HomeUNESCO Histories (1945-2015)

UNESCO Histories (1945-2015)

Histoires de l’UNESCO (1945-2015)

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Published on Tuesday, December 02, 2014


"International Histories"/"Histoires Internationales" is a new e-journal which will provide a forum for a new international history that concerns itself with the past, present and future of global civil society, the international public sphere, international institutions, globalism, and internationalism. The journal’s first special issue will focus on the history of UNESCO on the occasion of the Organization’s 70 years anniversary in November 2015, and researchers from around the world are invited and encouraged to submit articles. Up to 10 articles will be chosen for publication. The articles can touch upon all themes and time periods across the history of UNESCO.



The last few years have seen an expansion of popular interest and scholarly research in international history. The new international history employs transnational methodologies and the thematic and analytical concepts of cultural history. In responding to this historiographical shift, International histories / histoires internationales takes as its special focus international organizations in the long twentieth century. 

This new journal aims to provide an international space for the publication of the best scholarly research in the field of the new international history, and to engage a transformative conception of the international, as a sphere in which transnational networks, practices, and institutions have fundamentally altered global politics. 

The journal will also engage a range of intellectual and scholarly research questions pertinent to the contemporary world. These include the past, present and future of global civil society, the international public sphere, international institutions, globalism, and internationalism. The first issue will be dedicated to the new history of UNESCO. 

The journal is scientific and independent, and will publish articles, reviews and other contributions in English and in French. It will give a special place to witness history and the creation of an oral history archive. 

Submission guidelines

Articles are expected to be of 5,000-10,000 words written in either English or French.

Deadline: 15 January 2015. 

The special issue will be edited by Professor Poul Duedahl and Chief Archivist Jens Boel, and will be launched at the International Congress of Historical Sciences in Jinan,China, in August 2015.

Articles, as well of questions of any kind, should be sent directly to the editors, Poul Duedahl: duedahl@cgs.aau.dk or Jens Boel: j.boel@unesco.org.

Scientific Editors

  • Professor Poul Duedahl
  • Chief Archivist Jens Boel

Director of the Journal 

Mr. Akira IRIYE: Charles Warren Professor of American History, Emeritus; Harvard University, USA 

Editorial committee members 

  • Ms Glenda SLUGA: ARC Laureate Fellow, Professor of International History, FAHA; DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY; School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry (SOPHI); The University of Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • Mr. Ibrahima THIOUB: Recteur, Université Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) de Dakar, Sénégal; Professeur - Histoire, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar et Directeur du Centre Africain de Recherches sur les Traites et l’Esclavage (CARTE)
  • Mr. Jean-François SIRINELLI: Professeur des universités en histoire politique et culturelle du XXe siècle à Sciences Po, Paris, France; Président du Comité français des sciences historiques 

Editorial committee members and responsible for N° 1 of the Journal

  • Mr. Poul DUEDAHL: Professor with Specific Responsibilities, Aalborg University, Denmark, and Director of the project: "Routes of Knowledge: The Global History of UNESCO, 1945-75"
  • Mr. Jens BOEL: Chief Archivist, UNESCO, and Coordinator of the UNESCO History project


  • Thursday, January 15, 2015


  • transnational history, international organization, international society, UNESCO, united nations, international history


  • Jens Boel
    courriel : j [dot] boel [at] unesco [dot] org
  • Poul Duedahl
    courriel : duedahl [at] cgs [dot] aau [dot] dk

Information source

  • Jens Boel
    courriel : j [dot] boel [at] unesco [dot] org


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To cite this announcement

« UNESCO Histories (1945-2015) », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, December 02, 2014, https://doi.org/10.58079/rex

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