StartseiteCan regions understand each other?

Can regions understand each other?

Europe and Asia: challenges and crisis-management

*  *  *

Veröffentlicht am Donnerstag, 05. November 2015


Further to the first Europe-Asia conferences exploring regional regime dynamics (France, 2004), policies of regional cooperation (Korea, 2005), interregional competition (France, 2012) and the limits of regional constructions (Kazakhstan, 2014), this 2016 edition will look at the reciprocal understanding of regions and how that is conducive to their capacity (or lack thereof) to monitor crises they undergo, both specific crises and interregional ones. Papers must address original research, in regional dynamics of Asia and Europe, since the end of the cold war and focus on one area among.



Papers are invited for the above-titled conference, marking the 5th Europe-Asia international cooperation of the “Europe-Asia 2014 research group” and the 2016 ASEM meeting to be held in Mongolia. Further to the first Europe-Asia conferences exploring regional regime dynamics (France, 2004), policies of regional cooperation (Korea, 2005), interregional competition (France, 2012) and the limits of regional constructions (Kazakhstan, 2014), this 2016 edition will look at the reciprocal understanding of regions and how that is conducive to their capacity (or lack thereof) to monitor crises they undergo, both specific crises and interregional ones. Papers must address original research, in regional dynamics of Asia and Europe, since the end of the cold war and focus on one area among.  

Main themes

Session 1 : International/diplomatic issues

Sub-topics suggested :

  • Regions, meta-regions, sub-regions ?,
  • A role for non-regional actors ?,
  • Crises inUkraine,North Korea,Greece,Afghanistan…,
  • Enlargement of organisations: SCO, EU, EEC, OSCE ...,
  • Diplomatic negotiations and progress …,
  • Nature of a dialogue among partners 

Session 2 : Societal/policy issues

Sub-topics suggested :

  • Democratic reforms and transitions,
  • Religion and political secularism,
  • Public opinion,
  • Identity,
  • Terrorism and intervention,
  • Migrations, labour, employment,
  • Markets and consumers … 

Session 3 : Economic/development issues

Sub-topics suggested :

  • Geographic planning,
  • Industrial development,
  • Business councils,
  • Banking dynamics,
  • Foreign investments,
  • Transport and logistics … 

Submission guidelines

Selected papers will be published in Public Administration and Regional Studies (I Rumanian, English or French), Contemporary Political Society (in English), World Affairs (in English, Mongolian, Russian or Chinese).

Proposals to be sent

before 15th January 2016


Selected participants will be informed by 15th February 2016.

The conference will be held in Oulan Bator, 26th-27th May 2016

Organised by 

  • The National University of Mongolia
  • School of International Relationsand Public Administration & School of Social Sciences
  • Le Havre University
  • Research Centerin Law and International Exchanges, LexFEIM 

Scientific Committee

  • Battulga (Dean, SIRPA, Mongolia),
  • Ganbold (Dean, SSS, Mongolia),
  • Altantsetseg (SIRPA),
  • Ulziisaikhan (SSS),
  • Bayasakh (SIRPA),
  • Munkhbat (SSS),
  • Enkhtsetseg (SIRPA),
  • Turtogtokh (SSS),
  • Burma (SIRPA),
  • Undrakh (SSS),
  • Chabal (UH),
  • Steck (UH),
  • Baizakova (KazNU, Kazakhstsan),
  • Lagro (NKU, Turkey),
  • Puşcaşu (Univ.Dunarea de Jos,Rumania),
  • Alix (Sefacil),
  • Tan (Xiamen)


  • Ikh Surgulin gudamj 1
    Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei (14200)


  • Freitag, 15. Januar 2016


  • région, crise, négociation, mécanisme


  • pierre CHABAL
    courriel : pierrechabal [at] yahoo [dot] fr



  • pierre CHABAL
    courriel : pierrechabal [at] yahoo [dot] fr


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« Can regions understand each other? », Beitragsaufruf, Calenda, Veröffentlicht am Donnerstag, 05. November 2015,

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