HomeArts and Crafts: challenges and economic outlook
Arts and Crafts: challenges and economic outlook
Les métiers d’art : enjeux et perspectives économiques
Published on Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Arts and Crafts typically bring to mind high quality, highly technical products with high added value. Nonetheless, crafts remain misunderstood, particularly in terms of their economic realities. After conducting an initial review of the current state of affairs and the issues facing the world of artistic crafts during the international conference held in February 2013 on “Talking about Arts and Crafts”, the aim of these next two days of international conference will be to look at them from an economic perspective. What is the place of artistic crafts in our economy? What are the business models used by crafts companies? What are their target markets? What role does innovation play in crafts? What are the latest developments in crafts production? How can we support the economic development of crafts?
Arts and Crafts typically bring to mind high quality, highly technical products with high added value. Nonetheless, crafts remain misunderstood, particularly in terms of their economic realities. After conducting an initial review of the current state of affairs and the issues facing the world of artistic crafts during the international conference held in February 2013 on “Talking about Arts and Crafts”, the aim of these next two days of international conference will be to look at them from an economic perspective. What is the place of artistic crafts in our economy? What are the business models used by crafts companies? What are their target markets? What role does innovation play in crafts? What are the latest developments in crafts production? How can we support the economic development of crafts?
Some 20 speakers will be invited to participate in this conference dedicated to crafts and economics, either in individual presentations or round table discussions.
This conference will take place at the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art (INHA) at 2 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris, on Thursday and Friday, 5 and 6 November 2015. They will also give rise to a publication to be released in 2016.
Presentation / Arguments
Possible angles and themes for contributions to this international conference:
- Economic weight of Arts and Crafts in Europe
- Arts and crafts and economic theory
- New business models for crafts companies
- New developments in production (technological developments, new production modes, etc.)
- Arts and crafts: sources and actors driving innovation (technological, social, etc.); research and innovation to conquer new markets
- Markets and outlets for arts and crafts (clients, relations with industry, exports and international markets, etc.)
- Arts and crafts: a component of economic development
- Arts and crafts and geographic appeal
Proposal submissions
30 minute presentations can be given in French or English.
Presentation proposals (limited to 1000 words) are to be sent to prouet@inma-france.org by
20 APRIL 2015
These should be accompanied by a short biography and/or a presentation of the author’s past publications.
Deadline for proposals: 20 April 2015
Acceptance notices sent: 1 June 2015
Scientific Committee
- Xavier Greffe, Professor of Economics at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
- Marc Bayard, Cultural and Scientific Development Adviser to the Mobilier National and Founder & Managing Director of Slow Made Association
- Stefano Micelli, Associate Professor of Economics and Management of University Ca’Foscari, Venice
Organizing Committee
- Institut National des Métiers d’Art
- Les Arts Décoratifs
- Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art
References (provisional and non-exhaustive)
- Les Arts Décoratifs, Institut National des métiers d’art, Les métiers d’art à mots découverts – Actes des journées d’études internationales, Les Arts Décoratifs, 2013.
- Crafts Council, Measuring the craft economy – defining and measuring craft : report 3, 2014. http://www.craftscouncil.org.uk/content/files/Measuring_the_craft_economy-v4.pdf
- Direction du commerce, de l'artisanat, des services et des professions libérales Direction générale de la compétitivité, de l’industrie et des services, Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances. Panorama des entreprises des métiers d'art en France 2009. A télécharger sur le site internet de l’INMA : http://www.institut-metiersdart.org/metiers-d-art-en-France
- Innocrafts Programme, Final Report (3 volumes) : http://www.innocrafts.eu/documents
- Loi n° 2014-626 du 18 juin 2014 relative à l'artisanat, au commerce et aux très petites entreprises : http://legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do;jsessionid=9DD9FE41A237D52195F4F0072C0AA1F7.tpdjo04v_1?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000029101502&dateTexte=&oldAction=rechJO&categorieLien=id&idJO=JORFCONT000029101499
- Arrêté du 12 décembre 2003 fixant la liste des métiers de l’artisanat d’art : http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000000610273
- Economics (Main category)
- Society > Economics > Economic development
- Mind and language > Representation > History of art
- Mind and language > Representation
- Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA) - 2 rue Vivienne
Paris, France (75002)
- Monday, April 20, 2015
- métiers d’art, artisanat, économie, production, fabrication, distribution, marché, fab lab, numérique, innovation, arts and crafts, crafts, artisans, economics, production, (digital) manufacturing, distribution, markets, fab labs, digital, innovatio
- Muriel Prouet
courriel : prouet [at] inma-france [dot] org
Reference Urls
Information source
- Muriel Prouet
courriel : prouet [at] inma-france [dot] org
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Arts and Crafts: challenges and economic outlook », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, https://doi.org/10.58079/s3a