HomeResearch Chair Positions IdEx Bordeaux

Research Chair Positions IdEx Bordeaux

Junior Chairs Programme

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Published on Wednesday, October 29, 2014


The Excellence Initiative of the University of Bordeaux (IdEx Bordeaux) is opening up research chair positions for young scientists. This programme is expected to strengthen the academic and scientific community of the University of Bordeaux and other partner institutions in strategic fields by supporting young, high-profile international researchers in setting up a research team for the development of their own project within one of Bordeaux’s laboratories.



The Excellence Initiative of the University of Bordeaux (IdEx Bordeaux) is opening up research chair positions for young scientists. This programme is expected to strengthen the academic and scientific community of the University of Bordeaux and other partner institutions in strategic fields by supporting young, high-profile international researchers in setting up a research team for the development of their own project within one of Bordeaux’s laboratories. 

Applications are open to all scientific fields. However, IdEx Bordeaux is built on a number of scientific priorities and proposals in these areas or at the interfaces between them will be examined with particular attention. These fields are: materials science, neuroscience, environment and ecosystem, numerical certification and reliability, archaeology, lasers and photonics, health and societies, translational imaging and cardiology. Candidates bringing new skills to develop emerging research areas and researchers with an industrial background are welcome to apply.

Eligibility criteria

Eligible candidates are researchers meeting the following criteria:

  • Two to ten years of postdoctoral experience. This period may be extended to a maximum of twelve years upon duly justified request (maternity/paternity leave, career interruption, etc.) prior to the application;
  • Outstanding scientific record (publications, patents, etc.);
  • Applicants must be supported by a local host laboratory;
  • Applicants may not have previously held a research position at the University of Bordeaux or any other IdEx partner institution.


The amount of the grant will cover the salary of the chair holder, expenses resulting from setting up a research lab (purchase of small equipment), a technician or a postdoctoral researcher salary and operational costs.

Salary: 3000-3800 gross monthy salary (negotiable), based on experience.

Evaluation process

The evaluation panel members are local and external scientists representing all fields covered by the University of Bordeaux and its partnering institutions. Each project will be peer-reviewed by international scientist on the very precise field of the application and the final ranking decided by the evaluation panel based on such reviews.

The correct web link is: http://idex.u-bordeaux.fr/junior-chairs


The chairs will be funded for a period of up to three years. 

Submission guidelines

Proposals must be submitted electronically before January 9th via the submission page in the IdEx Bordeaux Junior Chairs portal ( http://idex.u-bordeaux.fr/junior-chairs ). Please refer to the Applicant guide available on the website for further details.


  • 166 cours de l'Argonne
    Bordeaux, France (33)


  • Friday, January 09, 2015


  • junior chairs, research chair positions


  • IdEx Bordeaux MIA
    courriel : recruitment [at] u-bordeaux [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • IdEx Bordeaux MIA
    courriel : recruitment [at] u-bordeaux [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Research Chair Positions IdEx Bordeaux », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, October 29, 2014, https://doi.org/10.58079/r2c

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