Archiving Research. Why and How?
Archiver la recherche. Pourquoi ? Comment ?
Published on Friday, August 09, 2013
This conference is about the methods and importance of preserving and promoting research archives. The international and interdisciplinary (libraries, archives, IT, researchers...) dimension of the meeting will offer an opportunity to discuss the diversity of practice. Four working themes are proposed to direct the expected contributions: First Theme: Defining research archives? Second Theme: An opportunity to protect research archives? Third theme: Tools and Methods? Fourth theme: Electronic research data.
The ICA SUV Programme Committee is pleased to announce its call for papers for the 2014 meeting, which will be held in Paris (France).
The conference is planned for three (3) days, from July 8th to 10th 2014, and will include a sightseeing tour of the new site of the French National Archives in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine on July 7th, 2014.
This conference is about the methods and importance of preserving and promoting research archives.
The international and interdisciplinary (libraries, archives, IT, researchers...) dimension of the meeting will offer an opportunity to discuss the diversity of practice.
Themes for Discussion
Four working themes are proposed to direct the expected contributions:
- First Theme: Defining research archives
We can ask how to define research archives according to an archivist’s or a researcher’s perspective, and their country of origin. Is this concept different when it is about physical, biological, and mechanical sciences or about human and social sciences? What are the various meanings of the term "Research Archives," Do they have consequences on the work methods and the organization of communications?
By comparing various international archival experiences, the discussion can lead to an interesting debate on the diversity of researchers (i.e. donors) and their practices and how we archivists best respond to their specific requirements.
- Second Theme: An opportunity to protect research archives
Any policy (or the absence of policies) leads to the necessity of making choices and the need to identify appropriate resources and means (material, human, financial). Are the only objectives of the conservation of research archives to maintain the rights of the researchers and to facilitate the historical exploitation of the records? What are the possibilities of promoting these archives and is it possible to speak about scientific exploitation (or re-exploitation) of these archives?
With regard to the needs or practices of researchers and laboratories, is it possible and necessary to gather archives? What type of dialogue needs to be established between research professionals and archivists to facilitate the development of an archival "awareness" as well as to promote the existing archives? Finally, what tools can facilitate the implementation of this dialogue?
- Third theme: Tools and Methods
Any laboratory or research structure constitutes a very particular place within which the archivist is led to develop specific communications and tools for the researchers, the directors of units and the governance of these structures. What tools or procedures enable the start of a logical collecting process? What communications can we develop around these tools? What are the benefits of placing an archivist within a research structure, and what type of recognition of the archivist’s technical capabilities and skills will encourage dialogue with the researchers? Finally, how are these practices represented in various international archival contexts?
In a context of sharing resources and the lack of long-term commitment of laboratories and research teams to archives, how can archivists best work with these structures? And how can the latter take advantage of the networks which include information specialists or researchers to support their work?
- Fourth theme: Electronic research data
More and more frequently, research laboratories are grouped in collaborative structures, which use research tools and research support that require a very large investment and which, effectively, are sometimes shared at an international level. What strategies can archivists adopt to fulfill their missions of protection and even legal advice for the data preservation at laboratories and for researchers working in such an international context? Which partnership(s), actors and tools should be developed to best meet the needs of the laboratories and of the governance of establishments?
Proposal Submission Guidelines
Panels of up to three speakers, or individual presentations, on the above themes are welcome.
The abstract proposals are to be submitted
before October 15th, 2013
in the form of a summary (format accepted: .doc, .rtf, .txt, .pdf). They will be evaluated and selected by the review committee.
Submissions should include the speaker’s name(s), affiliation, postal address, email address, telephone and fax numbers, and a short biography.
Abstract length is limited to 300 words or 2200 characters (including spaces), and a bibliography for the abstract containing at least two entries (not included in the word-count).
If you are submitting a proposal for a complete panel session, please provide a description of 250-300 words for the session as a whole, in addition to an abstract for each presentation. Individual presentations should aim for no more than 20 minutes.
If your proposal is accepted, a full text (10 to 12 pages) must be submitted by April 28th, 2014, to facilitate preparation of the conference proceedings.
Important Deadlines Dates
- August 1st – Call for Papers published
- October 15th 2013 – Abstract submissions
- November 30th 2013 – Notification of acceptance of abstracts
- April 28th 2014 - Deadline for sending of the long texts of the communication (10 to 12 pages) to appear in the proceedings of the conference.
Abstracts should be submitted to the ICA SUV 2013 Conference Programme Committee Chair via email at:
Conference Programme Committee
- Susanne Belovari, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA
- Hélène Chambefort, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), France
- Thérèse Charmasson, Universcience, Paris
- Anna Domalanus, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
- Isabelle Gallois, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
- Hélène Gay, Rectorat de l'Académie de Toulouse, Toulouse, France
- Armelle Le Goff, Archives Nationales, France
- Gavan McCarthy, The University of Melbourne, Australia
- Fabien Oppermann, Ministère de l'Education Nationale, Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, Paris, France
- Norman Reid, University of St Andrews, UK
- Goulven Le Brech, Institut National de Sciences Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), France (as liaison with local arrangements committee)
- Modern (Main category)
- Mind and language > Information > Information sciences
- Mind and language > Epistemology and methodology > Research and researchers
- Mind and language > Information > Electronic publishing
- Society > Science studies
- Mind and language > Epistemology and methodology
- Mind and language > Epistemology and methodology > Corpus approaches, surveys, archives
- Mind and language > Epistemology and methodology > Digital humanities
- Paris, France (75)
- Tuesday, October 15, 2013
- archives recherche, définition, préservation, outils, méthodes, données électroniques
- Hélène Chambefort
courriel : helene [dot] chambefort [at] inserm [dot] fr
Information source
- Hélène Chambefort
courriel : helene [dot] chambefort [at] inserm [dot] fr
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To cite this announcement
« Archiving Research. Why and How? », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, August 09, 2013,