HomeAll Fontanarrosa: The Work of a Complete Humourist

All Fontanarrosa: The Work of a Complete Humourist

Todo Fontanarrosa: la obra de un completo humorista

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Published on Wednesday, September 02, 2015


When the Argentine Roberto Fontanarrosa passed away in 2007, a national day of mourning was declared and his funeral was attended by thousands. Although Fontanarrosa was much loved and both the man and his works have received public recognition time and again, there are very few published academic works on his œuvre to this day. This proposed anthology seeks to fill this gap by paying attention to Fontanarrosa’s work as a whole



When the Argentine Roberto Fontanarrosa passed away in 2007, a national day of mourning was declared and his funeral was attended by thousands. Although Fontanarrosa was much loved and both the man and his works have received public recognition time and again, there are very few published academic works on his œuvre to this day. This proposed anthology seeks to fill this gap by paying attention to Fontanarrosa’s work as a whole.

We therefore invite papers that consider any aspect of Fontanarrosa’s œuvre, including but not limited to:

  • short stories and novels
  • comics
  • cinema and theatre
  • interviews and public addresses (such as his famous speech on “Las malas palabras”)

Submission guidelines

Abstracts of 1000 words (in English, Spanish or Portuguese) and a short CV should be sent to fontanarrosaproject@gmail.com

by 31 December 2015 for consideration.

Please write your family name(s) and “Fontanarrosa project” in the subject line.

If accepted, full papers will be due on 31 May 2016.

Contact email: fontanarrosaproject@gmail.com

Evaluation process

After the evaluation of sumitted proposals by the editors, selected contributions will be anonymiously peer-reviewed.


  • Dr Celina Bortolotto (Massey University, New Zealand)
  • Dr Annick Pellegrin (University of Mauritius)


  • Thursday, December 31, 2015


  • Fontanarrosa, Argentine, œuvres complètes, théâtre, cinéma, bande dessinée, conte, roman

Information source

  • Annick Pellegrin
    courriel : fontanarrosaproject [at] gmail [dot] com


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« All Fontanarrosa: The Work of a Complete Humourist », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, September 02, 2015, https://doi.org/10.58079/t6u

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