HomeVoicing Dissent in the Long Reformation

Voicing Dissent in the Long Reformation

The 8th Triennial Conference of the International John Bunyan Society

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Published on Friday, January 30, 2015


The conference will concentrate on the expression and representation of Protestant Dissent, Nonconformity and Puritanism (1500–1800), with an emphasis on the relationship between written and oral cultures. Topics might include: preaching, singing and praying; public and private devotion; conferences and disputations; epistolary conversation; religion and politics; rumour and defamation; reading and publishing Dissent; the representation of emotions...



The conference will concentrate on the expression and representation of Protestant Dissent, Nonconformity and Puritanism (1500–1800), with an emphasis on the relationship between written and oral cultures. Topics might include: preaching, singing and praying; public and private devotion; conferences and disputations; epistolary conversation; religion and politics; rumour and defamation; reading and publishing Dissent; the representation of emotions...

The conference is hosted conjointly by LERMA (E.A. 853, Aix-Marseille University) and IRCL (UMR 5186, Montpellier University).

Plenary speakers

Alec Ryrie (Durham), Andrew Spicer (Oxford Brookes), Alexandra Walsham (Cambridge), Helen Wilcox (Bangor).

Submission guidelines

Applicants are invited to send proposals for 30-minute papers or for panels (3 x 30-minute papers). Please include a title for the paper; a summary of no more than 300 words; a 100-word biographical outline; and a one-page CV.

Send all proposals and communications (Word documents only, no pdf) to: voicingdissentconference@gmail.com

  • Deadline: 31 May 2015

  • All answers by August 2015
  • Conference: 6–9 July 2016


Bursaries are available for doctoral students and young researchers. To apply, explain your need for support, your likely travel costs, and include a reference letter (from e.g. a supervisor).

Further Information: http://johnbunyansociety.org


  • Paula Barros (Montpellier),
  • Luc Borot (Montpellier),
  • Anne Dunan-Page (Aix-Marseille),
  • Pierre Lurbe (Montpellier)
  • and Jean Viviès (Aix-Marseille).

Scientific committee

  • Prof. Margaret S. Breen (Connecticut, US);
  • Prof. Sylvia Brown (Alberta, Canada);
  • Prof. Vera Camden (Kent State, US);
  • Dr Nathalie Collé-Bak (Lorraine, France);
  • Dr Laurent Curelly (Mulhouse, France);
  • Dr Michael Davies (Liverpool, UK);
  • Prof. Françoise Deconinck-Brossard (Paris Ouest Nanterre, la Défense);
  • Dr Rémy Duthille (Bordeaux-Montaigne, France);
  • Prof. Katsuhiro Engetsu (Doshisha, Japan);
  • Prof. David Gay (Alberta, Canada);
  • Prof. Isabel Hofmeyr (Witwatersrand, South Africa);
  • Prof. Jeffrey Hopes (Le Mans, France);
  • Dr Galen Johnson (Ashford, US);
  • Prof. N. H. Keeble (Stirling, UK);
  • Prof. Thomas Luxon (Dartmouth, US);
  • Prof. W. R. Owens (Bedfordshire, UK);
  • Dr Roger Pooley (Keele, UK);
  • Prof. Stuart Sim (Sunderland, UK);
  • Prof. Nigel Smith (Princeton, US);
  • Dr Tamsin Spargo (Liverpool John Moores, UK);
  • Prof. David Walker (Northumbria, UK);
  • Prof. Arlette Zinck (King’s College, Canada).


  • Aix-en-Provence, France (13100)


  • Sunday, May 31, 2015


  • dissent, Protestantism, Long Reformation, written cultures, oral cultures


  • E-mail
    courriel : voicingdissentconference [at] gmail [dot] com

Information source

  • Paula Barros
    courriel : paula [dot] barros [at] univ-montp3 [dot] rf


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To cite this announcement

« Voicing Dissent in the Long Reformation », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, January 30, 2015, https://doi.org/10.58079/rw0

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