HomeCall for papers Book

Call for papers Book

Indigenous peoples and regional integrations organizations: Rethinking the sustainability of Natural Resources, Biodiversity and Ecosystem services

Appel à contribution pour un ouvrage

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Published on Wednesday, October 29, 2014


This book will follow an international conference taking place in Rennes (France), November 27-28, 2014, which will gather specialists on issues related to indigenous peoples and regional integration organizations. The conference and the book are directed by Nathalie Hervé-Fournereau (DR CNRS University of Rennes) and Sophie Thériault (Associate Professor, University of Ottawa with the support of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law and the french society for environmental law. The conference and the book are part of a larger research and networking project conducted by the Interdisciplinary thematic Network BIODISCEE of the CNRS INEE, with the support of the Centre d’Excellence Jean Monnet of Rennes and the Franco-Canadian research program on Regional Integration Organizations in the world.



The book seeks to analyze and compare the legal status of indigenous peoples in regional integration organizations, with a particular focus on natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystem services. Using an interdisciplinary approach, it will contribute to knowledge on issues related to the sustainable protection and management of natural resources, fair and equitable access and benefit-sharing from the utilization of biodiversity and ecosystem services, the protection of traditional knowledge and its relationships with Western scientific knowledge, and more generally the recognition and protection of indigenous peoples’ rights in regional integration organizations. While the recognition and protection of indigenous peoples’ rights at the international level, as well as in many national jurisdictions, have been subject to considerable attention from researchers, the state of knowledge on the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples at the regional level is still rudimentary

The United Nations’ World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, which will take place in September 2014, provides us the incentive to analyze and compare the potential and actual contributions of regional organizations in protecting indigenous peoples’ rights, especially with regard to territories, lands and natural resources, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. Several recent events testify to the relevance of understanding more deeply the complex relationships between indigenous peoples and regional organizations, including the lawsuit brought by the Inuit before the European Court of Justice demanding the abrogation of the European regulation 2009/1007/EU pertaining to the trade in seal products and by-products; the debates and controversies regarding natural resources extraction projects that are thwarting partnership agreements, for instance between the European Union and Canada; and the multiplication of petitions brought by indigenous and tribal peoples before the Inter-American Human Rights Institutions in matters pertaining to the exploitation of natural resources on indigenous peoples’ ancestral lands

We are currently seeking proposals on the following 3 themes for our book project:

1 – The Recognition and Protection of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Normative Systems in Regional Integration Organizations

  • The rights and responsibilities of indigenous peoples in regional integration organizations;
  • The recognition of indigenous normative systems in regional integration organizations; - Strategies for the mobilization of regional legal instruments and institutions for defending indigenous peoples’ rights;
  • The participation of indigenous peoples in regional integration organizations.

2 – Regional integration Organizations, Indigenous Peoples’ Sovereignty over their Lands, Resources and Knowledge, and the Protection of Indigenous Natural and Cultural Heritage

  • Indigenous peoples’ rights and duties related to the governance, the exploitation, and the protection of natural resources and biodiversity;
  • The legal protection and recognition of indigenous knowledge and normative systems pertaining to land and natural resources;
  • Benefit-sharing from the use of biodiversity and indigenous knowledge;
  • Free, prior and informed consent, consultation, and environmental impact assessment with regard to economic development projects on indigenous lands;
  • Compensations for the use of ecological services on indigenous lands.

3 – Regional integration Organizations and Trade and Investment Agreements:  Sustainability for Indigenous Peoples?

  • What are the impacts of regional trade and investment agreements on indigenous peoples’ rights and sustainable development?
  • Should States guarantee indigenous peoples’ rights and the imperatives of sustainable development in multilateral trade and investment agreements? If so, how and to what extent?
  • What are the impacts of multilateral trade and investment agreements on indigenous peoples’ rights, especially with regard to consultation and their rights to land and natural resources?
  • To what extent do the rules pertaining to intellectual property in regional agreements protect (or undermine) indigenous peoples’ knowledge?
  • Corporate social responsibility for multinational corporations with regard to the respect and protection of indigenous peoples’ rights, benefit-sharing, and compensation for environmental and social damages?

Guidelines submission

Please submit your proposals (about 500 words) and keywords (a maximum of 5), indicating your name and affiliation to:  nathalie.herve-fournereau@univ-rennes1.fr; sophie.theriault@uottawa.ca

by October 30, 2014.

Scientific Committee

  • Sylvie Blangy, Ingénieur de Recherche CNRS, CEFE UMR 5175 CNRS, Directrice de l’Observatoire international Hommes-Milieux Nunavik, CNRS INEE
  • Danielle Charles Le Bihan, Professeur de l’Université de Rennes 2, Chaire Jean Monnet et coordinatrice du Centre d’excellence Jean Monnet, IODE UMR 6262 CNRS
  • Nathalie Hervé-Fournereau, Directrice de Recherche CNRS, IODE UMR 6262CNRS, Université de Rennes 1, Coordinatrice du RTP BIODISCEE CNRS INEE, Co-Chair Research Committe of the UICN Academy of environmental law
  • Alexandra Langlais, Chargée de recherche CNRS, IODE UMR 6262 CNRS, Université de Rennes 1
  • Yves Le Bouthillier, Professeur et Directeur de l’Académie IUCN Droit de l’environnement, Université d’Ottawa,
  • Joel Lebullenger, Professeur, Chaire Jean Monnet, IODE UMR 6262 CNRS,  Université de Rennes 1
  • Céline Levesque, Professeur et Doyen de la faculté section droit civil de l’Université d’Ottawa,
  • Elisa Morgera, Chercheur à l’université d’Edimburg, Coordinatrice d’un programme de recherche "Benefit-sharing for an equitable transition to the green economy –  the role of law" financé par European Research Council (ERC) 
  • Solange Teles Da Silva, Professeur, Universite Presbyterienne Mackenzie, Sao Paolo,
  • Sophie Theriault, Professeur, Faculté de droit section droit civil, Université d’Ottawa


  • Faculté de droit - 9 rue Jean Macé
    Rennes, France (35042)


  • Thursday, October 30, 2014


  • Peuple autochtone, Organisation d'intégration régionale, biodiversité, ressource naturelle, service écosystémique, statut juridique, commerce, investissement


  • Nathalie Hervé-Fournereau
    courriel : nathalie [dot] herve-fournereau [at] univ-rennes1 [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Nathalie Hervé-Fournereau
    courriel : nathalie [dot] herve-fournereau [at] univ-rennes1 [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Call for papers Book », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, October 29, 2014, https://doi.org/10.58079/ra5

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