HomeCollection "Fontes e inventários"

Collection "Fontes e inventários"

Coleção "Fontes e inventários"

CIDEHUS: Call for e-book proposals

CIDEHUS: chamada para publicação de livros em formato e-book

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Published on Wednesday, July 13, 2016


CIDEHUS (Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades) has one book collection with peer-review: Fontes e Inventários that publishes historical sources editing or inventories of archives and other collections. From now on, once a year, CIDEHUS opens a call for book proposals to general academic community and not only to the members of our research center.



CIDEHUS has one book collections with peer-review: Fontes e Inventários that publishes historical sources editing or inventories of archives and other collections.

It has an international scientific committee and an editorial committee, as well as an individual assistant for the edition process.

Editorial Board

  • Mafalda Soares da Cunha
  • Ana Cardoso de Matos
  • Maria Filomena Gonçalves
  • Ana Sofia Ribeiro 

Scientific Board

  • Antonio Castillo Gómez (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares)
  • Bruno Feitler (UNIFESP - Universidade Federal de São Paulo)
  • Cláudio Torres (Campo Arqueológico de Mértola)
  • Filipa Ribeiro da Silva (IISG - Amsterdam)
  • Filipe Themudo Barata (CIDEHUS-Universidade de Évora)
  • José Augusto Pizarro (Universidade do Porto)
  • Phablo Fachín (USP - Universidade de São Paulo)

Colection Adviser

Ana Sofia Ribeiro 

Submission guidelines

From now on, once a year, CIDEHUS opens a call for book proposals to general academic community and not only to the members of our research center.

This is the 2016 call, despite the publication of the books will not be ready before early 2017. We have the pleasure to invite any member of the academic community to present a pre proposal of an e-book

until 30 July.

The selected final texts should be delivered until 17 October. To apply, the proposal should accomplish some criteria: 

  •  The text should correspond to original research, with high scientific quality, and not published by other publisher or in another language. The main topic should be directly linked with the strategic project of CIDEHUS (Societal changes in the South, in the long run);
  • Each e-book proposal should be an individual monograph although it can have one or more authors. However, it cannot correspond to conference proceedings or other type of collective book;
  •  The pre-selection made by the editorial and scientific committees does not guarantee the acceptance of the manuscript by external peer reviewers to be made after 17 October. Only after this second approval CIDEHUS can ensure the edition and publication of the e-book;
  • Languages allowed are Portuguese, English, Spanish, and French.
  • This call for e-book proposals is not destined to the members of CIDEHUS. Their application process is different and continuously opened;
  • For proposal applications, please send a long abstract of the monography (until 8000 characters), 5 key-words, a (temporary) table of contents, e-mail and telephone contacts to the e-mail address cidehus@uevora.pt;
  • Final texts should not overcome 250 printed pages Those who do not submit a pre-proposal in July cannot apply or send the text in October. 

For more information, please check the regulations of the collection at http://www.en.cidehus.uevora.pt/Publications/Colecao-Fontes-Inventarios  


  • CIDEHUS - Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades da Universidade de Évora
    Evora, Portugal (7000-809)


  • Saturday, July 30, 2016


  • fontes, inventários


  • Madalena Vaz Freire
    courriel : mvfreire [at] uevora [dot] pt

Information source

  • Madalena Vaz Freire
    courriel : mvfreire [at] uevora [dot] pt


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Collection "Fontes e inventários" », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, July 13, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/vgf

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