HomeCharlie Chaplin's 100th anniversary
Charlie Chaplin's 100th anniversary
Charlot a cent ans
Published on Tuesday, October 08, 2013
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of Charlie Chaplin’s creation of the “Little Man”, we are organizing an international symposium on Charlot the tramp and its avatars. Charlie Chaplin’s body of work will be at the core of this symposium. We seek to underline the universal dimension of his character and the modernity of this figure and study how it emerges in various forms in the literature, the cinema and the arts of the 20th and 21st centuries.
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of Charlie Chaplin’s creation of the “Little Man”, we are organizing an international symposium on Charlot the tramp and its avatars.
A marginal and burlesque figure at the core of the 20th century History, Charlot the tramp, is a rebellious spirit who escapes norms and bourgeois values. The “Little Man” is the miserable wretch, the shlemiel, the unlucky man of Yiddish literature who plays at the same time, the imps, the street urchins of the American novel, the schnorrer of Jewish literature and the inconsiderate and cheeky type. He is the embodiment of the open-handed trickster.
He is also a Noble Savage who, through a maze of streets, has at the same time, something of the Hugolian vagabond and of the wanderer of German literature, capable of delicate gestures and deep thoughts. A poet and a dandy in his own time, he is also the rebel, the crook and the smooth talker. A synthesis of literary archetypes from a popular and romantic tradition, Charlot the tramp is, above all, a film figure. Under the mask of the defeated clown acting to the tune of Chaplin’s music, Charlie is at the crossroads of the music hall, the circus, the comedia dell'arte, the Punch and Judy shows and represents one of the first figures to celebrate the power of cinema to bring the arts together. Half way between myth and icon with his posturings and his odd outfit, Charlot the tramp offers a colourful figure who, like Bartleby, says 'no' with a smile. A way to oppose to the gravity of the world and of History, the lightness of dream and reverie.
Charlie Chaplin’s body of work will be at the core of this symposium. We seek to underline the universal dimension of his character and the modernity of this figure and study how it emerges in various forms in the literature, the cinema and the arts of the 20th and 21st centuries.
How does this figure symbolize Man, his vulnerability, his resilience and his creativeness? How can we explain that this icon of the modern man still speaks to us today ?
Submission guidelines
Please send a 500 word abstract, a short bio and your contact information by October 31, 2013 to morgane.jourdren@univ-angers.fr
Scientific committee
- Gilles Menegaldo, Université de Poitiers
- Francis Bordat, Université de Paris X Nanterre
- Sarah Hatchuel, Université du Havre
- Pascale Antolin, Université de Bordeaux 3
- Taïna TUHKUNEN Université d’Angers
- Morgane JOURDREN, Université d’Angers
- Pierre-Marie LOIZEAU, Université d’Angers
- Aurélie GODET, Paris 7
- Jean-Yves PELLEGRIN, Paris-Sorbonne
- Ronan LUDOT-VLASAK, Université du Havre
- Maison des Sciences Humaines et Espace culturel de l'Université d'Angers - 4 Boulevard de Lavoisier
Angers, France (49)
- Thursday, October 31, 2013
- Charlie Chaplin, Charlot, cinéma, arts
- Morgane Jourdren
courriel : morgane [dot] jourdren [at] univ-angers [dot] fr
Information source
- Morgane Jourdren
courriel : morgane [dot] jourdren [at] univ-angers [dot] fr
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Charlie Chaplin's 100th anniversary », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, October 08, 2013, https://doi.org/10.58079/oe1