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HomeTransmortality International

Transmortality International

Materiality and Spatiality of Death, Burial and Commemoration

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Published on Monday, September 26, 2016


The conference « Transmortality International: Materiality and Spatiality of Death, Burial and Commemoration »conference seeks to explore the interplay of artefacts, spatial practices and social actors.We invite papers from all disciplines, from academics and professionals alike, to reflect on the materiality and spatiality of death, burial and commemoration – for example, concerning cemeteries and other spaces of remembrance.



The Transmortality International: Materiality and Spatiality of Death, Burial and Commemoration conference, to be held on 3 and 4 March 2017 at the University of Luxembourg, is organised by the R.I.P. research project in collaboration with the Transmortale working group of the University of Hamburg and the Museum für Sepulkralkultur in Kassel, the Cemetery Research Group at the University of York and the Necrolog network based in Aix-en-Provence.

The conference has an explicitly international focus, thus it will be held in English and aims to have exchanges about recent research forays, notably those not yet published in another language. The conference seeks to explore the interplay of artefacts, spatial practices and social actors.

We invite papers from all disciplines, from academics and professionals alike, to reflect on the materiality and spatiality of death, burial and commemoration – for example, concerning cemeteries and other spaces of remembrance. We suggest the following non-exhaustive list of themes:

  • Agency of materiality and spatiality
  • Theoretical considerations regarding materiality and spatiality in sepulchral culture
  • Innovative research methods in this field
  • Ethics in the study of death, burial and commemoration
  • Ideology and/or politics
  • Regional and cultural contexts, including migration and transborder issues related to sepulchral culture
  • ...

We welcome and strongly encourage the submission of ongoing research projects, such as doctoral theses. There is no limit on disciplines, research fields, approaches, regions, periods, confessions, etc. This open invitation extends to professional groups and lay people concerned with taking care of those who are dying or bereaved, as well as of bodies that have already expired, and of memorialisation. However, all considered papers need to be explicit in their consideration of issues of materiality and spatiality in death, burial or commemoration.

Submission guidelines

Abstracts of no more than 1,000 words, written in English, should be submitted to thomas.kolnberger@uni.lu & christoph.streb@uni.lu 

by 1 December 2016.

Submissions should clearly state the issues to be discussed and the key arguments the paper will make in relation to the conference’s aim and focus. 

The name and institutional affiliation of the author(s) should be provided, including full contact details. International contributions are encouraged, as are submissions from authors at all stages of their careers. Abstracts will be reviewed and accepted contributions notified by early January 2017.

Conference : 03/03/2017 and 04/03/2017

Selected submissions will be considered for publication in a special issue of the journal “Mortality” – scheduled for 2019. An additional call for papers will follow. All articles will be subject to an independent peer-review process.

There is no conference fee. Reimbursement for travel and/or accommodations costs might be possible upon application.

Scientific Committee

  • Associate-professor Dr. Sonja Kmec (cultural studies)
  • Associate-professor Dr. Geoffrey Caruso (geography)
  • Dr. Thomas Kolnberger (history)
  • Dr. Elisabeth Boesen (cultural anthropology)
  • Christophe Streb (historical archeology)


  • Thursday, December 01, 2016


  • mort, mémoire, commémorations, espace, matérialité, interobjectivité


  • Thomas Kolnberger
    courriel : thomas [dot] kolnberger [at] uni [dot] lu
  • Streb Christoph
    courriel : christopjh [dot] streb [at] uni [dot] lu

Information source

  • Sonja Kmec
    courriel : sonja [dot] kmec [at] uni [dot] lu


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To cite this announcement

« Transmortality International », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, September 26, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/vs8

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