HomeAt the Frontiers of Disciplines
At the Frontiers of Disciplines
Aux frontières des disciplines
Research and Interdisciplinarity: Defining Practices and Challenges
Recherche et interdisciplinarité : quelles pratiques pour quels enjeux ?
Published on Thursday, February 18, 2016
On June 17th, 2016, PhD students of Stanislas Doctoral School organize an International Day of the Young Researchers in Nancy. This event aims at favoring the meeting, the valorization and the exchange of the works of young researchers of any disciplines. In the lineage of the previous Day of the Young Researchers organized on May 28th, 2015 ("Identities and Contexts"), this event takes on an international scale, offering the PhD students and the doctors who have defended in the year, the possibility of sharing with each other their reflections on the theme "At the Frontiers of Disciplines. Research and Interdisciplinarité : Defining Practices and Challenges".
On June 17th, 2016, PhD students of Stanislas Doctoral School organize an International Day of the Young Researchers in Nancy. This event aims at favoring the meeting, the valorization and the exchange of the works of young researchers of any disciplines. In the lineage of the previous Day of the Young Researchers organized on May 28th, 2015 (" Identities and Contexts "), this event takes on an international scale, offering the PhD students and the doctors who have defended in the year, the possibility of sharing with each other their reflections on the theme " At the Frontiers of Disciplines. Research and Interdisciplinarity: Defining Practices and Challenges".
Claude Lévi-Strauss based anthropology on the crossing between natural history, structural linguistics, ethnology. Georges Duby and Jacques Le Goff allowed us to take a new look on the Middle Ages in light of economy and of sociology. Alfred Wegener discovered the theory of the continental drift as he crossed geological and biological data. Nowadays in Lorraine, among other researchers, Tiphaine Obara copes with cancerous tumors using mathematical equations …
From one given act of investigation to the emergence of new fields, these examples of research and discoveries arose from interdisciplinarity, borrowing concepts and reference frames from other disciplines, crossing research methodologies, or hybridizing disciplines, sometimes in a haphazard way.
Nowadays, interdisciplinarity seems actually to be one of the answers today that knowledge proposes to a globalized world, characterized by fuzzy and porous outlines, and liable to the risk of illegibility. The subdivision of sciences operated in the 19th century, then certified at that time excellence for each of them, but it confines them from now on to hyperspecialization, which bears itself a risk of sclerosis. This “simplifying thought" described by Edgar Morin indeed shows itself "incapable of conceiving the conjunction of the one and the multiple ", because " it unifies abstractly cancelling diversity. Or on the contrary, it juxtaposes diversity without conceiving unity "(Edgar Morin, La Pensée complexe, Seuil, Paris, 2006, p. 19).
From then on, as the pendulum swings back, the disciplines open up, borrow concepts or paradigms to each other in order to develop their own objects of study. The disciplines get more complicated by this process of interbreeding, they regenerate, give birth to other disciplines - the latter keep perpetuating their own research dynamic and action without never being reducible to the knowledges which engendered them.
To confront different approaches with each other, to bring the specialists in various fields to discuss, but also to allow everyone to access knowledge, all of this can be an effective way of exploring and deciphering the world, a way of interpreting it and acting on it as well.
Asking how arises - and could be solved - the " challenge of globality " in front of the fragmentation of knowledges and techniques, is to enquire the current relevance of fault lines such as the one who brings into conflict, for example, the culture of the humanities and the scientific culture. That leads us more widely to wonder about the modalities for access to knowledge, that would not be the privilege of the specialist or the scientific elite anymore, but that of the resourceful person, the handyman, whose curiosity and thirst of knowledge bring to experience the porosity of the disciplinary borders. These two values are inseparable from the humility which shows through in this thought, attributed by Edgar Morin to Jacques Labeyrie: " when we do not find any solution in a discipline, the solution comes from outside the discpline" (Edgar Morin, « Sur l'interdisciplinarité », 1990)…
This International Day will allow the young researchers to take a distanced look on their research acts and their methodologies as well, and to wonder about their place in society, while clarifying and setting the notion of interdisciplinarity into a meaningful context.
The participants will ensure thier presentation fall within the framework of one of the following axes:
- Axe 1 : contributions and limits to interdisciplinarity
- Axe 2 : migration/circulation of concepts of research
- Axe 3 : Inter-pluri/multi-transdisciplinarity : how do you practice interdisciplinarity ?
Two modalities of contribution
The PhD students of any disciplines, whatever is their year of registration in a doctorate school, as well as the doctors having defended in the year 2015/2016, are invited to communicate during this day. The presentation can be held either in French or English according to one of the following modalities:
Poster: posters have to stick to the following characteristics :
- Format : A0 (841 x 1189 cm) / Portrait orientation.
- Typeface and colors : free.
- Compulsory elements : surname, forename of the author, laboratory and home university (name + logo), bibliographical references.
During the day, a specific time will be dedicated to posters, their authors will then have the possibility to present them briefly.
Paper : it includes a 20 minute presentation, followed by a 10 minute discussion.
The proposals and the poster communications have to respect the following characteristics :
- Text format : Times New Roman typeface, size 12, 1.5 interlining (Word .doc file is compulsory, and must be intitled according to the following model : JIJC2016 – SURNAME Forename)
- Nature of the communication (please specify if poster or paper)
- SURNAME, Forename of the author(s), year of thesis registration (or date of the thesis defence), discipline, university, home laboratory, email, phone number
- Presentation title
- Keywords (between 4 and 6) only for oral communications
- Summary or description of the poster : between 250 and 350 words (except for the name, title, key words, bibliography)
- Bibliographical references (4 maximum)
Drop the proposals and descriptions of the posters on the website : http://JIJC2016.event.univ-lorraine.fr
Opening of the submission for the calls for papers : February 11th 2016
Deadline for dispatch of the calls for papers : March 15th 2016
The PhD students will be informed of the decision of the scientific committee by April 15th 2016.
Please complete the registration process before June 10th 2016.
Fees for registration :
- By May 16th 2016 : 20€
- From May 17th to June 10th 2016 : 30 €
The registration for the conference/symposium can be paid by the laboratories of the participants.
Scientific Committee
In the process of being set up
The Steering Committee
- Cécile Bertrand-Dagenbach (Directrice adjointe de l’École doctorale Stanislas),
- Gaëlle Lafarge (IDEA),
- Emily Lombardero (LIS),
- Dominique Macaire (Directrice de l’École doctorale Stanislas),
- Joris Mathieu (INTERPSY),
- Marie Mossé (LIS),
- Nada Negraoui (PERSEUS),
- Yana Pacault (CERCLE),
- Julie Prevost-Zuddas (ATILF),
- Cécile Prudent (INTERPSY).
Information et contact
For any request, please contact us on the following address : jijc2016-contact@univ-lorraine.fr.
École doctorale Stanislas
- Université de Lorraine - Campus lettres et sciences humaines - 23 boulevard Albert 1er, BP 13397, cedex
Nancy, France (54015)
- Tuesday, March 15, 2016
- interdisciplinarité, frontière, discipline
- École doctorale Stanislas
courriel : jijc2016-contact [at] univ-lorraine [dot] fr
Reference Urls
Information source
- Comité de pilotage des journées jeunes chercheurs de l'école doctorale Stanislas
courriel : jijc2016-contact [at] univ-lorraine [dot] fr
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« At the Frontiers of Disciplines », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, February 18, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/ug8