HomeMaster of Slang

Master of Slang

Les maîtres de l'argot

I Maestri dell'Argot

Online Journal Argotica, Nr. 1 (5) /2016

Revue en ligne Argotica, n° 1 (5) / 2016

Rivista online Argotica, No 1(5)/2016

*  *  *

Published on Friday, June 17, 2016


This issue of Argotica is dedicated to the artisans of slang. We will refer to the authors who capitalized on the aesthetic virtues of slang (poets, novelists, reporters, lyricists, screenwriters and so on) as well as to the scholars who dedicated their efforts to the study of slang and, as such, drew the attention to less known aspects of slang formation and use



The use of slang in daily conversation, in the media and in arts, especially in literature, music and cinema, favoured the belief that slang is a reflection of linguistic craft. Interpreted as colourful, subversive and figurative, slang was understood as the creation of certain groups of speakers, but it was also exposed as the expression of a crude, violent and dark view upon reality. Regardless of the attitudes towards slang, it is undeniable that the life of slang obeys the same rules as the life of language, in general.

This issue of Argotica is dedicated to the artisans of slang. We will refer to the authors who capitalized on the aesthetic virtues of slang (poets, novelists, reporters, lyricists, screenwriters and so on) as well as to the scholars who dedicated their efforts to the study of slang and, as such, drew the attention to less known aspects of slang formation and use.

Under the topic "Masters of slang" we welcome contributions guided by two coordinates:

1. Poetics of slang

This coordinate outlines the use of slang in the media and in verbal arts, be they works of literature, lyrics, scripts or plays. The aim of this approach is to reveal the expressive and persuasive effects of slang use.

2. Slang studies today and yesterday

This coordinate highlights the influential scientific models in slang research. The works of scholars such as Alfredo NICEFORO, Jean GRAVEN, Lazar SAINEANU, Iorgu IORDAN, Alexandru GRAUR, Albert DAUZAT, Gaston ESNAULT, Pierre GUIRAUD, Louis-Jean CALVET, Jean-Paul COLIN, Jean-Pierre GOUDAILLIER, Eric PARTRIDGE, David W. MAURER, Jonathon GREEN, Julie COLEMAN, and others established the study of slang as an autonomous branch of science at the crossroads of psychology, sociology and linguistics. To revisit these works means to honour their authors and to ponder on the interdisciplinary nature of slang studies.

In our view, the scope of the suggested topic allows for original contributions that mirror the specific dynamics of the language practices generally falling under the name of SLANG.


  • September 1, 2016: proposal submission

  • September 15, 2016: proposal evaluation and notification to authors
  • December 4, 2016:article submission
  • December 30, 2016: deadline for the submission of articles that needed changes
  • January, 2017: online publication

Instructions for proposals

  • The name and surname of the author
  • Affiliation (university / institution, faculty, department, research team, etc.)
  • Title of the proposal
  • Abstract (200-250 words)
  • 3-5 key words
  • Bibliography (five titles)

Contacts for submission of proposals:

  • Ioan MILICÄ‚ Issue editor (for the proposals in English and Romanian): :ioanister@gmail.com
  • Laurentiu BALA (for proposals in French, Italian and Spanish): lbala@central.ucv.ro

Scientific committee

  • Dominique JEANNEROD, Queen’s University, Belfast (Northern Ireland) d.jeannerod@qub.ac.uk
  • Ioan MILICĂ, Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iași (România) ioan_milica@yahoo.com
  • Andrzej NAPIERALSKI, Uniwersytet Łódzki (Polska) napieralski.a@op.pl
  • Montserrat PLANELLES IVÁÑEZ, Universidad de Alicante (España) montserrat.planelles@ua.es
  • Alena PODHORNÁ-POLICKÁ, Masarykova Univerzita, Brno (Česká republika) podhorna@phil.muni.cz
  • Rachele RAUS, Università degli Studi di Torino (Italia) rachele.raus@unito.it
  • Anda RĂDULESCU, Universitatea din Craiova (România) andaradul@gmail.com
  • Ghislaine ROLLAND-LOZACHMEUR, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest (France) ghislaine.lozachmeur@univ-brest.fr
  • Fernande Elisabeth RUIZ QUEMOUN, Universidad de Alicante (España) fernande.ruiz@ua.es
  • Marc SOURDOT, Université « René Descartes » Paris V (France) misourdot@aol.com
  • Dávid SZABÓ, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE), Budapest (Magyarország) davi.szabo@gmail.com
  • George VOLCEANOV, Universitatea „Spiru Haret”, București (România) geovolceanov@yahoo.com
  • Francis YAICHE, Université « René Descartes » Paris V (France) francis.yaiche@parisdescartes.fr
  • Rodica ZAFIU, Universitatea din București (România) rodica_zafiu@yahoo.com


  • 13, rue Al. I. Cuza
    Craiova, Romania (200585)


  • Thursday, September 01, 2016


  • argot, argotologie, culture, maitre


  • Laurentiu Bala
    courriel : lbala [at] central [dot] ucv [dot] ro

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Laurentiu Bala
    courriel : lbala [at] central [dot] ucv [dot] ro


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To cite this announcement

« Master of Slang », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, June 17, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/vcl

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