HomeDebuerit habere regnum. Deposing and proclaiming kings in the middle ages

Debuerit habere regnum. Deposing and proclaiming kings in the middle ages

Debuerit habere regnum. Depôr e proclamar reis na idade média

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Published on Tuesday, March 15, 2016


This interdisciplinary conference intends to be a meeting point for specialists in History, Art History and Literature in order to discuss medieval kings’ depositions and irregular self-proclamations within a European context, and especially the ceremonies and discourses associated to these events.



In 1366 Enrique de Trastámara, illegitimate son of King Alfonso XI of Castile, proclaimed himself king and forced his half brother Pedro I to leave the kingdom. A few years earlier, in 1359, Muhammad V of Granada had been overthrown by his half-brother. In 1385 João de Avis, illegitimate son of the Portuguese king Pedro I, was proclaimed king and defeated the husband of the legitimate heiress, Juan I of Castile. In 1399 Richard II was deposed and Henry IV declared king. These are just some examples of depositions and self-proclamations of medieval kings. There are many more, before and after, in Christian and Muslim kingdoms, both effective and unsuccessful.

This interdisciplinary conference intends to be a meeting point for specialists in History, Art History and Literature in order to discuss medieval kings’ depositions and irregular self-proclamations within a European context, and especially the ceremonies and discourses associated to these events. The conference presentations will focus on:

  • The ceremonies: abdications, coronations, depositions, proclamations, etc. Contemporary images and verbal descriptions.
  • The symbolic objects associated to the monarchy and, thereby, to those ceremonies (crowns, thrones, scepters, etc.). 
  • The discourses and arguments used or created to legitimize depositions and irregular proclamations. The theoretical basis.
  • The later justifications and refutations: historiographical narratives, claims, etc.

Submission guidelines

The conference welcomes proposals for 20-minute papers related to these subjects, containing the name, affiliation and address of the author, an abstract of about 300 words, and a brief CV. For co-authorships please include names, affiliations, addresses and a brief CV of all authors, and indicate who will serve as presenter. Presentations can be in Portuguese, Spanish, English, French and Italian. Portuguese, Spanish and English will be the official languages of the conference.

Proposals should be sent by 31st of March 2016

to debuerithabere@gmail.com. Notification of acceptance will be given on 30th April 2016.


  • Covadonga Valdaliso

Organization committee

  • Isabel de Pina Baleiras
  • Francisco José Díaz Marcilla
  • Tiago Faria
  • Hermenegildo Fernandes
  • Rodrigo Furtado
  • Armando Norte
  • Rosa Rodríguez Porto
  • Sacramento Roselló
  • Manuela Santos Silva

Scientific Committee

  • Amélia Aguiar Andrade (U. Nova de Lisboa)
  • Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho (U. Coimbra)
  • Saul António Gomes (U. Coimbra)
  • Luís Miguel Duarte (U. Porto)
  • José Augusto Sotto Mayor Pizarro (U. Porto)
  • Ana Maria Rodrigues (U. Lisboa)
  • Mª Isabel del Val (U. Valladolid)
  • José Varandas (U. Lisboa)
  • Bernardo Vasconcelos e Sousa (U. Nova de Lisboa)
  • Hermínia Vilar (U. Évora)



  • Thursday, March 31, 2016


  • abdication, coronation, deposition, proclamation, monarchy, ceremony, crown, throne, scepter

Information source

  • Covadonga Valdaliso
    courriel : cCasanova [at] letras [dot] ulisboa [dot] pt


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To cite this announcement

« Debuerit habere regnum. Deposing and proclaiming kings in the middle ages », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, March 15, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/um3

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