HomeLisbon Summer School in Science, Society and Culture
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Published on Tuesday, August 27, 2013


LxS - Lisbon Summer School in Science, Society and Culture, to be held in Lisbon on September 9-20, 2013, is the summer event of the Pedro Hispano Doctoral Studies Programme, composed of 5 courses, workshops, and a graduate conference. The courses of the 2013 edition of the summer school focus on five research puzzles raised by current societal challenges: language hegemony and migrations, culture and heritage, social inequality, urban dynamics, and climate change.



LxS – Lisbon Summer School in Science, Society and Culture is the FCSH/NOVA graduate college's summer event. The 2013 edition, to be held on September 9 - 20, will be composed of:

5 courses on subjects of interest to contemporary societies, involving lectures and practical activities:

  • Language hegemony: implications of globalization and migration on language use through lifetime

This course is a team effort to familiarize students with the formal study of language on the one hand and the role of speech pathologists on the other, all the while taking as our point of departure the role of language in a global(ized) society. In this sense, we not only hope to impart some of our insights from the disciplines of biolinguistics and speech–language therapy to the complete novice, but also bring home a clear message: Language is important, and in times like these, with massive migrations and longer life spans, even more so in many interesting ways. Each class will revolve around one of the central “Five Questions” first raised by Noam Chomsky in his 1986 book Knowledge of Language and frequently revisited and sharpened since. The first half is more “linguisticky”, introducing the question of the day, while the second half of each class deals with more practical considerations from a practitioner’s perspective on a globally migrating world.


    • Kleanthes K. Grohmann
    • Maria Kambanaros
  • Social policy in Europe: poverty, inequality and redistribution

The course will be offered to students and researchers interested in the design of public policies and the analysis of their effects on inequality, poverty and redistribution. The inclusive objectives of the Strategy Europe 2020 will constitute the key framework to proceed to an extensive revision of the main concepts on poverty, privation, social exclusion and inequality. The main redistributive goals of social and fiscal policies will be analised in order to access their efficacy and efficiency. The effects of the present financial and economic crises on redistribution will also be examined.


    • Carlos Farinha Rodrigues
  • Global changes and urban-rural dynamics: challenges towards a resilient territory

Our time is characterised by swift and significant global changes resulting from mega-urbanisation, world population growth, a decrease of natural resources and global warming. These transformations have several environmental and social impacts and raise new demands on the organisation of urban and non-urban (either rural or non-rural) territories, thereby making room for the discovery of new geographies that are yet to be defined.

New principles and strategies of territorial cooperation, as well as new forms of governance, are required to face these new demands of development, planning and land management. Researchers, experts and policy makers are challenged to identify optimal territorial dynamics that meet the needs of both the urban and rural milieus and promote cohesion as well as resilience, i.e. the capability of the territory, understood as a system and socio-cultural environment, to absorb disturbance while maintaining its basic structure and functionalities.

This course provides the conceptual tools required to develop a functional approach to territory and discusses practical examples of planning initiatives based on resilience thinking.

Port-city relationship: approaches, strategies and policies


    • Rosário Oliveira
    • Francesc Muñoz
    • João Mourato
    • Mónica Truninger
  • Cultural policies and heritage

Culture is an central structural factor in contemporary societies, affecting all areas of daily life, with a growing impact in social, economical and political terms. It is therefore necessary to build a solid and comprehensive political thought on the various dimensions of culture: creation, production, reception, mediation, funding, as well as on the delicate and often invisible power relations within the cultural field. Such a thought ought to be shaped by a critical, interdisciplinary approach to the cultural phenomenon, integrating the perspectives of history, geography, sociology, political science, anthropology, economics, cultural studies and the arts.

Throughout the Portuguese democratic experience, since the fall of the dictatorship in 1974, cultural policies have emerged gradually as a significant topic of increasing visibility within the general political and ideological debate in the country. Despite conflicting positions in regard to a more or less extensive responsibility of the state in the cultural life of the country or to the relative priority to be assigned to cultural heritage and the contemporary arts, respectively, within public cultural policies, a certain degree of institutional consensus has been achieved for almost thirty years in terms of the basic operational guidelines of such policies. In that context, the state, in its various configurations, has constantly occupied a key position in the definition of cultural policies in relation to all the players. In recent years, however, severe cuts in government spending have threatened this consensus and greatly affected the fragile texture of Portuguese cultural life as established in the three previous decades of the democratic era, intensifying the debate over the role of public policies in this field.

Cultural heritage has been a major area of intervention in this period, leading to many large-scale projects of restoration and preservation all over the country. Issues regarding the balance between cultural values and economic interests have been frequently raised in connection with these projects, namely in terms of the definition of the specific degrees of responsibility in the shared involvement of government institutions and civil society. More recently, particularly after the approval of UNESCO’s for Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2003, cultural policies have been extended to the inventory and preservation of intangible cultural traditions.

The process of European integration justified and prompted the country to participate in the great international events (e.g. XVII European Exhibition of Art, Science and Culture in 1983; Les Belles Étrangères in 1988; Europalia in 1991; European Capital of Culture in 1994, 2001, 2012; Frankfurt Book Fair in 1997; World Heritage Sites in 1983, 1986, 1989, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2012, 2013; Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2011; Colombia Book Fair in 2013). Such participations are justified by political elites as unique opportunities to foster cultural diffusion and appreciation among wider international publics, to promote new readings and a requalification of the cultural territory and its various landscapes, and also to strengthen the links between culture, tourism and the economy in general.

The historical role of central government—as well as that of local government from a very early stage in the democratic process—in the operationalization of culture as a window for civic participation and a driver of social and economic deserves a close, systematic and sophisticated analysis of the relationship between political power and the arts, cultural heritage and contemporary artistic creativity, both at the national and international levels. This is a complex and multifaceted context, in which arts and heritage, culture and its practices and mechanisms are seized by political power as fundamental instruments of economic and social policies, and as factors of national development, European integration and self-assertion in the world.

This course takes cultural policy as a historically evolving system and proposes to study it from the point of view of different disciplinary contexts. It provides students with the tools needed to identify the actors, dynamics and opportunities, risks and dilemmas, and to avoid over-simplistic and biased readings of the subject.


    • Rui Vieira Nery
    • Carlos Vargas

The design of the courses is problem-driven. Their structure blend theoretical lectures with practical sessions, some of which off-campus.

2 workshops on advanced communication skills:

  • Preparing slides for a scientific communication
  • Presenting a scientific paper

The Pedro Hispano Lisbon Graduate Conference, in which doctoral candidates are invited to present and discuss a piece of their research with scholars and fellow students. Panels are issue-based and interdisciplinary rather than discipline specific.


Participants to the Lisbon Summer School in Science, Society and Culture should be either:

a) Doctoral or Master’s students;

b) University professors or researchers;

c) Professionals holding a bachelor’s degree (licenciatura).

Fees (per course)

  • Students or scholars at NOVA: € 40
  • Students or scholars at other institutions: € 60
  • Other discounts*: € 50

* Members of teachers’ professional associations, scientific societies, universities of the third age, INATEL Foundation; Youth Card holders

Further information on access requirements and registration is available at www.fcsh.unl.pt/phd/summer.

Registration is open through September 6, 2013.


  • ID Building - Av. de Berna 26-C
    Lisbon, Portugal


  • Friday, September 06, 2013


  • summer school, science, society, culture, social sciences, humanities


  • Andreia Teixeira
    courriel : summerschool [at] fcsh [dot] unl [dot] pt

Information source

  • João Pedro Ruivo
    courriel : ruivojp [at] fcsh [dot] unl [dot] pt


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To cite this announcement

« Lisbon Summer School in Science, Society and Culture », Summer School, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, August 27, 2013, https://doi.org/10.58079/o4a

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