Published on Monday, August 22, 2016
Contemporary developments in the increasingly intertwined fields of philosophy and performance call for a renewed inquiry into the question of repetition. With its unique critique of ideology arising from a synthesis of German Idealism and Lacanian psychoanalysis, the Ljubljana School (Dolar, Zupančič, Žižek et al.) continues to furnish important theorisations of repetition and performance as they pertain to subjectivity and the political. One of the primary aims of “Repetition/s” will be to investigate and develop the usefulness of the Ljubljana School’s theorisations for the emerging field of Performance Philosophy.
Contemporary developments in the increasingly intertwined fields of philosophy and performance call for a renewed inquiry into the question of repetition. With its unique critique of ideology arising from a synthesis of German Idealism and Lacanian psychoanalysis, the Ljubljana School (Dolar, Zupančič, Žižek et al.) continues to furnish important theorisations of repetition and performance as they pertain to subjectivity and the political. One of the primary aims of REPETITION/S will be to investigate and develop the usefulness of the Ljubljana School’s theorisations for the emerging field of Performance Philosophy.
Ljubljana is a major centre of both philosophical and artistic practice, with a specific strength in theater and performance. Scheduled to coincide with the City Museum of Ljubljana’s art & performance festival, the academic and artistic events constituting REPETITION/S will be co-hosted by the City Museum and the University of Ljubljana, with lectures, panels, workshops and performances taking place across a range of other venues in the city, including the Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture. This is a polydisciplinary event bringing together a variety of scholars and artists.
- Gregor Moder,
- Bara Kolenc,
- Anna Street,
- Ben Hjorth,
- the Aufhebung – International Hegelian Association,
- the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana – City Museum of Ljubljana,
- the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
- MG+MSUM, the Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, Kud Pozitiv, DIC,
- the Research Unit in European Philosophy of Monash University,
- the University of Paris-Sorbonne and their research laboratories PRITEPS and VALE,
- the Performance Philosophy network.
Wednesday, September 21st
- 6:00 – 7:30 Welcoming Event
- 7:30 – 8:00 Performance AKTUATOR: 2016, Zupančič::Turšič::Živadinov
Thursday, September 22nd
8:30 – 9:30 Registration and coffee
9:30 – 10:00 Welcome by Branka Kalenić Ramšak (Dean of the Faculty of Arts) and opening remarks by the organizing team
All day (throughout conference):
- Kristina Hagström-Ståhl (Gothenburg University) “The Talking Cure" (sound installation)
- Fil Ieropoulos (Buckinghamshire New University) “Quotidiousness” (video installation)
- Urban Ksaver Kmet (Researcher & artist), Kai Simon Stöger (Dancer & choreographer) & Jasmina Založnik (University of Aberdeen)“B-Mapping” (performance workshop)
- Luca Resta (Artist) “Superposition” (performance / visual installation)
10:00 – 11:00 Morning Lecture Mladen Dolar (University of Ljubljana) “Staging Concepts”
11:00 – 11:30 Session Break
11:30 – 1:00 Parallel Sessions I
Session 1 Comedy and Tragedy
- Ramona Mosse (Free University Berlin) and Anna Street (University of Paris – Sorbonne) “Repetition in Tragedy and Comedy: Un/Masking the Surface”
- Kate Katafiasz (Newman University, Birmingham) “Repetition Beyond, Or Behind, Representation”
- Anna Bromley and Michael Fesca (Artists) “Sharing Jokes, Laughing, Grooving, Awkward Repetitions” [Performance]
Session 2 Repetition and Language
- Geoff Boucher (Deakin University) “Hysterically Funny: Austin After Lacan”
- Noah Holtwiesche (Neue Wiener Gruppe/Lacan-Schule) “To Be Announced” [Lecture Performance]
Session 3 Performing deconstruction: ‘beyond’ representation
- Joel White (King's College London) “Le Théâtre de la cruauté et la clôture de la représentation”
- Angelika Seppi (Humboldt-Universität, Berlin) “Quasi-Mimetics and The Economy of Exchange”
- Thomas Mercier (King’s College, London) “The Force of the Event: Queer Performativity and Repetition in Austin, Butler and Derrida”
1:00 – 2:30 Lunch Break
2:30 - 5:30 Workshop Leja Jurišič “Duration and repetition”
2:30 – 4:00 Parallel Sessions II
Session 1 Nietzsche: repetition/s of sovereignty and slavery
- Zohar Frank (Brown University) “Rehearsing Petitioning: Repetition and the Potential for Sovereignty”
- Bree Wooten (European Graduate School)“Nietzsche: The Antichrist, After The Eternal Return”
- Alireza Taheri (HamAva Psychoanalytic Institute, Iran) “From the Law as Representation to the Law as Repetition: Breaking the Spell of the Slave Revolt in Morality”
Session 2 Repetition/s of political economy
- Mauricio Gonzalez (Goethe-University in Frankfurt)“Benjamin on Repetition and Freedom”
- Sami Khatib (American University of Beirut)“Anti-Sisyphus: Capitalism and Repetition”
- Claire Foster (University College London)“Recognition Capital”
Session 3 Repetition in Dance
- Pia Brezavšček (University of Ljubljana)“Repeating the Unrepeatable Presence in Dance Improvisation”
- Nina Bandi (Lucerne School of Art and Design / Zurich University of the Arts)“Non-Representation and Repetition: A Perspective on Algorithms, Derivatives and Dance”
- Timmy De Laet (University of Antwerp, Belgium) “Variations of Repetition: A Philosophical Reading of Jérôme Bel’s Citational Practice”
- Katarina Paramana (Birkbeck, University of London)“Returning to The Show: Repetition and the Construction of Spaces of Decision, Affect, and Creative Possibility”
4:00 – 4:30 Coffee Break (Location/ CM)
4:30 – 6:00 Parallel Sessions III
Session 1 Repetition, genesis, metamorphosis
- Stefan Apostolou-Hölscher (Academy of Fine Arts, Munich)“Dissonant Repetitions and the Idea of Genesis in Kant and Deleuze”
- Jordan Skinner (Central European University)“Change and Repetition”
- Dragana Alfirević and Engin Can (Artists)“Are Made of This: Episode on Repetition and Transformation” [Performance]
Session 2 Word/Play: Re-staging Beckett and Shakespeare
- Erik Bryngelsson and Karl Sjölund (Yak Kallop) “Words, Words, Words” [Lecture performance]
- Martin Harries (University of California, Irvine)“Repeating Beckett’s Play”
Session 3 Literary repetition/s
- Polona Tratnik (University of Ljubljana)“Hansel and Gretel: Repetition – Event – Context”
- Nadia Bou Ali (American University of Beirut)“Jambe sur la Jambe or How Two Don’t Become One”
- Eleonor Weber (Writer)“Seeing Her Voices: Rehearsing Alejandra Pizarnik” [Lecture Performance]
6:00 – 6:30 Session Break
6:30 – 8:00 Evening Conversation Samo Tomšič (Humboldt University Berlin) and Oxana Timofeeva (European University at St Petersburg) “Libidinal Economies of Crises”
8:00 – 9:00 Dinner
8:30 – 10:00 Exhibition Retorika - The Moment After Bara Kolenc (Artist) and Atej Tutta (Artist)
Friday, September 23rd
9:30 – 10:00 Registration and coffee
10:00 – 11:00 Morning Lecture Keti Chukhrov (Russian State University for the Humanities) 11:00 – 11:30 Session Break
11:30 – 1:00 Parallel Sessions IV
Session 1 Repetition and ‘the act’
- Amanda Holmes (Villanova University)
- Jan Sieber (Universität der Künste Berlin)
- Alexi Kukuljevic (University of Applied Arts Vienna)
Session 2 The double and the serial
- Bara Kolenc (University of Ljubljana)“The Four Matrices of Repetition: Deflation, Reformation, Inflation, Production”
- Rachel Aumiller (Villanova University, Oxford University)“Twice Two: The Repetition of Nothing in Tetradic Dialect”
- Kiri Sullivan (University of Melbourne)“Repetition and the Temporal Double in Cinema”
Session 3 Performing identity: history repeating
- Micha Braun (Leipzig University, Germany)“Repetition and Recurrence: On Artefacts and Bodies as Agents of Differentiation in Contemporary Polish Visual Arts”
- Kseniya Kapelchuk (European University in St. Petersburg)“Repetition and Historicity: Change, Cycle, Revolution”
- Dorota Sosnowska (University of Warsaw Institute of Polish Culture)“Halka/Haiti - White Archive, Black Body? Reenactment and Repetition in the Polish-Colonial Context”
D. Graham Burnett, Lucy Partman, Matthew Strother, and Nathaniel Whitfield (The Enacted Thought, Princeton) “Pulling Imaginary Teeth” [Performance / Improvised Conversation]
1:00 – 2:30 Lunch Break
2:30 – 4:00 Parallel Sessions V
Session 1 Anatomy of a Performer
- Philip Watkinson (Queen Mary University of London)“‘I will feel like the only keeper of the past’: Postdramatic Repetition and Deborah Pearson’s The Future Show”
- Richard Pettifer (Artist & writer)“Artist Development” [Lecture performance]
Session 2 Repetition and the senses
- Serap Erincin (Louisiana State University)“Polaroid Performance” [Performance]
- Mirt Komel (University of Ljubljana)“Repeating Touch in the Town of Goga”
- Patrick Ward (Artist)“Possibility of Foam” [Audiovisual Performance]
Session 3 Repetition and death
- Tomaž Toporišič (University of Ljubljana)“The tensions between repetition and representation in contemporary theatre and drama (Oliver Frljić and Simona Semenič)”
- Sandrine Schiller Hansen (KU Leuven, Belgium)“Juggling the Necrotic Bone: A Meditation on the Fate of Repetition and the Death Drive”
- Naomi Toth (Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre)“Echoing Last Words”
4:00 – 4:30 Coffee Break
4:30 – 6:00 Parallel Sessions VI
Session 1 Performing habit
- Gary Peters (York St John University)“Contraction and Contemplation: Deleuze and Malabou on Habit within the Context of Improvised Performance”
- Julie Reshe (Global Centre of Advanced Studies, USA)“Peculiarities Pursued with Fatigue and Passion”
- Katja Kolšek (University of Ljubljana)“Repetition and Redoubling”
Session 2 Remembering, repeating, performing: psychoanalysis
- Michaela Wünsch (University of Vienna)“Repetition, Memory and Remembrance in Psychoanalysis and Art”
- Jingchao Ma (Villanova University)“Return with the Other: Primary and Secondary Narcissism in Freud, Lacan, and Kristeva”
- Michael Friedman (Humboldt University in Berlin)“On a Repetition Inscribed on a Torus: Beginning of a Lacanian Mathematics”
- Lucas Ballestín (New School for Social Research, New York)“Hipster Politics: Retreat, Repetition, and Disavowal”
- Vanessa Place (Artist, poet, lawyer)“Botched Execution” [Vocal-Sound Performance]
- Morey Williams (Villanova University)“Repetition and Docility’s Undoing: The Failure of Disciplining Practices Performed Upon the Female Carceral Subject”
Discussion moderated by Naomi Toth (Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre)
6:00 – 6:30 Session Break
6:30 – 8:00 Evening Conversation Andrew Benjamin (Monash University) and Freddie Rokem (Tel Aviv University)“Repetition and Interruption: Benjamin and Brecht”
Saturday, September 24th
9:30 – 10:00 Registration and coffee
10:00 – 11:00 Morning Lecture Bojana Kunst (Justus Leibig University Giessen) “The Loop of Time: Rhythm Politics and Contemporary Dance”
11:00 – 11:30 Session Break
11:30 – 1:00 Parallel Sessions VII
Session 1 Repetition in Kierkegaard
- Susan Bernstein (Brown University)“Reading and Writing in Kierkegaard – Repetition with Difference”
- Tone Dandanell (Aarhus University in Denmark)“The Wonder of Repetition”
- Michael O’Neill Burns (University of the West of England, Bristol)“What’s the Diff’rence? Repetition and Fracture in Kierkegaard, Lacan, and J Dilla”
Session 2 Badiou and Žižek: repeating Europe?
- Peter Klepec (Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts)“Badiou on Repetition”
- Sigi Jöttkandt (University of New South Wales)"’By a route obscure and lonely’: Repetition and Inscription in Europe's Dream-Land”
- Carrie Giunta (Independent Scholar, Italy)“Repetition Puts the Letter into Question”
Session 3 “Re-Hegelize yourself!”
- Goran Vranešević (University of Ljubljana)“Of Dreams, Dogmas and Speculations”
- Ben Hjorth (Monash University)“Kant’s Theatre, Hegel’s Performance: From bad repetition to good infinite”
- Christopher Wallace (Monash University)“A Mouthful of Dissonance: The Way-Out [Ausweg] of the Way-Out [Ausgang] in Hegel”
11:30 – 12:30 & 1:00 – 2:00
1:00 – 2:30 Lunch Break
2:30 – 4:30 Parallel Sessions VIII
Session 1 Hegel, again
- Louis Hartnoll (Kingston University)“Hegel’s Aesthetic Overcoming of the ‘Bad Infinite’”
- Søren Rosendal (Aarhus University, Denmark)“Poetico-Scientific Repetitions: What Hegel talks about when he talks about Truth”
- Rasmus Ugilt (Aarhus University, Denmark)“Hegel's Excess”
- Gregor Moder (University of Ljubljana)“Hegel’s logic of pure being and the rhetorical repetition”
Session 2 Repetition in new media technologies
- Serap Erincin (Louisiana State University)“Phenomenologies of Performing Repetition: The Real, the Mediated, and the Multiplied in TWG’s Poor Theatre”
- Katerina Vukovic (University of Rijeka, Croatia)“Repetition and a Machine”
- Mark Horváth (Eötvös Loránd University) and Adam Lovasz (Eötvös Loránd University)“Absentology Collective: Programming the Vicious Circle”
- Alfie Bown (HSMC, Hong Kong)“The PlayStation Dreamworld: Automatism and Videogames”
Session 3 Performing repetition
- Pamela Bianchi (University of Paris 8)“The Repetition of Difference: Time and Space in Contemporary Performance Art”
- Mischa Twitchin (Queen Mary, University of London)“What Gets Differentiated – Or Repeated – In an ‘Ontology of Performance’?”
- Eszter Horváth (Université Pázmány Péter, Budapest)“On Performance and Representation”
- Jakob Rosendal (Aarhus University, Denmark)“Serial Girl – On the Repetition Compulsion of an Art Historical Motif”
4:30 – 5:00 Coffee Break
6:30 – 7:00 Closing Cocktail
7:00 – 8:30 Dinner
Closing Performances
- 8:30 – 9:30 "The Collected Works of Victor Bergman" Romanie Harper, Brian Lipson, Aaron Orzech, James Paul (The Family)
- 9:45 – 10:45 “Remake” Gareth Davies, Thomas Henning, Eloïse Mignon, Eryn Jean Norvill (The Collective)
- Thought (Main category)
- Mind and language > Thought > Philosophy
- Society > Sociology > Gender studies
- Zones and regions > Europe > Central and Eastern Europe
- Mind and language > Representation > Visual studies
- Society > Political studies > Governance and public policies
- Society > Geography > Geography: politics, culture and representation
- Mind and language > Epistemology and methodology > Digital humanities
- Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Kongresni trg 12
Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia (1000)
- Wednesday, September 21, 2016
- Thursday, September 22, 2016
- Friday, September 23, 2016
- Saturday, September 24, 2016
- performance, théâtre, danse
- Anna Street
courriel : annastreet [at] hotmail [dot] fr
Reference Urls
Information source
- Anna Street
courriel : annastreet [at] hotmail [dot] fr
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Repetition/s: Performance and Philosophy in Ljubljana », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Monday, August 22, 2016,