HomeInternational Convention of University Presses
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Published on Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Born as an initiative of Latin American networks including university presses and the Frankfurt Book Fair, the International Convention is a worldwide opportunity to present and create interaction among national and regional networks of University Presses, and to provide a platform for discussions on common issues in academic publishing at international level.The Convention will establish a meeting point for the exchange of ideas and reflection, where relevant topics of academic publishing are engaged, such as: common practices of the exchange of experience, commercialization, co-edition, license trade, information dissemination in the academic world, etc.



After two successfull editions, the International Convention of University Presses has already consolidated as one of the highlights of the Frankfurt Book Fair. In the previous years, the Convention has reunited more than 250 professionals in academic publishing worldwide from more than 22 countries. The International Convention of University Presses brings a new opportunity to exchange ideas and discover new trends in international academic publishing.  

Born as an initiative of Latin American networks including university presses and the Frankfurt Book Fair, the International Convention is a worldwide opportunity to present and create interaction among national and regional networks of University Presses, and to provide a platform for discussions on common issues in academic publishing at international level.

The Convention will establish a meeting point for the exchange of ideas and reflection, where relevant topics of academic publishing are engaged, such as: common practices of the exchange of experience, commercialization, co-edition, license trade, information dissemination in the academic world, etc.


  • 9.00 h Registration
  • 9.30 h Welcome : Juergen Boos, CEO Frankfurt Book Fair
  • 9.40 h Key note "Censors at Work: How States Shaped Literature", Robert Darnton, Culture historian
  • 10.40 h Break

10.50 h Round table: "Emerging Global Trends in University Press Publishing"

On the first part each panelist will present his market in a 10 minutes slot.

On the second part, there will be a discussion among them.

  • Peter Schoppert, National University of Singapore Press, Singapore
  • Carlos Gazzera, Red de Editoriales de las Universidades Nacionales de la Argentina (REUN), Argentina
  • Philip Cercone, McGill-Queens University Press, USA
  • Isabella Meinecke, Association of European University Presses, Germany
  • Juan Felipe Córdoba Restrepo, Asociación de Editoriales Universitarias de América Latina y el Caribe (EULAC), Colombia

Moderated by Darío Stukalsky, Vicecoordinador Red de Editoriales de las Universidades Nacionales de la Argentina (REUN), Argentina

12.30 Break, Networking, coffee, lunch

13.30 Fish Bowl Discussion "Academy or the general reading public"

15.00 Conclusions

  • Carlos Gazzera, REUN, Argentina
  • Peter Berkery, AAUP, USA


  • Messe
    Frankfurt, Federal Republic of Germany


  • Saturday, October 17, 2015

Attached files


  • Uni Presses, Academy Publishing, Publisher, Networking


  • Pablo Alejandro Arias
    courriel : arias [at] book-fair [dot] com

Information source

  • Pablo Alejandro Arias
    courriel : arias [at] book-fair [dot] com


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To cite this announcement

« International Convention of University Presses », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, October 13, 2015, https://doi.org/10.58079/tj9

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