HomeMusic in Switzerland

Music in Switzerland

Musique en Suisse

Musik in der Schweiz

Through the prism of social sciences

Sous le regard des sciences sociales

Aus der Sicht der Sozialwissenschaften

*  *  *

Published on Monday, February 22, 2016


Cette jounrnée d'étude a pour but de réunir, pour la première fois, les chercheurs en sciences sociales s'intéressant à la production, la diffusion et la consommation de musique en Suisse.



In Switzerland, there are still only a handful of studies on music in the social sciences. The musical life of this country, however, is of an exceptional value. Data from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office show an important musical consumption in the population and, even more so, an exceptionally high rate of musical practice, instrument and voice combined[1]. Moreover, some Swiss bands have seen international success in the last few decades[2]. In more institutional terms, we can count numerous festivals and concert halls across the country. During the last fifteen years or so, different institutions aiming to support musical creation have seen the light of day, even, at times, with the intention of using music to spread Swiss culture overseas.     

In this context, we find it useful to elaborate an outlook specific to the social sciences that focuses on music in Switzerland. With this study day, we intend to gather different studies that will allow us to sketch a portrait of this Switzerland of music (“classical”, “contemporary”, “popular”, “folk”). It will be a matter of highlighting the Swiss features in terms of musical workforce and job market, but also in regards to the country’s position in global musical flows or its linguistic specificities. In this respect, presentation proposals that hinge on empirical results will be preferred. The focus may be both on musical consumption and listening, as well as production and mediation. 


[1] About 20% of the population aged 15 or more plays a musical instrument, and 16% sings. See Moeschler Olivier et Vanhooydonc Stéphanie (2011) Les pratiques culturelles en Suisse, Neuchâtel : OFS.

[2] Let us mention, for example, Yello, Stephan Eicher, The Young Gods, Celtic Frost, Dj Bobo or, more recently, Sophie Hunger. 


Marc Perrenoud (UNIL) and Loïc Riom (UNIGE)


  • Institute of social sceinces (UNIL)
  • Insitute of sociological research (UNIGE)


The selection of papers will be based on an abstract of 300 to 500 words describing the topic of the presentation, the methodology, empirical materials used and the main results.

The abstract must be summited until the March 25

to the following addresses: Marc.Perrenoud@unil.ch and Loic.Riom@unige.ch.

The result of the selection will be communitcated not later than the mid-April. Papers can be presented either in English or in French.


  • UNIL, Bâtiment Géopolis, salle 2121
    Lausanne, Switzerland (1015)


  • Friday, March 25, 2016


  • musique, Suisse, consommation, production, diffusion


  • Loïc Riom
    courriel : loic [dot] riom [at] unil [dot] ch

Information source

  • Loïc Riom
    courriel : loic [dot] riom [at] unil [dot] ch


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To cite this announcement

« Music in Switzerland », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, February 22, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/ubu

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