HomeChange and continuity in a global world (PIUDHist)

Change and continuity in a global world (PIUDHist)

Mudança e continuidade num mundo global (PIUDHist)

Inter-university Doctoral Programme in History

Programa Interuniversitário de Doutoramento em História

*  *  *

Published on Thursday, June 04, 2015


This Programme is the result of a collaboration between five Portuguese universitary institutions - Instituto de Ciências Sociais and the Faculdade de Letras (both from the Universidade de Lisboa); ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa; Universidade Católica Portuguesa; and the Universidade de Évora - that share their teaching staff, facilities, international network, bibliographic and informatic resources, etc.



Applications to the Inter-university Doctoral Programme in History (PIUDHist) are open from 4th May to 15th June.

This Programme is the result of a collaboration between five Portuguese universitary institutions - Instituto de Ciências Sociais and the Faculdade de Letras (both from the Universidade de Lisboa); ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa; Universidade Católica Portuguesa; and the Universidade de Évora - that share their teaching staff, facilities, international network, bibliographic and informatic resources, etc.

Its four academic years are divided in a first year of significant teaching component and three others of research work, supported by the work of the supervisors and the Monitoring Seminar.

With an innovative curricular structure, it has four specialization areas, thematically defined - Social Dynamics and Political Structures; Institutions and Economic Development; Empires, Colonialism and Post-Colonialism; Intellectual and Sociocultural Movements - transcending the traditional structure of Doctoral Programs in History, limited by chronological periods. Thus, it favours a transversal and comparative training, articulated around medium and long term approaches, which improves the scientific quality of the training and investigation.

The Programme began on the academic year of 2008-2009 and was restructured in 2013-2014, getting the qualification of FCT Doctoral Programme, granting four scholarships each year.

Admission criteria

Students admitted to the PhD programme should meet the following criteria:

  • Holders of a master’s degree (or the legal equivalent in terms of ECTS awarded at an intermediate graduate level) in history or in any other field of the humanities and social sciences
  • Exceptionally, in the terms of the Portuguese legal rules, holders of undergraduate or graduate courses whose CV and recommendation letters disclose the candidate’s outstanding ability to undertake advanced studies in history

The application to PIUDHIST should be filled-in online at https://ics.candidaturas.ulisboa.pt/cssnetics/page, accompanied with the following documentation:

  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • Academic transcripts and legal proofs of the diplomas and degrees awarded;
  • Letter of intent stating the reasons and the motivations for choosing PIUDHIST;
  • Outline of doctoral dissertation project;
  • Papers and publications, including master’s dissertation when available (pdf
  • Two letters of recommendation;
  • and a photo.

All candidates to PIUDHIST will be subject to an initial screening procedure, in order to confirm the fulfillment of the above conditions. Candidates approved in principle will be short listed for interview, in person or via skype.

The expected number of students to admit in each edition of PIUDHIST is 15.

The expected number of FCT scholarships to assign in each edition of PIUDHIST is 4.

Application form 


Selection and ranking criteria

The  PIUDHIST Directive Board is responsible for the selection of candidates, according to the following criteria :

  • Classification of degree : 10 %
  • Rating Masters : 25 %
  • Experience and ability to develop advanced research : 35 %
  • Motivation letter, interview and project abstract : 30 %

At the end of the evaluation process, candidates are ordered according to the score obtained by the application of the selection criteria.

The final decision of the ranking of applications will be notified within one month after the closing date of each period of applications.

General contents

PIUDHist is a PhD programme with 240 ECTS. Students are supposed to complete a dissertation by the end of the 4th year of registration. The first year (60 ECTS) corresponds to advanced learning in the field of History – in an interdisciplinary vein – and to the preparation of the dissertation project. The remaining 3 years (180 ECTS) correspond to research and to the writing of the dissertation, this process being subject to permanent monitoring.

1st semester:

  • Methodology Seminar (compulsory) – 6 ECTS
  • 2 Specialized Seminars (optional, from a list of 4) – 12 ECTS (6+6)
  • Research Design I (compulsory) – 12 ECTS

2nd semester:

  • 2 Specialized Seminars (optional, from a list of 4) – 12 ECTS (6+6)
  • Research Design II (compulsory) – 18 ECTS

3rd to 8th semester:

  • Monitoring Seminar – 6 ECTS
  • Dissertation – 24 ECTS

The compulsory Methodology Seminar seeks to update and increase knowledge of the main issues and research problems in crucial historiographical areas, taking into account the thematic axes of PIUDHIST. Interdisciplinary inputs and contributions from the social sciences will deserve keen attention and students will be constantly invited to enlarge the scope of their immediate research interests. Teaching will be geared to the latest historiographical developments as recognized by the scientific community. It is hoped that students will thus become familiar with the most recent trends and accustomed to keeping in constant contact with the leading international journals and most relevant new books in their fields and related areas.

The Specialized Seminars are offered in a rather flexible way within each of the four thematic axes – social dynamics and political structures; institutions and economic development; empires, colonialism and post-colonialism; intellectual and socio­cultural movements. The seminars run through the 2 semesters of the first year and students choose 2 seminars per semester in at least two different thematic axes. The topics of the seminars will vary each year, depending on both the availability of teaching resources and the revealed preferences of the students at the admission stage. Students will be encouraged to attend external conferences and workshops on issues related to the topics of the seminars. In special cases, students may replace one of the seminars with an optional graduate course offered by any of the host institutions on a subject considered relevant to the PhD dissertation project.

The Research Design I and II courses are compulsory and run through the 2 semesters of the first year, corresponding to a total of 30 ECTS. Their main objective is to prepare and support students in the drawing up of their dissertation projects, which should be ready to be submitted in a public session, before a jury, at the end of the second semester. By attending these courses, students are expected: 1) to improve their knowledge of the theoretical framework and appropriate methodological approaches; 2) to develop soft skills in scientific writing, oral communication, project design and ethical issues in the academic profession.

The Monitoring Seminar (offered from the 3rd to the 8th semester, while the student is devoted to the dissertation) aims to complement the work of the supervisors, by offering the students an opportunity to share the positive and negative outcomes of their research experiences and to gain efficiency in the development of their research plans and schedules.

Teaching staff

Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa (ICS-UL)

Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa (FLUL)

ISCTE, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL)

Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP)

Universidade de Évora (U.E.)

Other contributors

Tuition fees

Scholarship holders and foreign (outside the European Union) students: 2,750 euros / 1st to 4th year

Portuguese students (non-scholarship holders) 

  • 1st year – 1,375 euros (receiving a scholarship of 50% tuition fee, given by the PhD Program)
  • 2nd year – 1,200 euros
  • 3rd year – 1,200 euros
  • 4th year – 1,200 euros

For more information



  • Monday, June 15, 2015


  • Doutoramento, mundo global, dinâmicas sociais, instituições, impérios, colonialismo, pós-colonialismo, movimentos intelectuais, movimentos socioculturais

Information source

  • Elsa Vila
    courriel : secretario [dot] piudh [at] ics [dot] ulisboa [dot] pt


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To cite this announcement

« Change and continuity in a global world (PIUDHist) », Miscellaneous information, Calenda, Published on Thursday, June 04, 2015, https://doi.org/10.58079/srm

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