HomeTranslation and Quality : corpora and quality

Translation and Quality : corpora and quality

Traduction et qualité : corpus et qualité

*  *  *

Published on Thursday, December 03, 2015


This one-day conference  which focuses on the thorny problem of translation quality follows on from four previous conferences organized in  200820102012, and 2014. The conference will deal with the link between the use of electronic corpora (monolingual or multilingual, comparable or parallel, used as translation memories with CAT tools or with concordancers, used for machine translation…) and translation quality. The aim is to consider how corpora can improve translation quality (as tools for decision making) and how they can be used as tools for translation quality assessment.


There are three issues that are important when it comes to translation: quality, quality and quality.”

(Depraetere 2011 : 1)


This one-day conference  which focuses on the thorny problem of translation quality follows on from four previous conferences organized in  200820102012, and 2014. The conference will deal with the link between the use of electronic corpora (monolingual or multilingual, comparable or parallel, used as translation memories with CAT tools or with concordancers, used for machine translation…) and translation quality. The aim is to consider how corpora can improve translation quality (as tools for decision making) and how they can be used as tools for translation quality assessment.

It cannot be assumed that the use of translation corpora results in quality translations. Although corpora are to be found behind many tools used today by translators (translation memories in CAT tools, statistical Machine Translation, mini specialized corpora), the correlation with quality cannot be taken for granted. Whether the corpora are comparable or parallel, translators are generally not aware of the corpora used in translation software or relatively popular websites like www.linguee.com. Similarly, the link between studies within the field of corpus-based translation studies, of which there have been an increasing number since the 1990s, is not obvious. The idea that corpus tools, which for instance can measure intra-language differences between original and translated language, might be used to measure and improve translation quality is not consensual, far from it. The aim of this conference is thus to gather different speakers (translation trainers, researchers, but also designers and users of corpora as translation tools) in order to show how corpus use and translation quality can be related.

The conference will focus on 3 different areas:

  • corpora & teaching ;
  • corpora and language for specific purposes;
  • corpus and CAT/MT tools 


8h30 : Welcome to participants

9h-9h15 Introduction

Session 1 : Corpora & CAT/MT tools

  • 9h15-9h50 Pierre Bernassau, Directeur des services clients, société  SYSTRAN, SYSTRAN : Technologies de traduction automatique et Corpora, une relation privilégiée !
  • 9h50-10h25 Maria Rzewuska-Waligora, Direction Générale de la Traduction, Commission Européenne, Présentation de l’outil EURAMIS
  • 10h25-11h Hanna Martikainen, Université Paris Diderot, France & Julia Ive, LIMSI-CNRS, Cochrane France, Les corpus pour améliorer la qualité de la traduction automatique statistique post-éditée dans un domaine de spécialité 

Coffee break 11h-11h15

Session 2 : Corpora & LSP

  • 11h15-11h50 Natalie Kübler, Université Paris-Diderot, France, Titre à déterminer/Title to be announced
  • 11h50-12h25 Adriano Ferraresi, Université de Bologne, Italie, Text quality in the institutional academic domain. Exploring the applications of corpora and vocabulary profiling tools
  • 12h25-13h Giuditta Caliendo, Université de Lille3, France, & Antonio Compagnone, Université de Naples Federico II, Italie, Translating popularized academic communication: the TED Open Translation Project

Lunch break 13h-14h30

Session 3 : Corpora & Teaching

  • 14h30-15h05 Cécile Frérot, Université de Grenoble, France, Utilisation de corpus pour l’enseignement de la traduction : bilan et perspectives d’évaluation de leur utilité sur le processus de traduction
  • 15h05-15h40 Ana Frankenberg-Garcia, Centre for Translation Studies, University of Surrey, Royaume-Uni, Teaching translators to use corpora
  • 15h40-16h15 Bert Cappelle, Gert de Sutter, Rudy Loock & Koen Plevoets, Universités de Gand, Belgique, et de Lille 3, France, A corpus-based, statistical approach to translation quality




  • Salle des colloques - Université Lille 3, Maison de la Recherche, Domaine Universitaire du Pont de Bois, Rue du Barreau
    Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France (59653)


  • Friday, February 05, 2016

Attached files


  • traduction, qualité, corpus


  • Rudy Loock
    courriel : rudy [dot] loock [at] univ-lille3 [dot] fr

Information source

  • Justin Duquesnoy
    courriel : justin [dot] duquesnoy [at] univ-lille3 [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Translation and Quality : corpora and quality », Study days, Calenda, Published on Thursday, December 03, 2015, https://doi.org/10.58079/ty4

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