HomeCorporate spaces and urban scales in the XXth century
Corporate spaces and urban scales in the XXth century
Espaços corporativos e escalas urbanas em perspetiva comparada no século XX
Primary agencies, administrative structures and state order
Organismos primários, estruturas administrativas e ordem estatal
Published on Thursday, January 08, 2015
Focusing on the issue of inter-territorial coordination in corporate experiences that involved States throughout the 20th century, the Congress CORPORATE SPACES AND URBAN SCALES aims at a historical reassessment of corporate primary agencies. In general terms, the target will be the basic organisms that framed the economic activities and the "social cooperation" of the majority of the population. In the Portuguese case, for example, such basic structures comprised the following organizations: ‘houses of the people’ (Casas do Povo), ‘houses of the fishermen’ (Casas dos Pescadores), farmers guilds (Grémios da Lavoura), commercial guilds (Grémios do Comércio), industrial guilds (Grémios da Indústria) and unions (Sindicatos). The goal of this Congress is the cross analysis of this reality in the urban-rural context and in a comparative perspective.
Focusing on the issue of inter-territorial coordination in corporate experiences that involved States throughout the 20th century, the Congress CORPORATE SPACES AND URBAN SCALES aims at a historical reassessment of corporate primary agencies. In general terms, the target will be the basic organisms that framed the economic activities and the "social cooperation" of the majority of the population. In the Portuguese case, for example, such basic structures comprised the following organizations: ‘houses of the people’ (Casas do Povo), ‘houses of the fishermen’ (Casas dos Pescadores), farmers guilds (Grémios da Lavoura), commercial guilds (Grémios do Comércio), industrial guilds (Grémios da Indústria) and unions (Sindicatos). The goal of this Congress is the cross analysis of this reality in the urban-rural context and in a comparative perspective. In this sense, it will be of interest to scrutinize not only the ideological realm and the founding and deployment processes of the various national corporate experiences, but also their amendments and achievements, in particular those undertaken after 1945, in which other elements should be taken into account, with special emphasis for planning policies.
Main themes
Paper proposals should address the following topics:
1- Corporatism and primary agencies: institutions, internal developments and interfaces. How were primary agencies structured? Which were the framework arrangements used by intermediate and higher organisms? Which specific trajectories the primary agencies undertook (e.g. the programs and initiatives, the composition of the social and governing bodies, the rhythms of adherence to membership, the multiple constraints, the local and regional support, the political complicity, the level of incorporation in the communities, the repercussions, among other aspects)? Which were the processes of institutional reorganization experienced by primary agencies? ...
2- Urban scales, corporatism and powers: dimensions, politics, administrative and economic intersections. What was the urban impact of corporate policies? What was the weight of the urban phenomenon in the corporate world setting? Which were the relationships with the rural world? How did the local communities react in terms of social and economic morphology? How did the municipal and regional administrative apparatus interact with the corporate structures? Which were the agreements between the local socio-economic elites and the political and corporate powers? How did the urban sociability intersect with corporate experience? How did the development policies materialize in the urban fabric? ...
3- State order and corporate regulation: hierarchies, negotiation and conflict. How was the corporate regulation configured within the state structure? Which were the coordination, control and inspection mechanisms that framed the activities of primary corporate agencies? How effective were they? How were the guidelines accepted? In what way were the chains of command and their successive appropriations processed and made operational? Which were the types and degrees of conflict? Within both corporate logic and daily action, which were the relations between employers and employees? Which were their contractual arrangements? What was the role played by the courts of law in these processes? ...
Abstract guidelines
The abstract should be saved as a Microsoft Word file, using the author’s name as the file name and sent to the congress email: congressoespacoscorporativos@outlook.pt. Abstracts should be typed in Times New Roman font, single spaced and with 3 cm margins: Title: font size 12, bold type, and centered | author names and affiliations: font size 11 | abstract: 500-2000 characters with spaces, font size 12, three keywords | abbreviated CV.
Important dates
January 5, 2015 (Monday): call for papers.
February 8, 2015 (Sunday): deadline for receiving paper proposals.
February 11, 2015 (Wednesday): communication of accepted papers.
February 16, 2015 (Monday): final program.
Scientific committee
- Álvaro Garrido (FEUC, CEISXX)
- António Rafael Amaro (FEUC, CEISXX)
- Daniel Lanero Táboas (FXH-USC, HISTAGRA)
- Dulce Freire (ICS-UL)
- Fátima Moura Ferreira (ICS-UM, LAB2PT)
- Fernando Catroga (FLUC)
- Francisco Azevedo Mendes (ICS-UM, LAB2PT)
- Gaspar Martins Pereira (FLUP, CITCEM)
- Jorge Alves (FLUP, CITCEM)
- José Luís Cardoso (ICS-UL)
- José Viriato Capela (ICS-UM, LAB2PT)
- Manuel Carlos Silva (ICS-UM, CICS.NOVA)
- Maria Manuel Oliveira (EA-UM, LAB2PT)
- Maria Manuela dos Reis Martins (ICS-UM, LAB2PT, UAUM)
- Miguel Sopas Bandeira (ICS-UM, CECS)
- Ramon Villares Paz (FXH-USC, HISTAGRA)
Organizing committee
- Fátima Moura Ferreira, coord. (ICS-UM, Lab2pt)
- Francisco Azevedo Mendes (ICS-UM, Lab2pt)
- Jorge Mano Torres (Lab2pt)
- Natália Magalhães Pereira (Lab2pt)
- History (Main category)
- Society > Urban studies
- Society > Sociology > Urban sociology
- Society > Political studies
- Sunday, February 08, 2015
- corporativismo, organismos primários
Reference Urls
Information source
- Jorge Torres
courriel : ejihistcon [at] gmail [dot] com
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Corporate spaces and urban scales in the XXth century », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, January 08, 2015, https://doi.org/10.58079/rpr