HomeA fair energy transition : a challenge for Europe

A fair energy transition : a challenge for Europe

Quelle justice sociale à l'heure de la transition énergétique ?

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Published on Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Prepared with civil society organizations and scientists for over a year, this conference aims to bring together gather various key energy transition actors : interest groups, trade unions, researchers, business representatives and policy-makers. Our goal is to feed the debate on social justice issues implied in the energy transition and to identify possible economic and institutional reforms.



« Energy transition »:this concept hasrecently acquired massive attention in Europe (e.g The Energiewende in Germany, the National Debate on Energy Transition in France...) and elsewhere, asthe properresponse to the challenges of global warming and the depletion of natural resources. Notwithstanding the apparent consensus on the urgency of an energy transition, in the face ofsurging unemployment and rising debts, immediate action is postponed by the temporary alternative of shale oil and gas; by perceived lack of knowledge about climate change risks and by the ongoing debate on the sustainability of nuclear power as a viable alternative. In a context of economic and financial crisis, governments are hesitant in adding to the burden of already disadvantaged households and businesses. This is true for “developed” and “emerging” countries alike, that fear this will slow down their development. Yet, inaction will not prevent social inequalities from increasing as the growing fuel precariousness in Europe and as marginalized groups’ claims for access to their own natural resources prove. The context of an ecological crisis against which the energy transition debate is set, questions our principles of social justice. On the one hand, energy issues highlight existing inequalities within countries(in terms of mobility, housing ...) but also between countries – some are consuming at the expense of others who will suffer the consequences – and among current and future generations. On the other hand, public policies conceived in orderto finance, manage orreduce energy demand have social effects which, if not closely monitored risk to aggravate existent inequalities or to create additional sources of deprivation. This conference isthus built on the conviction that energy transition, in orderto be feasible and sustainable,requires an understanding ofthe underlying social justice issues. The challenge is to go beyond current discussions on technical aspects and to focus on the social justice issues involved in the energy transition.

September 10, 2014

2 pm

Welcome and introduction

2:30 pm - 3:45 pm

Plenary session A : Energy, a Century of History. Historical perspective : energy at the core of the industrial revolution, which assessments could be made? What are the new perspectives? What scenarios energy transition can be drawn for Europe? Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Professor of energy economics at the Vienna University of Technology, member of the IPCC

3:45 pm - 4:15 pm


4 pm - 6:30 pm

Plenary session B : Fuel Poverty : a Road to precariousness. The energy transition raises social issues. «Fuel poverty» is skyrocketing in Europe, what is behind this term? Is it distinct from poverty? What vulnerabilites can be assessed in energy producing countries?

  • Video broadcast from the Secours Catholique (Caritas - France).
  • Pablo Solon, Executive director of Focus on the Global South
  • Anousheh Karvar, inspector at IGAS, former National Secretary CFDT
  • Fabien Tocqué, French Red Cross Association Magdala
  • Conclusion from Sylvain Lavelle on behalf of the scientific comittee : how does the energy transition question social justice principles?

7 pm - 8 pm


September 11, 2014. Morning session : Energy increases inequalities

9 am - 11 am

  • Workshop 1 : Household Energy Bills and Market Fundamentalism. Vincent Renard, Economist Iddri/Sciences Po. Bertrand Lapostolet, Project manager at Fondation Abbé Pierre; Jacques Llados, member of the Club de l’Amélioration de l’Habitat; Guillaume Christen, Sociologist, University of Strasbourg. Facilitator : Eric Lagandré, French National Housing Agency
  • Workshop 2 : Ensuring Mobility for All. Jean-Pierre Orfeuil, Professorof urban planning at Paris Urban Development Planning Institute; Bénédicte Tilloy, Transilien; Sandrine De-boras, Responsible for innovation at Transdev; Audrey Berry, PhD student in economy at Cired. Facilitator : Bertrand Hériard Dubreuil, Director of CERAS
  • Workshop 3 :Feeding or Fueling the World? Michel Petit, CIHEA, member of the International Food and Agricultural Trade Policy Council ; Geneviève Savigny, Representant of Via campesina; Almuth Ernsting, Co-director of Biofuelwatch. Facilitator : Michel Griffon, President of the AIE

11 am - 11:30 am


11:30 am - 1pm

Plenary session C : The Consumer Society at Stake. The energy transition challenges western society’s way of life that isinextricably linked to low-cost and abundant energy. Consumption is also a way of distinction and the expression of a social status. How can we imagine a “low-carbon” society? Which way(s) of life and socio-economic models are to be invented in respect for the present and future generations?

  • Dominique Méda, Professor of Sociology, Paris-Dauphine University
  • Matthieu Calame, Director of La Fondation Pour le Progrès de l’Homme
  • Daniel Maciel, Magdala
  • Bénédicte Madelin, Former executive director of profession banlieue
  • Facilitator : Philippe Frémeaux, Editorialist at Alternatives Economiques, President of the Veblen Institute

1 pm - 2 pm


11 September, 2014. Afeternoon : Why policies should not forget social justice

2 pm - 4 pm

  • Workshop 4 : Activities and Jobs in Transition. Anabella Rosemberg, International Trade Union Confederation ; Philippe Quirion, Director of research in Economy, at CIRED ; Christophe Rynikiewiecz, visiting fellow Sussex Energy Group. Facilitator : Thibault De Jaegher, managing éditor at L’Usine Nouvelle
  • Workshop 5 : Fiscal Reforms as a Key Policy for a Fair Energy Transition. Susanne Ackerfeldt, Counsellor at the ministry of finance, Sweden ; Aldo Ravazzi Douvan, Counsellor at the ministry of environement, Italy ; Guillaume Sainteny, Lecturer at l’Ecole Polytechnique ; Cédric Rio, Doctor in philosophy, University of Poitiers. Facilitator : Bernard Perret, Ministry of Ecology Sustainable Development and Energy, France
  • Workshop 6 : Energy Mix : Technologies and Unstable Regulatory Systems. Dominique Finon, Director of Research in Economy, CIRED ; Gilles Vermot Desroches, Senior Vice President Sustainability, Schneider Electric ; Andreas Wieg, German cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation ; Teva Meyer, PhD student at the French Institute of Geopolitics. Facilitator : Jean-Charles Hourcade, Director of Research CNRS, EHESS

4 pm - 4:30 pm


4:30 pm - 6 pm

Plenary session D : Energy Transition, a Challenge for Democracy. The energy transition challenges public organization,the way we manage and distribute resources. What are the processto debate on energy transition’s controversies? How may it invite us to rethink collective action and the common good through?

  • Graham Smith, Professor of Politics, University of Westminster;
  • Patrice Le Roué, CFTC Representative, Catherine Larrieu, Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy,
  • Nicolas Benvegnu, Researcher in Sociology, Sciences Po Paris.
  • Facilitator : Jade Lindgaard, Journalist at Mediapart

12 September, 2014. Morning session : a brand new deal

9 am - 11 am

  • Workshop 7 : Financing the Energy Transition : a Big Deal. Gaël Giraud, Director of research in Economy CNRS, Paris School of Economics. Pierre Ducret, CEO of Caisse des dépôts et Consignations Group; Jakob Mueller, Executive Director GSL Bank. Facilitator : Jean Merckart, Editor-in-Chief Revue Projet
  • Workshop 8 : Ensuring Fair Access to Energy for All. José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga Professor of Economics, University Pontificia Comillas ; Rachel Guyet, Researcher at CERI-Sciences Po; Catalina Duque Gomez, PhD student in urban planning at LATTS ; Michel Astruc, mediator at GDFSUEZ. Facilitator : Sandrine Mathy, Researcher in Economy CNRS, (PACTE-EDDEN)
  • Workshop 9 : European Interdependencies. Christian Egenhofer, Researcher at the Center for European policy Studies;  Dominique Maillard, CEO of RTE ; Claire Roumet, Deputy Executive, Director of Energicities ; Luminita-Anda Mandache, PhD student in sociology, University of Arizona. Facilitator : Jean-Charles Hourcade, Director of Research in CNRS, CIRED.

11 am - 11:30 am


11:30 am - 1 pm

Plenary session E : Social justice and Energy Transition on the Eve of the COP21 in Paris (2015) What should be the role of Europe to integrate social justice into energy transition debates worldwide? How can EU particularities accelerate or slow down a fair energy transition at the supranational level? How can we avoid inaction resulting from consensual approach at the international level?

  • Youba Sokona, Special Adviser on sustainable developement GlobalSouth Center
  • Cécile Renouard, Director of Research ESSEC Business School
  • Pablo Solon, Executive Director of Focus on the Global South
  • Pascal Canfin, former French Minister of Development
  • Facilitator : Jean Hugé, Research Manager at the University of Antwerp

September 12, 2014. Afternoon session : towards a new model ? 

1 pm - 2 pm


2 pm - 4 pm

Plenary session F : Closing session : Energy Transition and Social Justice : the Way Forward

  • Michel Griffon, President of the Association Internationale pour une Agriculture Ecologiquement Intensive
  • Bernard Perret, French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy
  • Jacques Haers, Professor of Theology at the Catholic University of Leuven and Academic director of the University Centre Saint-Ignatius Antwerp

4 pm - 4:30 pm

Conclusion by Marc Rotsaert, President of Scribani.


Inscriptions online on the website CERAS

Fees all included (3days):

  • Professional : 500€
  • Individual : 30€
  • Student/unemployed :10€

Fees include conference proceedings, materials, refreshments and snacks.

For online payment, you will be directed to Paypal’s secure website.

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4, rue de la croix Faron

93217 La Plaine St Denis

The organiser

Ceras (Research and Social Action Center) is organising thisinternational conference as member of the European Jesuit Network Scribani.Cerasis a non-profit centerfor academic and cross-disciplinary reflection on societal issues, created in 1903 by the Jesuits.Its main mission isto promote and develop reflection on political, social and economic issues with special emphasis on social justice. Ceras supports social NGOs by offering training and by voicing their concerns in the public arena. The center is the editor of the journal Revue Projet conceived to inform the general public on pertinent global issues informed by concerns aboutinequality, ecology, democracy, economic and social equity in France, Europe and elsewhere.It offers an accessible forum for exchange of ideas and viewpoints, based on expert analysis.

Scientific Committee

  • Jean-Pierre Bompard -Vice-president Humanité et Biodiversité
  • Renaud Crassous – Researcher in economy at EDF
  • Gaël Giraud - Director of Research in economy at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and a member of the Paris School of Economy and the LabEx REFI.
  • Pierre-Noël Giraud - Professor of Economy at les MINES ParisTech
  • Michel Griffon-President of AEI (Association internationale pour une agriculture écologiquement intensive)
  • Bertrand Hériard - Director of Ceras
  • Jean-Charles Hourcade - Director of Research in economy at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS).
  • Eric lagandré -Project manager at the Agence Nationale de l’Habitat (Anah)
  • Aurore lalucq - Co-director of the Veblen Institute
  • Hervé Le Treut - Director of research at the CNRS
  • Sandrine Mathy- Researcher in economy at Centre National de la Recherche
  • Scientifique (PACTE-EDDEN)
  • Jean Merckaert - Editor-in-chief Revue Projet
  • Bernard Perret - Project manager at the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy
  • Sylvain Lavelle -Director of the Center for Ethics, Technologies and Society at the ICAM School for Engineering
  • Jean Hugé -Research manager at the Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development at the University of Antwerp


  • Centre Sèvres - 35 bis rue de Sèvres
    Paris, France (75006)


  • Wednesday, September 10, 2014
  • Thursday, September 11, 2014
  • Friday, September 12, 2014


  • transition énergétique, justice sociale, environnement, inégalité, énergies renouvelables, ressources


  • Marie Drique
    courriel : cdr [at] cfsi [dot] asso [dot] fr

Information source

  • Marie Drique
    courriel : cdr [at] cfsi [dot] asso [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« A fair energy transition : a challenge for Europe », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, July 15, 2014, https://doi.org/10.58079/qgg

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