HomeArchitecture and liturgy: design autonomy and standards

HomeArchitecture and liturgy: design autonomy and standards

Architecture and liturgy: design autonomy and standards

Architettura e liturgia: autonomia e norma nel progetto

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Published on Tuesday, July 29, 2014


The second International Seminar offers a new stage of critical reflection on the relationship between the liturgical and ecclesiastical guidelines offered by the Second Vatican Council and church architecture, and propose a reflection on what the terms of dialogue and the interdependence between architecture and liturgy are. The dogmatic constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium is a fundamentally important document in the Church's struggle for renewal with immediate and obvious repercussions on the architectural questions concerning the construction and organization of the celebratory space. Therefore, this Seminar is intended as an occasion to compare and propose various ways of seeing and experiencing the relationship between autonomy and the standard applied to the architectural design, in reference to conciliar liturgical instances.



The second International Seminar offers a new stage of critical reflection on the relationship between the liturgical and ecclesiastical guidelines offered by the Second Vatican Council and church architecture, and propose a reflection on what the terms of dialogue and the interdependence between architecture and liturgy are. The dogmatic constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium is a fundamentally important document in the Church's struggle for renewal with immediate and obvious repercussions on the architectural questions concerning the construction and organization of the celebratory space. Therefore, this Seminar is intended as an occasion to compare and propose various ways of seeing and experiencing the relationship between autonomy and the standard applied to the architectural design, in reference to conciliar liturgical instances.

Main themes

The works of the International Seminar will be organized around the following subject areas, which the reports presented in response to the call for papers should explicitly address.

1 – Interdependence/Independence in the relationship between liturgy and architecture

2 – Autonomy and standards from the commissioner's point of view

3 – Permanence and impermanence

4 – Autonomy and standards in architecture

Scholars and researchers of liturgy, architectural history, history of Christianity, and religious disciplines, architectural and urban design, theological, philosophical disciplines and humanities related to architectural studies and catholic liturgy, are invited to present contributions to the Seminar.

Preference will be given to those contributions that consider the issues proposed in light of a variety of sources and accounts, favouring specific post-conciliar case studies that present documented and established structures.

Preference will be given to those papers that present the results of innovative research concerning documented case studies (dissertations, doctoral theses, targeted researches, designs of national or EU interest, European competitive tenders), with a disciplinary or multidisciplinary angle.

Submission guidelines

Contributions in English or Italian will be accepted. Presentation by the

29th of September 2014

of an abstract of the report with a maximum of 2000 characters (spaces included), together with a brief Curriculum Vitae of 1 A4 page maximum [academic position or institutional research framework, main publications and research on the subject, main designs, which may be accompanied by elaborate graphics or images]. Please specify the subject area for which you want to submit the contribution. The abstracts will be assessed by the scientific committee of the Observatory, based on the following criteria: originality of the research, innovativeness of the method used compared with scientifically established literature, relevance of the case study within the context of international critical debate, clarity in identifying sources and hermeneutic criteria adopted, applicability of the method to other case studies.

The reports accepted at the convention and those reserved for publication will be announced by the 31st of October 2014.

The speakers invited to present reports at the Seminar will be accommodated at the Foundation and will be responsible for their own travel expenses.

The full text of the reports with images free of copyright and the Power Point presentation (maximum 10 slides), together with a CV of maximum 500 characters (spaces included), must be presented by the 23rd of February 2015. The reports must be no longer that 8000 characters (spaces included) and be written in English or Italian. The report may be reviewed and supplemented by bibliographical and critical notes for the publication of the seminar proceedings. A maximum of 12 reports 15 minutes long will be accepted.

Request for more information and submission of the material required to attend the seminar should be sent to:

Study Centre for Religious Architecture and the City - The Cardinal Giacomo Lercaro Foundation

Via Riva di Reno 57, 40122 Bologna

Tel. 051-6566287

Email: osservatorio.centrostudi@fondazionelercaro.it


It is possible to attend the convention as a listener after registration and payment of a 35 € fee as indicated in the application form available at www.centrostudi.fondazionelercaro.it. Participation is free for the selected speakers and the participants of the Observatory for religious architecture.

Simultaneous interpretation English-Italian and Italian-English is provided.

For more information, contact the organising Secretariat of the Study Centre, via Riva di Reno 57, Bologna, Tel. 051-6566287, from Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm. 

Scientific committee

  • Claudia MANENTI (coordinator),
  • Giorgio DELLA LONGA,
  • Andrea LONGHI,
  • Tiziano GHIRELLI
  • Giuseppe RUSSO,
  • Vittorio VACCARI.


  • Via Riva di Reno 57
    Bologna, Italian Republic (40122)


  • Monday, September 29, 2014


  • architecture religieuse, catholicisme, Concile Vatican second


  • Claudia Manenti
    courriel : osservatorio [dot] centrostudi [at] fondazionelercaro [dot] it

Information source

  • Claudia Manenti
    courriel : osservatorio [dot] centrostudi [at] fondazionelercaro [dot] it


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Architecture and liturgy: design autonomy and standards », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, July 29, 2014, https://doi.org/10.58079/qm4

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