Environmental changes in historical perspective
Desafios ambientais numa perspectiva histórica
II Meeting of REPORT(H)A - Portuguese Network of Environmental History
II Encontro da REPORT(H)A - Rede Portuguesa de História Ambiental
Published on Tuesday, October 25, 2016
The Center of History of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon and the Institute of Contemporary History of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the NOVA University of Lisbon, are pleased to be hosting the II meeting of REPORT(H)A - Portuguese Network of Environmental History, in 2017 Spring. The cross cutting conference theme, Environmental Changes in Historical Perspective, is inscribed in transnational and transdisciplinary approaches, a challenge to the current academic research and debate in environmental sciences and humanities.
REPORTHA was created in 2015, following the WCEH 2014 - Second World Congress of Environmental History, held in Guimarães and had the first meeting in 2015, in the scope of the IV CITCEM conference (5-7 November, Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto).
Following these initiatives, the II meeting REPORT(H)A intends to bring together researchers, teachers, students and experts on environmental history from the fields of human, social and natural sciences in order to create synergies among all scholars engaged in environmental history and stimulate the debate on an issue that has gained considerable visibility over the last decades. The cross cutting conference theme Environmental Changes in Historical Perspective is inscribed in transnational and transdisciplinary approaches, a challenge to the current academic research and debate in environmental sciences and humanities. It aims to be a bridge between different forms of knowledge and between different geographical and social spaces, while putting them into a meaningful context. Thus, the conference welcomes innovative approaches contributing to a lively exchange of ideas and experiences as well as on new perspectives, concepts, methodologies and processes in the field of Environmental History.
In line with the aims of the WCEH 2014, as well as of the International Consortium of Environmental History Organizations (ICEHO) and the first REPORT(H)A meeting, the conference goals are:
- to foster communication and collaboration
- to share information and disseminate research
- to discuss issues, concerns and challenges relevant to further the development of environmental history.
The conference welcomes all scholars and young researchers to present the output of their research projects or to provide an account of the state of art on a particular issue.
The sessions will be organized by thematic topics, according to individual papers or panel proposals. Works on historical sources, methodologies or the relation between environmental history and society will be most welcome, though proposals can focus a wide range of topics, such as:
- Art and literature
- Environmental conflicts
- Health and environment
- Historians in Conservation
- Science History of Climate
- Risks, vulnerability and resilience
- Science and technology
- Sources and working methodologies
- Territory and landscape
Submission of abstracts
The Conference is open to all interested researchers as well as the general public. Proposals in the form of abstracts should be submitted to encontroreportha2017@gmail.com
by 1st December 2016
and authors will be notified by e-mail until 15th February 2017 whether their proposal has been accepted.
Abstracts with 300words (Word, style Calibri 11 1,5 line spacing, double spacing between paragraphs; 2-5 keywords) should be presented in one of the official languages of the Conference. Proposals should explicit the type of presentation: paper (20 minutes) or short talk (10 minutes) and abstract should include author(s) name(s), affiliation(s) as well as their e-mail address(es).
Papers accepted can be presented in Portuguese, English or Spanish though there will be no simultaneous translation.
Official languages
Portuguese, English and Spanish.
This is an eco-friendly conference and therefore all the information and documents produced will be only available on-line at the site of the conference with no printed version.
Important deadlines
Abstract submission: September 25 - December 1, 2016
- Acceptance notification: February 1, 2017
- Registration: February 15 – March 31, 2017
- Provisional Programme: April 15, 2017
Keynotes speakers
- Marcus Hall (University of Zurich)
- Patrícia Vieira (University of Georgetown)
- Simon Pooley (Birkbeck, University of London)
Scientific Committee
- Ana Francisca Azevedo (ICS - University of Minho)
- Ana Simões (CIUHCT; University of Lisbon)
- António Ortega Santos (Universidad de Granada)
- Armando Alberola (Universidad de Alicante)
- Arnaldo Melo (Lab2Pt - University of Minho)
- Carlo Bifulco (CEABN ISA-UL)
- Cristina Brito (CHAM-FCSH/NOVA)
- Fátima Nunes (University of Évora; IHC-FCSH/NOVA)
- Francisco Castro Rego (CEABN ISA-ISA, UL)
- Hermenegildo Fernandes (CH - University of Lisbon)
- Inês Amorim (CITCEM – FLUP)
- João Alveirinho Dias (CIMA - University of Algarve)
- José M. Lopes Cordeiro (University of Minho)
- José Pádua (IH - UFRJ)
- Lígia Pinto (EEG - University of Minho)
- Luís Cancela da Fonseca (MARE - FCUL)
- Margarida Sobral Neto (FLUC)
- Maria João Alcoforado (IGOT – University of Lisbon)
- Paulo Guimarães (University of Évora)
- Rosário Bastos (Universidade Aberta)
- Ulisses M. Azeiteiro (CESAM - University of Aveiro)
Organising Committee
- Ana Cristina Roque (CH - University of Lisbon)
- Ana Isabel Queiroz (IHC-FCSH/NOVA; IELT-FCSH/NOVA)
- Cristina Joanaz de Melo (IHC-FCSH/NOVA)
- Joana Gaspar de Freitas (CH - University of Lisbon; IELT–FCSH/NOVA)
- José Damião Rodrigues (CH - University of Lisbon)
- Luís Silveira (IHC-FCSH/NOVA)
- Maria Manuel Torrão (CH - University of Lisbon)
- History (Main category)
- Society > Science studies > History of science
- Society > Urban studies
- Periods > Modern
- Society > Geography > Geography: society and territory
- Society > Geography > Nature, landscape and environment
- Lisbon, Portugal
- Thursday, December 01, 2016
Attached files
- environment, health, territory, landscape, climate
- Ana Isabel Queiroz
courriel : encontroreportha2017 [at] gmail [dot] com
Information source
- Diana Barbosa
courriel : comunicacao [dot] ihc [at] fcsh [dot] unl [dot] pt
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Environmental changes in historical perspective », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, October 25, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/w0j