Emotional Bodies
A Workshop on the historical Performativity of Emotions
Published on Monday, October 06, 2014
The idea that the body is the site in which emotions are expressed is an old one in Western Culture. However, shall we alternatively consider emotions as historical agents that have given meaning to systems of symbolic relations which we understand here as “bodies”? This three-day workshop seeks to explore the conception of emotions as cultural practices that do things and have the power of creating emotional bodies throughout history. With this aim in mind, we will examine the production of physical, social, political, artistic and literary bodies in connection with the changing meaning of social norms, cultural codes and institutions, and especially as the result of the work of emotions.
20, October
14:00 Emotional bodies in the sciences
Welcome and Introduction: Dolores Martín Moruno, Sophie Milquet & Beatriz Pichel
- Chair: Andrea Carlino iEH2, University of Geneva
- Otniel Dror Hebrew University of Jerusalem Keynote Lecture: The Adrenaline Paradigm of Emotions
- Paul White University of Cambridge The Blush of Love
- Damien Boquet Université d’Aix-Marseille Saintes humeurs. Émotions et fluides corporels dans l'hagiographie féminine au XIIIe siècle
- Marc Ratcliff Faculty of Psychology, University of Geneva Flournoy et Théodore: entre maîtrise du corps et émotions de l'esprit
21, October
09:30 Emotions as sites for social exchange and political change
Chair: Dolores Martín Moruno iEH2, University of Geneva
- Piroska Nagy UQAM/EHESS Faire corps d'émotion. La mise en scène de la crèche par François d'Assise à Greccio, ou la création d'une communauté émotionnelle évangélique
- Sophie Wahnich CNRS, IIAC Les émotions dans la Révolution française
- Bertrand Taithe University of Manchester Emotion and Humanitarian Aid
- Jon Arrizabalaga IMF-CSIC Performing population’s humanitarian emotions in wartime: narratives of relief action in front of the Spanish civil wars in the 1870s
21, October
14:00 Artistic and literary bodies
Chair: Sophie Milquet Université Libre de Bruxelles
- Antonio Rodriguez Université de Lausanne Le corps du lecteur et la poétique
- Rafael Mandressi Centre Alexandre Koyré Les passions sur scène: médecine, théologie et physiognomonie dans la représentation des passions dans le théâtre européen aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles
- Rob Boddice Freidrich-Meinecke-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin Hysteria or Tetanus ? Ambivalent Embodiment and the Authenticity of Pain
- Guillermo de Eugenio Universidad Carlos III Sentimentalism, Masochism and Politics: the Anarchist as Possessed, Demonic Body
- Patrizia Lombardo Faculty of Humanities, University of Geneva Le cinéma de David Lynch : trouble, douleur et désespoir
22, October
09:00 The affective power of visual culture
Chair: Beatriz Pichel De Montfort University
- François Delaporte Université d’Amiens La fabrique de la physionomie
- Leticia Fernández Fontecha University of Greenwich Crying Children : photographic Approaches to Pain in Childhood at the Turn of the turn of the 19th century
- Pilar León Sanz Universidad de Pamplona Body Image and Cancer from a psychosomatic Perspective (1950-9)
- Miriam Ronca iEH2, University of Geneva Le corps performatif, un prodige de la technologie
- Representation (Main category)
- Society > Political studies > Political science
- Society > Science studies > History of science
- Mind and language > Representation > Cultural history
- Mind and language > Language > Literature
- Mind and language > Representation > Visual studies
- Society > History > Social history
- Louis Jeantet Auditorium, Route Florissant 77
Geneva, Switzerland (1206)
- Monday, October 20, 2014
- Tuesday, October 21, 2014
- Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Attached files
- body, political change, emotions, arts
Information source
- Sophie Milquet
courriel : smilquet [at] ulb [dot] ac [dot] be
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Emotional Bodies », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Monday, October 06, 2014, https://doi.org/10.58079/qye