HomeNew perspectives in the philosophy of biology

HomeNew perspectives in the philosophy of biology

New perspectives in the philosophy of biology

Nouvelles perspectives en philosophie de la biologie

BioPerspectives CNRS theme school

École thématique CNRS « BioPerspectives »

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Published on Monday, February 01, 2016


The scientific domain of the summer school is philosophy of biology. After having mostly focused for several decades on evolutionary biology, philosophy of biology has recently shown an increasing interest for issues coming from other biological disciplines, in particular molecular biology. Today, philosophy of biology must widen its scope, and include the new research domains that are emerging in the Life Sciences: it must deal with the philosophical and epistemological challenges and problems originated by those domains, and thereby profoundly renew the object of its reflection. As a matter of fact, we witness today the emergence of a number of new research domains as, in particular, molecular epigenetics, metagenomics, systems biology and synthetic biology.



The scientific domain of the summer school is philosophy of biology. After having mostly focused for several decades on evolutionary biology, philosophy of biology has recently shown an increasing interest for issues coming from other biological disciplines, in particular molecular biology. Today, philosophy of biology must widen its scope, and include the new research domains that are emerging in the Life Sciences: it must deal with the philosophical and epistemological challenges and problems originated by those domains, and thereby profoundly renew the object of its reflection. As a matter of fact, we witness today the emergence of a number of new research domains as, in particular, molecular epigenetics, metagenomics, systems biology and synthetic biology. Generally speaking, those new disciplines challenge the mainstream approach in biology during the 20th century, mainly centred on genes as the fundamental explanatory principle. More specifically, these new domains open the way to a more interactive and integrative perspective, by relying on new technologies for data production and analysis (as, for instance, next-generation sequencing techniques and new algorithms for treating massive experimental data). Such an expansion and diversification entails major transformations – both theoretical and methodological – in the study of the functioning, development, and evolution of biological organisms. The central objective of this summer school is to identify the main conceptual and epistemological challenges with which philosophy of biology will deal for the next decade and beyond.

Main topics will include phylosophy of biology

Eminent scientists in the field will animate the workshop. These include:

  • Eric Bapteste (CNRS & UPMC, Paris FR),
  • Christoph Grunau (Univ de Perpignan FR),
  • Ulrich Krohs (Univ de Hamburg DE)
  • Ariel Lindner (INSERM, CRI, Paris FR),
  • Francesca Merlin (CNRS, IHPST Paris FR),
  • Michel Morange (ENS, Paris FR),
  • Maureen O’Malley (CNRS, ALYSAI & Univ de Bordeaux FR),
  • Olaf Wolkenhauer (Univ de Rostock SBI)


Application and registration http://www.ihpst.cnrs.fr/activites/colloques/nouvelles-perspectives-en-philosophie-de-la-biologie-ecole-thematique-cnrs

Deadline Registration : 2016, February 15

Registration Fees : 200 € for student, 350 € for others

Scientific Committee

  • Arantza Exteberria (Univ. del Pais San Sebastian ES),
  • Jean Gayon (Univ. Paris 1 FR),
  • Thierry Hoquet (Univ. Lyon 3 FR),
  • Philippe Huneman (IHPST Paris FR),
  • Lucie Laplane (Hop Gustave Roussy Villejuif FR),
  • Paul Antoine Miquel (Univ. Toulouse 2 FR),
  • Maël Montévil (Univ. Paris 7 FR),
  • Matteo Mossio (IHPST Paris FR),
  • Antonine Nicoglou (IJM Paris FR),
  • Thomas Pradeu (ALISAI/CIRID Bordeaux FR),
  • Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo (Univ. del Pais San Sebastian ES)
  • Organization Committee

  • Francesca Merlin (IHPST Paris FR),
  • Matteo Mossio (IHPST Paris FR),
  • Sébastien Dutreuil (Univ Paris 1 FR),
  • Victor Lefevre (Univ. Paris 1 FR),
  • Gaelle Pontarotti (Univ. Paris 1 FR),
  • Peggy Tessier (IHPST Paris FR)


  • Cargèse, France (2A)


  • Monday, February 15, 2016


  • biologie, épigénétique moléculaire, métagénomique, biologie des systèmes, biologie synthétique


  • Francesca Merlin
    courriel : francesca [dot] merlin [at] univ-paris1 [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Peggy Tessier
    courriel : peggy [dot] tessier [at] cnrs [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« New perspectives in the philosophy of biology », Summer School, Calenda, Published on Monday, February 01, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/uab

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