HomeCrossing Borders: Transregional Reformations

HomeCrossing Borders: Transregional Reformations

Crossing Borders: Transregional Reformations

Fifth RefoRC Conference 2015 Leuven

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Published on Monday, August 25, 2014


The Fifth Reformation Research Consortium (RefoRC) Conference will be held May 7-9, 2015 and will hosted by the KU Leuvenin Leuven (BE). This edition of the annual conference will explore transregional dimensions of the Catholic and Protestant Reformations in the early modern period. The theme of the plenary papers is Crossing Borders: Transregional Reformations.



In recent decades, the field of transnational/transregional history has yielded novel insights: the constant movement of persons, goods, ideas, books and images across boundaries induced a transfer of culture and knowledge shaping the early modern world much more profoundly than previously thought. Although alert to the universal aspect of religion, theologians and (church) historians are only starting to apply this methodology to the study of religious reform in the sixteenth century.


The conference aims to emphasize the shift in the field of Reformation Studies to a cross-border and multi-confessional approach: How were religious exile, confessional identity and transregional transfers connected? What were the routes and networks of religious reform, along and across borders? How did the printing press support transregional exchange? In what ways did global, transregional and local dimensions of religious reform interact?


General communication of the conference is in English, but also papers in French and German will be welcomed. Presenters who prefer to give their paper in French or German, are invited to provide the audience with an English summary of about 150-200 words.

Short Papers and General Attendance

The conference is open to individual short paper presentations (20 minutes presentation, 10 minutes discussion) and to thematic sessions of two or three short papers. It is also possible to attend the conference without presenting a paper. While we encourage papers on the conference theme, papers can focus on all disciplines related to the 16th century reformations, such as arts, philosophy, law, history, theology etc., independent of the theme of the plenary papers.

Short Paper Submission and Registration

Short paper proposals and registrations can be submitted online via the registration form. Short paper proposals are welcome

before February 15, 2015.

The registration will be closed on May 6, 2015. Your registration will become effective on receipt of your payment. More information can be found on the conference website.

Scientific committee

  • Anne Eusterschulte, Freie Universität Berlin
  • Volker Leppin, Tübingen
  • Alberto Melloni, FSCIRE, Bologna
  • Peter Opitz, Universität Zürich
  • Violet Soen, KU Leuven
  • Tarald Rasmussen, Universität Oslo
  • Herman Selderhuis, Theologische Fakulteit Apeldoorn
  • Piotr Wilcek, University of Warsaw,


  • Leuven, Belgium (3000)


  • Sunday, February 15, 2015

Attached files


  • early modern period, transregional history, religious reform, reformation studies, religious exile, confessional identity


  • Violet Soen
    courriel : violet [dot] soen [at] kuleuven [dot] be
  • Wim François
    courriel : RefoRC2015 [at] theo [dot] kuleuven [dot] be

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Els Agten
    courriel : RefoRC2015 [at] theo [dot] kuleuven [dot] be


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To cite this announcement

« Crossing Borders: Transregional Reformations », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, August 25, 2014, https://doi.org/10.58079/qlu

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