HomeLearning together within and across generations

Learning together within and across generations

Apprendre ensemble dans et à travers les générations

Zusammen lernen, in und zwischen Generationen

*  *  *

Published on Friday, October 21, 2016


Ce numéro de Bildungsforschung interroge les apprentissages dans leur relation les générations. Bildungsforschung est une revue allemande qui est reconnue par l’Agence d'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur (AERS) comme qualifiante dans la section 70 du CNU. Les articles seront expertisés en double aveugle. Ce numéro accueillera des communications en français, anglais et allemand.



You always learn by yourself, but never alone. The "other" and the environment play a central role. To this is added the dimension of the process that constitutes life. Since ancient times, life has been divided into three normative phases (childhood, adulthood , old age). They have also influenced the structuring of some educational models (Pedagogy, Andragogy, Gerontagogy).

Learners are thus identified from their generational belonging. Generation is used in a wide understanding. Its definition depends on the indicators used by the authors (Child/parent/grand-parentgeneration, generation 68, generation X, Y etc.) The number of generations living together increases with the increase in life expectancy.

The questioning of this volume focuses on the specific placement of learners in a generation and the impact thereof on the learning process implicating other generations. This topic could be addressed by the following questions.

  • How would you describe the relationship of learners belonging to different generations?
  • And what if they are inside the same generation?
  • What is the impact on learning?
  • What can we say about the impact of the position inside a generation?

The treatment of these issues can refer to the actors involved in the training process, but also practical devices. The contributions deal with these issues with a wider look. That can involve various areas of learning (school, work, leisure, volunteering, health etc.) and different academic disciplines.

Around the theme "Learning together through the generations" contributions can include the following fields or concepts :

The Fields


  • How do we learn together in school through the generations?
  • What do students learn from teachers?
  • What do teachers learn from students?
  • In what do school pedagogies promote or not promote the fact that they "learn together "?


  • How does university teaching promote or prevent learning between generations?
  • What are the characteristics of methods that promote learning together in and through the generations?
  • This field also includes learning research in the relationship between doctoral student - and supervisor.


  • How are the learning processes between and within generations in organizations (companies and associations)?
  • What features are implemented in organizations in terms of sharing skills and experiences?

Communities of practice.

  • What does "learning together " within communities of practice mean?
  • What arrangements are in place fostering learning among peers?
  • What is the connection to the intergenerational within communities of practice?

Therapeutic patient education.

  • How are generational issues in therapeutic patient education problematized?
  • How to "learn together" at the heart of the dysmetria functions (patient, physician / caregiver) and situations (carrying a disease, not carrying a disease)?

Activities specifically dedicated to an age group.

  • The varied trainings for retired people develop (such as training in communication techniques, falls prevention etc.).
  • What importance is given in this learning to "learn together" and the generational belonging?
  • Are there any specifics in how older adults learn the whole?
  • What is the importance of learning together within and between generations in recreational and cultural activities available in accommodation establishments?

Family relations.

  • Instead of natural intergenerational encounter, the family offers a multitude of relational situations like that between grandparents and grandchildren, between parents and children in the support to autonomy or children accompanying parents becoming dependent.

The concepts and notions

  • Central concepts and notions may be questioned and deepened.
  • A comparative linguistic and cultural orientation between areas would be particularly interesting.

The following could be used as an analyzer :

  • The criteria and variables that influence learning in the different stages of life.
  • The theoretical basis of learning arguing the differences in the ages.
  • The impact of these potential differences on the relationship between learners.
  • Differences on intellectual, experiential and existential learning.
  • The influence of devices and types of training (guided, self-guided).
  • The influence on the relationship of learners generated by the concepts.

For example concepts like

  • «education» (E) ;
  • « formation » (F) ;
  •  „Bildung“ (D);
  •  „learning“ (E);

independently or with the suffix "auto".

The approach is multidisciplinary and trans-border and transnational with communications in English, German and French.

In order to make the essence of the texts available to readers not mastering the language, contributions will be delivered with a qualitative and substantial summary (1 page) in the three languages.


  • Dominique Kern, MCF HDR en Sciences de l’éducation, Université de Haute Alsace dominique.kern@uha.fr
  • Nathanaël Wallenhorst, MCF en Sciences de l’éducation, Université Catholique de l’Ouest nathanael.wallenhorst@uco.fr

Important dates

  • 10 janvier 2017 : recept of texts  (30 000 signs) recept of texts

  • 28 février 2017 : Return to authors (double-blind)
  • 31 mars 2017 : sending the modified texts 
  • 30 avril 2017 : publication online 

This volume is transnational and welcomes contributions in French, German and English.


  • Tuesday, January 10, 2017


  • apprentissage, intergénération, génération


  • Nathanaël Wallenhorst
    courriel : nathanael [dot] wallenhorst [at] uco [dot] fr

Information source

  • Nathanaël Wallenhorst
    courriel : nathanael [dot] wallenhorst [at] uco [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Learning together within and across generations », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, October 21, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/vyp

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