HomeTourism in Indonesia
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Published on Monday, September 02, 2013


The beginning of the XXI century is characterized by the development of international tourism practices. This activity, that has deeply changed the relation to time and space in the western world since the XVIII century, is now conquering the expanding countries of Asia. This specific moment of adoption of an activity and its practices, give the opportunity to analyze the various aspects of its growth. Are we observing a phenomenon of transfers, mutations or creations? If the development of tourism inChina and India has been studied for several years, its development in Indonesia still requires an in-depth analysis. How is this new activity appropriated in the fourth most populous country in the world? What are the effects on the Indonesian society, whose distinctiveness comes from the diversity of its people, cultures, and religions, throughout its 17,000 islands, from Sumatra to Papua?



The beginning of the XXI century is characterized by the development of international tourism practices that constitute the “third touristic revolution” (MIT, 2011). This activity, that has deeply changed the relation to time and space in the western world since the XVIII century, is now conquering the expanding countries of Asia, such as China, India, or Indonesia. This specific moment of adoption of an activity and its practices, give the opportunity to analyze the various aspects of its growth. Are we observing a phenomenon of transfers, mutations or creations? Does the meeting of western habits and eastern cultural singularities produce new models of practices of tourism, by syncretism?

If the development of tourism in China and India has been studied for several years, its development inIndonesiastill requires an in-depth analysis. How is this new activity appropriated in the fourth most populous country in the world? What are the effects on the Indonesian society, whose distinctiveness comes from the diversity of its people, cultures, and religions, throughout its 17,000 islands, fromSumatrato Papua? Is tourism integrated by the Indonesians in the same way as past outside influences coming from India, China, Arabian countries, Portugal, Germany, etc., and contribute to the richness of their culture, by assimilation?

In order to find out, we first want to make a statement about tourism in Indonesia, setting up a global map of the tourist places, studying the domestic and international destinations. The first objective will be to know if the international tourists, coming from the West and the East, and the Indonesian tourists visit the same places. We also want to analyze their specific motivations, practices, representations, and profiles, according to their geographical origins. Does tourism bring a globalization habits, erasing specificity among nations, or do we observe a resistance of cultural originality to leisure?

The conference also has an objective to analyze the effects of tourism on the local cultures. Does it threaten the identity ofIndonesia, or on the contrary, does it highlight it? We would also like to know if the interest of the foreigners allows for a phenomenon of re-appropriation of its heritage by the local population, like inEurope. We will examine if tourism enables the revitalization of local cultures, by helping new creations through the meeting of external influences, by syncretism. What are the relationships between tourism and the Indonesian culture, in a country where heritage is not assimilated to a sanctuary (like in the Western world), but embedded in daily life? Do the local communities find a balance between sharing and protecting their privacy?

Lastly, we intend to analyze the effect of tourism as an agent of sustainable development. We want to understand its economic impact, as well as its social effects, onIndonesia. We are interested in knowing how extra income is redistributed to the local population and whether it affects, or on the contrary, strengthens the traditional organizations of the communities? The objective of the conference will also be to study the role of the public and private actors on tourism development. How does tourism become a part of theIndonesia’s economy, and how does it affect the balance with more traditional activities, especially agriculture? We will also address the issue of its impacts on environment. How can tourism be used to as an agent of protection and revitalization of nature, instead of a destructive one? The aim is to identify if the international concepts of sustainable tourism and ecotourism are relevant and enacted by the local actors. What is their place in the Indonesian tourism market?

At last, we will also question the importance of education and professionalism for tourism Management inIndonesia. What is the actual situation of tourism education inIndonesia? What are the roles and the social situations of the professionals in tourism industry inIndonesia? Do we observe a net of small enterprises or a domination of big companies? How are they organized? Do we observe more competition or cooperation between them? How do they manage the modernity with the local traditional organizations (villages)? Are the multinational companies still dominating the market, or do the Indonesian enterprises become leaders?

In order to answer all these questions, we will propose four lines of analysis for the conference TOURISM IN INDONESIA  via:

1/ Tourists, practices and tourist destinations inIndonesia (in Universitas Udayana)

  • Practices and profiles of domestic tourists in Indonesia
  • Practices and profiles and international tourists in Indonesia
  • Destinations of domestic tourism in Indonesia
  • Destinations of international tourism in Indonesia
  • Accessibility and role of infrastructure on tourism destination area

2/ Tourism and the assimilation of the local populations: an agent of transformation, revitalization or re-invention of the Indonesian local cultures? (in Universitas Udayana)

  • Tourism and the local culture: between resistance, adaptation, and integration
  • Relationship between tourism and a living heritage: an agent of revitalization of a culture threatened by the modernity brought about by globalization?
  • Tourism or a process between sharing and protecting one’s identity: the capacity of choice for the local populations
  • Tourism, as an actor of re-invention of the culture, by syncretism: between tradition and modernity

3/ Tourism, An Agent of sustainable development inIndonesia (in Universitas Udayana)

  • Tourism and its economic impact inIndonesia: on income
  • Tourism and its social effects inIndonesia: the redistribution of income to the population and its consequences on the traditional balances between the communities
  • Tourism and its environmental impacts inIndonesia: a threat on nature or a chance for education about and protection of environment?
  • The role of private companies and public actors (government, local government) in sustainable tourism development inIndonesia

4/ Tourism, Education, and Professional (in Bali State Polytechnic)

  • Stakes and problems of Education about tourism inIndonesia: levels of education in tourism; development of education in Tourism in the whole country; access to education of tourism all class of students;
  • How education can be an agent of sustainable development? Stakes of the education program; sensibility to sustainable development into the Tourism Management programs.
  • Health issues and their professional solutions in the context of tourism development
  • Crime and security impacts on tourism business
  • Professionals and Spiritual tourism in modernBali
  • Tourism enclave: its problems and solution according for the professionals
  • Foreign languages among professionals of tourism inBali: problem of Education and solution
  • Management information system in tourism industries
  • Role of building services engineering for increasing services in tourism sector
  • Organization of the market: domination of international or Indonesian companies?
  • Organization, relations of cooperation, or competition, between the professionals of tourism;
  • Management between the modernity of the market and the traditional local organization (village, family).

Organization of the conference

The proposals must be written in English and must be sent in Word or RTF document, to the following address: sylvine.chevalier@univ-angers.fr

The proposals should comprise:

  • The name of the author(s), his/her/their professional situation; his/her/their institution, University or company;
  • The title of the proposal;
  • Five key words;
  • An abstract of maximum 500 words, presenting the problematic and the stakes of the communication, the methodology and the results expected

All submissions must be received no later than 1st of October 2013;

the decision of the Scientific Committee will be sent to the contributors by 15th November 2013.

Registration Fees

2 days of conference in Universitas Udayana :

  • 200 euros
  • 100 euros for Indonesian
  • 50 euros for students

2 days of conference in Bali State Polytechnic :

  • 200 euros
  • 100 euros for Indonesian
  • 50 euros for students

Possibility to get registered to both events

Registration starting the 15th of October 2013 on the site of ITBS, University of Angers

Scientific committee

Coordinator : Pickel Chevalier Sylvine, Associate Professor, Geographer, ITBS, University of Angers (France)

  • Ardika, I Wayan, Full Professor, Heritage, Universitas Udayana (Indonesia)
  • Bendesa Dr I Komang Gde, Full Professor, Economy, Universitas Udayana (Indonesia)
  • Budarma I Ketut, PhD Candidate, ITBS, Université d’Angers, lecturer at Polytechnique Bali (Indonesia)
  • Darma Putra, I Nyoman, Full Professor, Heritage and Communication, Universitas Udayana (Indonesia)
  • Dubois Dominique, Full Professor, Faculty of Languages, University of Angers (France)
  • Grangé Philippe, Associate Professor, FLASH, University of La Rochelle (France)
  • Greffe Gwenaëlle, Associate Professor, Management, ITBS, University of Angers (France)
  • Madiun I Nyoman Marketing, School of Tourism of Bali (Indonesia)
  • Mahendra Sudiana I Made Full Professor, Environement, Universitas Udayana (Indonesia)
  • Mondou Véronique, Associate Professor, Geographer, ITBS, University of Angers (France)
  • Mudana I Gede, Doctor in Cultural Studies, Bali State Polytechnic (Indonesia)
  • Parantika Asep, PhD Candidate, ITBS University of Angers, lecturer at Sahid Institute (Indonesia)
  • Sacareau Isabelle, Full Professor, Geographer, University of Bordeaux III (France)
  • Suamba Ida Bagus Putu Doctor in Philosophy, Bali State Polytechnic (Indonesia)
  • Suamir I Nyoman Doctor in Sustainable Energy, Bali State Polytechnic (Indonesia)
  • Sudiajeng Lilik Doctor in Ergonomics and Work Physiology, Bali State Polytechnic (Indonesia)
  • Taunay Benjamin, Associate Professor, Geographer, ITBS, University of Angers (France)
  • Vacher Luc, Asscociate Professor, Geographer, FLASH, University of La Rochelle (France)
  • Violier Philippe, Full Professor, Geographer, ITBS, University of Angers, director of ITBS (France).


ITBS, University of Angers (France) - Universitas Udayana (Bali, Indonesia) - Bali State Polytechnic (Bali, Indonesia) - Sahid Institute ( Jakarta, Indonesia).

The conference will be organized at Universitas Udayana (Bali, Indonesia) the 25th and 26th of March and in Bali State Polytechnic the 27th and 28th of March 2014 –the two institutions are very close, accessible by walk.

Madame the Ambassador of France Corinne BREUZE, will make us the honor to inaugurate the opening of the conference.


  • Denpasar, Indonesia


  • Tuesday, October 01, 2013


  • Indonésie, tourisme, sociétés, cultures, développement, durable


  • Sylvine Pickel Chevalier
    courriel : sylvine [dot] chevalier [at] univ-angers [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Sylvine Pickel Chevalier
    courriel : sylvine [dot] chevalier [at] univ-angers [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Tourism in Indonesia », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, September 02, 2013, https://doi.org/10.58079/o5d

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