HomeRelationships of Trust in Street-Level Bureaucracies
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Published on Wednesday, September 02, 2015


Research on social policies have analysed the increasing role of personalised relationship between street-level bureaucrats and "users", focusing on tensions between values and practices, daily professional practices and adaptation strategies or between the ways in which users understand the service and professionals their engagements.



Research on social policies have analysed the increasing role of personalised relationship between street-level bureaucrats and "users", focusing on tensions between values and practices, daily professional practices and adaptation strategies or between the ways in which users understand the service and professionals their engagements.

The principles of fairness and individualisation have acquired greater importance, partly to battle real inequalities and to recognise users’ subjectivities. “Creating trust” in public services and between street-level bureaucrats and users is increasingly sought out. It is at the same time searched and challenged by policies that look for greater performance. But social closeness between professionals and users has an impact on the quality of the relationship and the way in which service is provided, questioning both fairness and equality.

In this panel, we would like to take an in-depth look at relationships of trust within public services both at interpersonal (street-level bureaucrats/users) and organisational levels. What are the social and organisational conditions that allow relationships of trust? How is trust concretely managed and implemented? We are seeking empirically grounded papers that will shine a light on the role, the construction and/or the consequences of relationships of trust in street-level bureaucracies of all public sectors (social, health, education, police, etc.).

Rules for Participation

Anyone can submit a paper proposal. However, you must be signed up for a free IPSA website account to be able to submit a proposal. You do not need to be a member of IPSA to submit a proposal, however in order to participate and register for the World Congress you must become an IPSA member.

Only the main author should submit the paper proposal. Co-authors (if any) must be added once the abstract is submitted.
ALL panelists must be signed up for a free IPSA website account in order to have their names included as a co-author in the paper proposal or another role on the program.

To maximize participation in the World Congress, it is necessary to limit the number of appearances of any single individual as follows:

  • No individual may make more than one appearance in the programme in each of the following categories:
  • Chair or co-chair of a panel
  • Discussant on a panel
  • "Papergiver": may appear twice - once as a main author and once as a co-author.  Should more than one of your proposals be accepted, only 1 will be accepted in the final program and any others rejected.  You will have the choice to choose the proposal you wish to keep.

If you are accepted:

  • You will be asked to submit the complete paper by July 1, 2016.
  • Be prepared to present your paper orally, in no more than 15 minutes at the congress.
  • Your name will ONLY appear in the Printed Program if you register by April 13, 2016.
  • Your proposal will remain on the Congress Program if you register by May 5, 2016, if you fail to complete the registration by this date, your paper wil be withdrawn from the program.

Guidelines for Paper Submission

Deadline to submit paper proposal: Oct 07, 2015

Submit your paper here


  • Paper proposals for any session must be submitted in English or French. 
  • Paper proposals in Turkish may be submitted in a panel in Turkish in the LOC sessions.

Paper Title

  • The title cannot exceed 25 words
  • Do not write your title in quotation marks
  • Do not use ALL CAPS and Capitalize titles in English

Paper Abstract

  •  The following points should be covered in your Abstract:
  1. the research question your paper investigates
  2. how it relates to the Congress Main Theme
  3. a very brief description of the methodological approach
  • The Abstract must not exceed 1650 characters (approximately 250 words).
  • Do not include references, bibliographical notes, or your contact information in the abstract text.
  • Review your use of language.

Dates and place

IPSA 2016 – Istanbul – July 23rd - 28th 2016


Mrs. Lila Le Trividic Harrache 


  • Virginie Muniglia (EHESP/CRAPE, France),
  • Céline Rothé (EHESP/CRAPE, France)
  • Lila Le Trividic Harrache (EHESP/CRAPE, France)

Registration and fees



  • Wednesday, October 07, 2015


  • street level, bureaucracy, public service, relationship, trust


  • Céline Rothé
    courriel : celine [dot] rothe [at] ehesp [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Céline Rothé
    courriel : celine [dot] rothe [at] ehesp [dot] fr


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Relationships of Trust in Street-Level Bureaucracies », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, September 02, 2015, https://doi.org/10.58079/t75

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