulsions and exiles religionis causa in the Europe of the early modern period (XIV-XVIII centuries)," a topic that in recent years has returned to the center of historical debate.

Expulsion and exile constituted a common experience for many religious groups in medieval and early modern period. The analysis of the histories of communities in diaspora allows to explore a broad spectrum of social, cultural, linguistic and artistic dynamics essentials to the creation of specific identities.

Although it was often motivated by persecution or exclusion, nevertheless, the experience of exile or refuge, also favored the elaboration of new forms of tolerance and the rise of concepts such multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism.

Submission guidelines

Scholars interested in participating in the initiative are requested to send approximately 300 words, with a separate, short (150 words) bio-bibliographical note

to Susanna.Peyronel@unimi.it

no later than 15 September 2013.

Articles may be written in Italian, English, French or Spanish and should not exceed 75,000 characters.

The editorial guidelines adopted by the magazine can be found at the web page

Accepted contributions will undergo double peer review before publication.


Susanna Peyronel, Università Degli Studi di Milano

Scientific committee

Marina Benedetti, Milano - Peter Billar, York – Luciana Borghi Cedrini, Torino – Emidio Campi, Zurich, Pietro Clemente, Firenze – Antonio Di Grado, catania – Alain Dufour, Genève – Oliver Fatio, Genève – Massimo Firpo, Torino – Franco Giacone, Roma – Philippe Joutard Paris – Theo Hiefner, Calw – Domenico Maselli, Lucca – Grado G. Merlo, Milano – Giovanni Miccoli Trieste – Pierrette Paravy, Grenoble – Alexander Patschowsky, Kostanz – Paolo Ricca, Roma – Giorgio Rochat, Torino – Gian Paolo Romagnani, Verona- Ugo Rozzo, Udine – Kurt Victor Selge, Berlin – Aldo Stela, Padova – Geoffrey Symcox, Los Angeles- Tullio Telmon, Torino – Giorgio Tourn, Rorà.

Editorial board

Davide Dalmas, Albert De Lange, Gianclaudio Civale, Marco Fratini, Gianmario Italiano, Roberto Morbo, Susanna Peyronel, Matteo Rivoira, Daniele Tron.




  • Sunday, September 15, 2013


  • diasporas, expulsions, exilés, époque moderne, valdisme, Europe


  • Peyronel Susanna
    courriel : Susanna [dot] Peyronel [at] unimi [dot] it
  • Civale Gianclaudio
    courriel : gianclaudio [dot] civale [at] hotmail [dot] com

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Information source

  • Gianclaudio Civale
    courriel : gianclaudiocivale [at] hotmail [dot] com


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To cite this announcement

« Diasporas, expulsions and exiles religionis causa in Early Modern Europe (XIV- XVIII centuries) », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, July 18, 2013, https://doi.org/10.58079/o19

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