HomeInternational workshop on computer aided processing of intertextuality in ancient languages
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Published on Monday, June 02, 2014


This workshop was initiated as the conclusive meeting of the project Biblindex, funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), which aims at establishing an exhaustive statement of the biblical references found in the texts of the Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. At this meeting will be gathered computer scientists and digital humanists, specialists of corpora written in ancient languages. The planned sessions aim to present the state of art regarding concepts and technics used to process quotations in ancient languages. A lot of projects work nowadays on various corpora, asking similar questions about text-reuse. Comparing experiments, we hope to clear perspectives to mutualize developments and methodological choices, in order to build a federative project at the European scale in the coming years.


Coorganized by HiSoMA (UMR 5189, Lyon), LIRIS (UMR 5205, Villeurbanne) and by the Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (e-TRAP), with the support of the National Research Agency (ANR Biblindex) and the Partner University Fund (PUF).


This workshop was initiated as the conclusive meeting of the project Biblindex, funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), which aims at establishing an exhaustive statement of the biblical references found in the texts of the Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. At this meeting will be gathered computer scientists and digital humanists, specialists of corpora written in ancient languages. The planned sessions aim to present the state of art regarding concepts and technics used to process quotations in ancient languages. A lot of projects work nowadays on various corpora, asking similar questions about text-reuse. Comparing experiments, we hope to clear perspectives to mutualize developments and methodological choices, in order to build a federative project at the European scale in the coming years.

The first session will be devoted to mutual project presentations. Afterwards, the various stages of quotation processing will be discussed in four workshops. The first two of them will tackle the preparation of sources and the automatic retrieval of concording text places: interests and complementarities of statistical and linguistic approaches will be compared. The next two will focus on the conceptual definitions, the modelling of the unstable idea of “quotation” and the XML-TEI encoding to implement for its characterization, in close interdependence with visualization choices.

Organizers : Marco Büchler (GCDH), Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond (LIRIS), Laurence Mellerin (HiSoMA)

Registration needed: laurence.mellerin@mom.fr

Bâtiment Blaise PASCAL, INSA, Campus de la Doua, Villeurbanne (France).See http://liris.cnrs.fr/acces/localisation-INSA-2.htm.Monday morning: room 501.337.The other sessions will take place in room 501.301, on the 3rd floor.

Provisional program

Monday, 2nd June

Session 1: projects overview

This session aims to inform the participants about some bigger projects being available. Presentations of the projects give an overview to the research questions, used data, and project objectives.

9:00 Welcome

  • 9:15 The Biblindex project, index of biblical re-uses in the Early Christian Literature (Laurence Mellerin, HiSoMA, Lyon)
  • 9:45 Vetus Latina Iohannes and COMPAUL (Catherine Smith, Rosalind MacLachlan, ITSEE, Birmingham)
  • 10:15 The Digital Processing of Patristic Citations for the Editio Critica Maior (ECM) of Acts (Volker Krüger, Gunnar Büsch, INTF, Münster)

10:45 Break

13:00 Lunch

Session 2.  Natural Language Processing Methods for Retrieving Texts and Computing Text Similarities

With the emerging amount of available digital data, there is a need for more automatic methods. Those computational methods are often derived from sequence alignment of bioinformatics. The benefit of those methods is to process Big Data. However, they lack of the cognitive ability of humans. This session introduces into related work for NLP methods being relevant for Big Data.

  • 14:30 Introduction: overview of the possible methodologies used in text retrieval (Marco Büchler, GCDH)
  • 14:45 Methodology used in Biblindex (Samuel Gesche, LIRIS)
  • 15:15 QuotationFinder – Searching for Quotations and Allusions in Greek and Latin Texts (Luc Herren, London)
  • 15:45 Modeling the Scholars: Detecting Intertextuality through Enhanced Word-Level N-Gram Matching in The Tesserae Project, Intertextual Analysis of Latin Poetry (Neil Coffee, University Buffalo)

16:15 Break

16:30 Round-table discussion: Methodological discussion about statistical approaches

18:00 end

Tuesday, 3rd June

Session 3: Linguistic approaches / language specificities

This section aims to introduce relevant linguistic approaches depending on languages themselves.

9:00 Introduction

  • 9:15 SHEBANQ and related projects: Exploring New Directions in the Computational Analysis of Syriac Texts  (Wido van Peursen, VU Amsterdam, Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer (ETCBC)
  • 9:45 GREgORI: Softwares, linguistic data and corpus for Ancient GREek and ORIental languages (Tamara Pataridze; Emmanuel Van Elverdinghe, Université catholique de Louvain - CIOL (Centre d'études orientales, Institut orientaliste de Louvain)
  • 10:15 Utilisation de la plateforme d’élévation de données DataLift dans un cadre linguistique, application à l’arménien classique. (Gabriel Kepeklian, ATOS Origin)

10:45 Break

  • 11:00 The Text Alignment Protocol, a Proposed Data Model for Interchangeable Bitexts (Joel Kalvesmaki, Dumbarton Oaks)

11:20 Round-table discussion: the relationship between the concept of language and linguistic approaches

12:30 Lunch

Session 4: Towards a Digital Ecosystem for Text Re-use and its Applications

Detection of text re-use or intertextuality is about the mechanisms behind. The preservation of those links between two text passages for scholarly work is the objective of this session.

14:00: Introduction

  • 14:10 Meaning of “cit” and “quote” tags in the TEI. Quotation and text reuse (Emmanuelle Morlock , HiSoMA , Lyon)
  • 14:30 Using CTS for hierarchical annotations : Chris Blackwell, Neel Smith (Holy Cross College and Furman University). Skype session.
  • 15:00 Declaring Quotations through Canonical Reference Numbers in the Text Alignment Protocol (Joel Kalvesmaki, Dumbarton Oaks)
  • 15:30 La citation visuelle (Michèle Brunet, HiSoMA, Lyon).

16:00 Break

  • 16:15 Methodology for LOFTS fragments: the DFHG Project and the Digital Marmor Parium project (Monica Berti, University of Leipzig)

16:45 Round-table discussion: Is a common methodology possible?

Wednesday, 4th June

Session 5 : Managing inaccurate quotations

  • 9:00 Introduction. Definitions of the unstable notion of quotation. Brief survey on the quotation in the Antiquity (Smaranda Badilita, HiSoMA, Lyon)
  • 9:15 Taking into account intentionality, implicit, context; the expression mechanisms of conjectural, uncertainty and doubt in the TEI guidelines (Emmanuelle Morlock, HiSoMA, Lyon)
  • 9:30 From the misquotation to paraphrase: the typology used in Biblindex (Laurence Mellerin, HiSoMA, Lyon)
  • 9:45 Encoding (inter)textual insertions in latin "grammatical commentary" (Bruno Bureau, Christian Nicolas, Ariane Pinche, HiSoMA, Lyon)
  • 10:05 La tradición literaria griega en los ss. III-IV d.C. gramáticos, rétores y sofistas como fuentes de la literatura greco-latina (Lucía Rodríguez-Noriega Guillén, University of Oviedo)
  • 10:25 Dealing with all kinds of quotations (and their parallels) in a closed corpus: The methodology of the project “The literary tradition in the third and fourth centuries AD: Grammarians, rhetoricians and sophists as sources of Graeco-Roman literature” (Lucía Rodríguez-Noriega Guillén, University of Oviedo)

10:50 Break

  • 11:10 Text re-use and narrative context: digital narratology? (Lavinia Galli Milic, Damien Nelis, Department of Classics, University of Geneva)
  • 11:30 Inaccurate citations as a source for the ECM of Acts - Misquotations or lost manuscript text? (Gunnar Büsch, INTF)
  • 11:50 QuotationFinder – Establishing the Degree to Which a Quotation or Allusion Matches Its Source (Luc Herren, London)
  • 12:10 Methodology used in LOFTS: the Digital Athenaeus Project (Monica Berti, University of Leipzig)

12:30 Lunch

Wednesday afternoon

14:00 Proposal for encoding literal and explicit biblical quotes, to be published on the TEI wiki (Emmanuelle Morlock)

14:30 Round-table Discussion : modelling a network of quotations

Conclusions, opportunities for collaboration

  • 15:30 Possible EU projects (H2020, 2. S6, COST, Culture Creative Europe) : Emilie Sablon (Lyon Ingéniérie Projet)

16:30 Conclusions

17:30 End of the meeting


  • Bâtiment Blaise PASCAL - INSA, Campus de la Doua
    Villeurbanne, France (69621)


  • Monday, June 02, 2014
  • Tuesday, June 03, 2014
  • Wednesday, June 04, 2014


  • digital humanities, intertextuality, intertextualité, Biblindex, citations, text reuse, Bible, patristique


  • Laurence Mellerin
    courriel : laurence [dot] mellerin [at] mom [dot] fr

Information source

  • Laurence Mellerin
    courriel : laurence [dot] mellerin [at] mom [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« International workshop on computer aided processing of intertextuality in ancient languages », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Monday, June 02, 2014, https://doi.org/10.58079/q5z

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