HomePost-Doctoral fellowship in Digital Humanities

Post-Doctoral fellowship in Digital Humanities

Bolsa de pós-doutoramento de Humanidades Digitais

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Published on Thursday, August 20, 2015


The CIDEHUS (Interdisciplinary Center of History, Cultures and Societies of University of Évora) is opening the call for one Post-Doctoral fellowship in Digital Humanities, within the framework of HIS/00057 Project, with financial support from FCT/MEC (through national funds, eventually co-financed by FEDER (PT2020 Partnership agreement).


The CIDEHUS (Interdisciplinary Center of History, Cultures and Societies of University of Évora) is opening the call for 1 research fellowship (Post-doctoral fellowship) in the field of Digital Humanities, within the framework FCT HIS/00057 Project, with financial support from FCT/MEC (through national funds, eventually co-financed by FEDER (PT2020 Partnership agreement).

Scientific Domain

Digital Humanities

Admission Requirements

  • PhD;
  • Publications in International Journals with referees;
  • Experience in research;
  • High English language fluency (written and spoken);
  • Availability to reside in Portugal.

Preferential Requirements

  • Research experience in digital preservation;
  • Knowledge on multimedia products;
  • Experience of working in cooperation with Social Sciences / Humanities;
  • To conduct research on issues related to CIDEHUS strategic project.

Working Program

To design and implement innovative research on ICT systems and applicationsto the field of documentation / information; to enhance teams in the field of Digital Humanities and Information Science; to create links with international networks and in that context, draw and lead applications for international projects; to boost international seminars for postgraduates; to disseminate research results in international journals with high impact factor.

Relevant Legislation

The fellowship will be attributed through a contract between the University of Évora and the selected candidate, in the terms of “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da Universidade de Évora (Ordem de Serviço nº1/2011)”, according to the “Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação Científica (Lei nº40/2004 de 18 de Agosto)” and the “Regulamento de Bolsas e Investigação” da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, as presently valid. (www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/regulamento.phtml.pt)


The fellow will work at CIDEHUS – Interdisciplinary Center of History, Cultures and Societies of University of Évora, under CIDEHUS board’s scientific supervision.

Duration of the Fellowship

one year, beginning in October 2015, renewable for a maximum of three years. The fellowship will not be linked to the above mentioned project, beyond the period of this project’s eligibility.

Amount of the Fellowship: The monthly subsidy will be of 1.495,00 €, to which insurance costs will be added, in conformity with the fellowships’ table as they are directly attributed by FCT, I.P. in this country. (See http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores). Payments will be made every month, by bank check or by banking transfer.

Selection criteria

  • 1st Phase: Curriculum evaluation (from 0 to 50 points) + project (from 0 to 40 points) + motivation letter (from 0 to10 points);
  • 2nd Phase: Interview with candidates (maximum 7) having obtained the highest number of points during the first phase (from 0 to 100 points). The interview may take place through videoconference, or via Skype – from 0 to 100 points. The final evaluation will be the sum of the two phases of the process for the candidates selected to the second phase. For the others, the process is closes in the end of the first phase.

The fellowship will be attributed, depending on the fulfillment of the above described requirements, on the reception of all documentation required, on the scientific evaluation and on the financing institution’s budget availability.

Jury composition

President: Doutor Filomena Gonçalves

  • Member – Doutor Fernanda Olival
  • Member – Doutor Paulo Guimarães
  • Alternate Member – Doutor José António Calixto
  • Alternate Member – Doutor Paulo Quaresma

Form of advertising / notification of results: The final results of the evaluation will be published in CIDEHUS, Palácio do Vimioso of Évora University, through list sorted by final score obtained, and all candidates notified by e-mail.

Deadline for application

The call will be open from the 28th August to 18th September 2015

and the selection results will be published before the end of September 2015.


The application must include a cover letter and the following documents:

  • Detailed CV (must mention the academic degrees, scientific areas and the marks obtained in the bachelor, master, doctoral and later formations that eventually gather);
  • Simple photocopy of certificates;
  • Motivation letter;
  • Research project, written with a maximum of 2000 words, which should articulate the proposed tasks with the Strategic CIDEHUS project. For this, is mandatory a milestone scheduled for a period shorter than 12 months. For more information on the strategic project, see the CIDEHUS website http://www.cidehus.uevora.pt/ and http://gdoc.uevora.pt/388960
  • Two letters of recommendation;
  • Copy or link to the full content of 1 or 2 publications that you consider expressive of your skills;
  • Other documents you consider relevant.

NOTE: the letter of motivation and the project must be written in one of the following languages: Portuguese / English / Spanish / French

Applications should be sent by post mail or by email, including in the subjet “Application to Post-doctoral fellowship – Digital Humanities – CIDEHUS – UID/HIS/00057/2013”, to:


Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades da Universidade de Évora

Palácio do Vimioso

Largo do Marquês de Marialva, n.º 8

Apartado 94

7000-809 Évora

e-mail: cidehus@uevora.pt 


  • Palácio do Vimioso, Largo Marquês de Marialva, 8, Apartado 49
    Evora, Portugal (7000-809)


  • Friday, September 18, 2015


  • bolsa de investigação, pós-doutoramento


  • Vaz Freire Madalena
    courriel : mvfreire [at] uevora [dot] pt

Information source

  • Madalena Vaz Freire
    courriel : mvfreire [at] uevora [dot] pt


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Post-Doctoral fellowship in Digital Humanities », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Thursday, August 20, 2015, https://doi.org/10.58079/t58

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