Published on Friday, July 04, 2014
Nul doute que l’enseignement et l’apprentissage de la langue étrangère a connu un grand bouleversement ces dernières décennies avec l’apparition des nouvelles technologies d’information et de communication en général (TIC) et ceux destinés à l’éducation en particulier (TICE). Les apprenants d’aujourd’hui ne sont pas ceux d’hier, nous sommes face à une génération initiée totalement à la technologie. Nos jeunes passent la majorité de leur temps en face de l’ordinateur usant de l’internet avec les réseaux sociaux, les forums, les portables, tablettes et autres moyens technologiques. Ce colloque se veut un terrain de réflexions autour de l’apport réel de ces TICE dans l’enseignement/apprentissage des langues étrangères dans les écoles, collèges, lycées et universités, leurs impacts sur les résultats, les attitudes, les motivations des enseignants et apprenants, etc.
No doubt the teaching and learning of foreign languages has undergone a great upheaval in recent decades with the advent of new Information and Communication Technologies in general (ICT) and those for education in particular. Learners today are not the same as those of yesterday. Today’s learners are totally immersed in technology. They spend significant periods of time in front of the computer wearing the internet with, forums, laptops, tablets and other technological means social networks.
Using the old teaching methods will only strengthen the already existing gap between the learners and teachers, and this especially true with foreign languages. Thus, employing these new technologies in teaching is inevitable for effective results in today's digital world.
This symposium is intended as a field of reflections on the real contribution of the ICT in the learning and teaching of foreign languages at schools, colleges and universities. Their impact on the results, attitudes, motivations and teachers students etc.
- Researchers, teacher-researchers, PhD students and young practitioners are invited to present their research are invited, on the following questions: Is it true that the LTFL contributes to the motivations of foreign language students?
- Does it make the task of the teacher easier to handle?
- Does it make learning foreign languages more interesting?
- How might LTFL be used in foreign language classes? What specific teaching practices might be adopted?
- What professional training and skills are required of foreign language teachers if they are to successfully integrate technologically-enhanced methodologies and technologically-produced resources into the classroom?
- What is the cost in financial and human resources of integrating technological innovations into translation and interpretation and into the foreign language classroom?
- What financial and human resources should we make available to our policy of integration of ICT in the teaching of foreign languages means?
- How to use the tools of interpretation and translation in the learning and teaching of foreign languages?
Please submit 500 word abstract (10 references max) in pdf format indicating the desired response format. Please state name, status and affiliation, contact email address in the message.
Conference languages
French, English and Arabic
1- Key Lecture of 40 minutes followed by 10 minutes of questions.
2- Short papers of 20 followed by 30 questions.
3- Presentations of experiments of 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of discussion.
Important Dates
- Deadline for submission of paper proposals :
Proposals will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee according to their relevance
and scientific quality.
- Notification of acceptance or rejection: 15/11/2014
The organizing committee
Member of the Organizing Committee
Committee Chair: Ms. Saliha Lardjane Salawdeh, teacher and coordinator of French at the University Al-Quds, PhD student at the University of Nantes France ,
Dr. Omar Najjar: Teacher of Translation / Interpreting, English in the Department of English Literature ,
Dr. Hassan Hamad: Teacher of English in the Department of English Literature,
Al-Quds University
The Scientific Committee
- Dr. Abdelhadi Bellachheb : Dr HDR at the University of Lilles – France
- Dr Abdeljalil Elidrissi : Professor. Dr. University Ibn Zohr (Agadir, Morocco)
- Dr. Aziz Khalil: Professor, Chair of Arts and Sciences Department of Palestine Ahliya University College
- Dr Benjeddi Touhami : National inspector- Morocco
- Dr Christiane Blaser : Professor Emeritus- University of Sherbrooke –Canada
- Dr. Jean- Francois Bourdet- University of le Maine - France
- Dr HADJOUI Ghouti- Abu Bekr Belkaid University - Tlemcen.Algeria
- Dr Ibrahim Melouki : Dr at the University of Hebron Palestine
- Dr Luc Massou, University of Lorraine, France
- Dr. MANAA Gaouawe : Professor Emeritus - University Hadj Lakhdar - Batna . Algeria
- Professor Marcel Lebrun- Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) , Belgium
- Dr. Mohamad Thawabteh, Al-Qud Universitys - Palestine.
- Olga - Galatanu : Professor Emeritus . University of Nantes, France
- Dr. Omar Abu Homos, Al-Quds University - Palestine
- Dr. Omar Najjar: al-Quds University- Palestine.
- Dr. Pascal Marquet : Strasbourg University Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences – Director of LISEC Alsace EA 2310 - France
- Mr. Richard Cullen: Head of Department at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
- Saliha Lardjane Salawdeh : coordinator of French at the University Al-Quds
- Mr. Tony Mahon: Senior Lecturer at the Department of Primary Education of Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
- Université Al-Quds-Campus Abu-Dis
Jérusalem-Est, Palestine
- Friday, August 15, 2014
Attached files
- langue étrangère, technologies d’information, TIC, TICE, éducation, communication
- Saliha Salawdeh Lardjane
courriel : ssalawda2012 [at] hotmail [dot] com
Reference Urls
Information source
- Saliha Salawdeh Lardjane
courriel : ssalawda2012 [at] hotmail [dot] com
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Enseignement et apprentissage des langues étrangères à l’ère du numérique », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, July 04, 2014,