HomeConceiving and representing the notion of change in the Greco-Roman world

Conceiving and representing the notion of change in the Greco-Roman world

Le changement : conceptions et représentations dans l'Antiquité gréco-romaine

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Published on Tuesday, August 04, 2015


L'étendue chronologique de la période communément reconnue comme l'Antiquité gréco-romaine inclut nécessairement des phases de changements et de mutations, à divers niveaux. L'objectif de ce colloque jeunes chercheurs, interdisciplinaire et international, est d'étudier la manière dont les Anciens concevaient la notion de changement, que ce soit au niveau personnel, social, culturel ou historique, ainsi que d'analyser les représentations qu'ils en proposaient, tout en se concentrant sur cette question en termes de transformation ponctuelle, d'apparition ou de renouvellement. 



This conference for PhD students and young PhD holders aims at reflecting upon the notion of change in Antiquity (as a punctual transformation, the passage from one state to another, a renewal, the apparition of something new, etc.) and at examining how Greeks and Romans (8th century B.C. - 6th century A.D.) perceived it and represented it in various social, political, cultural and historical contexts. Such a perspective will allow participants to explore various fields of study related to Classics, such as philosophy, history, literature, medicine and linguistics.

Main themes

Below are a few starting points – by no means exclusive – for further investigation:

Defining and representing changes

 how were perceived, described, accepted or denied changes in literary or artistic contexts, but also in the philosophical, political and medical fields ?

Cultural and intellectual changes

 We could explore the transformation of literary genres, the creation of new identities, moral norms and values, the philosophical expression of new ideas, the changes in religious rituals. It would also be interesting to examine changes in the forms of teaching and transmission of knowledge.

Linguistic and stylistic changes

 it is possible to analyze the formal changes in the language and its use: evolution of the alphabet, phonetic changes, variations in grammar, various phenomena of lexical creation, appearance of new stylistic, literary or linguistic models.

Social, political and economic changes

 papers could address the question of historical, economic, social and legal changes; changes in the representations of social status, modifications of the criteria to acquire Greek or Roman citizenships. Contributors could study changes in the laws, in the forms of government and in the organization of city-states.

The conference therefore intends to question the relevance of our vision of changes in Antiquity by studying how the Ancients conceived their own history, because the notion of change is one of the main concepts that historians, archaeologists and scholars use to explain the passage from one time period to another.

Submission guidelines

Each speaker will be allocated 25 to 30 minutes.

The languages of the Conference are French, English, Spanish, Italian and German.

Abstracts of about 300 words, as well as a C.V., should be submitted as word or pdf files by 

January 30th, 2016 

to the following address: colloqueantheia2016@gmail.com

An answer will be given in April, 2016.

The conference will be held on October 14th and 15th, 2016 at Paris-Sorbonne University.

For more information: http://antheia.hypotheses.org/colloque

Contact :colloqueantheia2016@gmail.com

Scientific committee

  • M. Alain Billault, Professeur, Littérature de la Grèce hellénistique et romaine, Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), EA 1491-EDITTA.
  • Mme Michèle Coltelloni-Trannoy, Professeur, Histoire de l’Antiquité romaine, Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), UMR 8167-Orient et Méditerranée.
  • M. Paul Demont, Professeur, Littérature grecque, Histoire des idées dans la Grèce ancienne, Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), UMR 8167- Orient et Méditerranée.
  • Mme Michèle Ducos, Professeur, Littérature latine, Droit et société à Rome, Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), EA 1491-EDITTA.
  • M. Alessandro Garcea, Professeur, Littérature latine, histoire des textes, Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), EA 4081-Rome et ses renaissances.
  • Mme Marie-Christine Marcellesi, Professeur, Histoire de la Grèce antique, Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), UMR 8167- Orient et Méditerranée, Labex RESMED.
  • M. François Prost, Maître de conférence HDR, Philosophie et littérature latines, Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV),  EA 4081-Rome et ses renaissances.


  • 28 Rue Serpente
    Paris, France (75)


  • Saturday, January 30, 2016


  • Antiquité, changement, représentation, philosophie, économie, linguistique


  • Janyce Desiderio
    courriel : janyce [dot] desiderio [at] sorbonne-universite [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Janyce Desiderio
    courriel : janyce [dot] desiderio [at] sorbonne-universite [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Conceiving and representing the notion of change in the Greco-Roman world », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, August 04, 2015, https://doi.org/10.58079/t3t

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