HomeRitual practices in Ancient Sudan: gestures, words and furnishings

HomeRitual practices in Ancient Sudan: gestures, words and furnishings

Ritual practices in Ancient Sudan: gestures, words and furnishings

Pratiques rituelles au Soudan ancien : gestes, paroles, mobiliers

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Published on Tuesday, May 03, 2016


In the continuity of two workshops set at University Paris-Sorbonne - Paris in 2011 and at University Charles-de-Gaulle - Lille 3 in 2013, this colloquium will gather the young French-speaking actors of archaeology in Sudan, as well as senior researchers, for two days of discussion around a common theme. In this case, the participants are invited to exchange on the "Ritual practices in Ancient Sudan".



The workshops gathering PhD students and young researchers on Ancient Sudan, set at University Paris-Sorbonne – Paris IV in 2011 and at University Charles-de-Gaulle – Lille 3 in 2013, together with the SFDAS (French Archaeological Unit in Sudan), have shown the vitality of the research in this discipline. The wealth of the exchanges during these events encourages maintaining such an activity by organizing a new session. Young French-speaking actors of archaeology in Sudan are therefore invited for two days of exchange around a common theme, as well as senior researchers to supervise and enrich the debates.

After two events dedicated to matters concerning the material culture, we invite this time the participants to initiate reflexion on the religious fact. Indeed, religion is a central feature in our field of research, mainly because our knowledge of ancient societies and cultures of Sudan comes essentially from excavations of cemeteries and monumental complexes, such as religious buildings.

This colloquium is thus proposing to think about the “Ritual practices in Ancient Sudan”. Rituals are indeed an essential element of the religious fact, more or less known according to the periods, and the development of the actual research brings us to assess this matter. It will be an opportunity to discuss about the way they modify our understanding of religions, and beyond, of ancient cultures of Sudan. Continuities and evolutions will be debated as well. This theme of research is based on material, textual and iconographical data, and requires various specialities (architecture, ceramology, epigraphy, iconology ...).

Magdalena Wozniak (Paris-Sorbonne), Tsubasa Sakamoto (Lille 3), Sébastien Maillot (Paris-Sorbonne)


Friday 6 May

  • 9h-9h15 : Welcoming participants
  • 9h15-9h30 : Opening by Pierre Tallet
  • Introduction by Charles Bonnet

Session 1 - Localization of sacred space.

Chairman : Charles Bonnet

  • 9h30–10h : Hélène Delattre. Like a Holy Stone. L’hypothèse de la roche sacrée dans la Nubie protohistorique.
  • 10h–10h30 : Tsubasa Sakamoto. Matérialiser le culte isiaque en Nubie : enquête archéologique.
  • 10h30–11h : Break
  • 11h–11h30 : Robin Seignobos. Où sont les mosquées ? Le problème des lieux de culte musulmans dans la Nubie médiévale.
  • 11h30–12h : Discussion.
  • 12h-14h : Lunchtime

Session 2 - Materiality of cultual practices.

Modérateur : to be precised

  • 14h–14h30 : Romain David. Interpréter les décors imprimés sur céramique : une première approche.
  • 14h30–15h : Sébastien Maillot. L’offrande alimentaire dans les temples kouchites (VIIe s. av. J.-C. – IIIe s. ap. J.-C.)
  • 15h–15h30 : Break
  • 15h30–16h : Magdalena Wozniak. Le costume des rois de Makouria : signes d’un héritage kouchite ?
  • 16h–17h : Discussion.

Saturday 7 May

Session 3 - « Accompany and honour the dead » : Funeral practices.

Modérateur : Abdelrahman Ali Mohamed

  • 9h–9h30 : Emma Maines. Gestes funéraires à Kadruka (KDK 23) : aperçu et interprétation des pratiques et des rites funéraires préhistoriques au Soudan.
  • 9h30–10h : Jérôme Dubosson. Pratiques funéraires et sacrifices d’animaux dans le royaume de Kerma (2500 –1500 av. J.-C.). L’apport de l’ethnoarchéologie.
  • 10h-10h30 : Break
  • 10h30–11h : Julia Budka. Funerary rituals at Kurru: The question of Egyptian influences reassessed.
  • 11h–11h30 : Marie Vandenbeusch. Tatouages de la quatrième cataracte: témoignages de rituels ou ornementations corporelles?

11h30-12h : Discussion

12-14h : Lunchtime

Session 4 - The role of furniture in funeral rituals

Modérateur : Romain David

  • 14h–14h30 : Faïza Drici. Reposer « en paix »… la place des armes dans les rites funéraires kouchites.
  • 14h30–15h : Elsa Yvanez. Les textiles dans la tombe : place et rôles des tissus dans les rituels funéraires méroïtiques.

15h-16h : Discussion

16h : Conclusion of the colloquium by Dominique Valbelle


It is recommended to indicate its presence to this e-mail : tablerondesoudan@yahoo.fr


  • Salle Vasari (1er étage) - Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art , 2 rue Vivienne
    Paris, France (75002)


  • Friday, May 06, 2016
  • Saturday, May 07, 2016


  • Soudan, religion, rituel, funéraire


  • Sébastien Maillot
    courriel : tablerondesoudan [at] yahoo [dot] fr

Information source

  • Sébastien Maillot
    courriel : tablerondesoudan [at] yahoo [dot] fr


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Ritual practices in Ancient Sudan: gestures, words and furnishings », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, May 03, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/v1j

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