Information visualisation in Humanities
Wizualizacja informacji w humanistyce
Published on Thursday, November 03, 2016
The previous edition of the visualization of information took place in 2015 and was related to computer science. In 2017 we focus on the use of visualization in the humanities, and in particular book- and information sciences, history, cultural studies and the arts. The purpose of this event is to increase awareness about the importance of scientific communication in graphical form among Polish humanists, and integration of academic community for experience exchange in the field of the art of visualization.
Information Visualisation - a modern technology and methodology proves its usability in nearly every aspect of human activity: from R & D to business, social sciences and art. InfoVis is a practical knowledge of graphical handling of the big data sets, representing particular aspect of the reality.
The previous edition of the visualization of information took place in 2015 and was related to computer science. In 2017 we focus on the use of visualization in the humanities, and in particular book- and information sciences, history, cultural studies and the arts. The purpose of this event is to increase awareness about the importance of scientific communication in graphical form among Polish humanists, and integration of academic community for experience exchange in the field of the art of visualization.
Big data sets cause the need for their presentation in condensed and understandable form. Current mass-data becomes a reality not only in the natural sciences but also in humanities, especially in the social sciences. To explore and analyse these resources, researchers are successfully using advanced visualization methods. Our conference focuses on the areas of knowledge and the intensity of information visualisation use.
The range of topics includes (not exclusively):
- visual scientometrics (visualisations in scientometrics),
- mapping the knowledge,
- visual history and historiography,
- sociometry,
- visual design,
- vision (cognitive aspects),
- digital images in the humanities,
- the art of visualization.
Information for authors
November 30, 2016 - deadline for submitting titles and abstracts;
- December 15, 2016 - notification of paper acceptance
- January 20, 2017 - deadline for conference fee payment
- March 22, 2017 - deadline for sending full papers.
- 23-24 March 2017 - Information Visualisation in Humanities
After a double-blind peer review qualifying papers will be accepted for publishing in IGI Global - leading international academic publisher. In addition to traditional presentations in Polish and English, lasting 15 min., a session of short, 7-minute speech, the so-called "Ignite talk" (for a concise characterization of research and visualized results) is planned.
Submissions should be sent to:
Veslava Osinska or Piotr Malak
Conference fees
The cost of participation in the conference is 120Eu (till 20 January 2017), and 150 Eu (after the deadline). Please make payments to the account:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
Bank Millennium S.A. w Warszawie
45 1160 2202 0000 0000 3174 8579
note: Wizualizacja Informacji, name and surname
Scientific committee
- Wiesław Babik Institute of Information and Library Science, UJ, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, ISKO-PL
- Kevin Boyack, SciTech Strategies, USA
- Ewa Głowacka, Institute of Information Science and Book Studies NCU, Torun, Poland
- Małgorzata Fedorowicz-Kruszewska, Institute of Information Science and Book Studies NCU, Torun, Poland
- Tülay Fenerci, Department of Information and Records Management, Ankara University, Turkey
- Małgorzata Kowalska, Institute of Information Science and Book Studies NCU, Torun, Poland
- Iryna Kuczma, EIFL.Net, Ukraine
- Peter Ohly, ISKO, Germany
- Zbigniew Osiński, Institute of Information and Library Science UMCS, Lublin, Poland
- Adam Pawłowski, Institute of Library and Information Science, University of Wrocław, Poland
- Panayiota Polydoratou, Department of Library Science and Information Systems ATEI of Thessaloniki, Greece
- Andrzej Radomski Department of Culture Study UMCS, Lublin, Poland, DARIAH-PL
- Waldemar Rezmer Institute of History And Archival Sciences NCU, Torun, Poland
- Stanisław Roszak Institute of History And Archival Sciences NCU, Torun, Poland
- Richard Smiraglia iSchool at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA, Knowledge Organization Research Group
- Marzena Świgoń Institute of History and International Relations UWM, Olsztyn, Poland
- Yaşar Tonta Department of Information Management (ISchool), Hacettepe University, Turkey
- Collegium Humanisticum NCU in Torun, Bojarskiego 1 - Bojarskiego 1 Street
Toruń, Poland (87-100)
- Wednesday, November 30, 2016
- knowledge visualisation, visual scientometric, mapping, knowledge, sociometry, visual design, digital image, art
- Veslava Osińska
courriel : wieo [at] umk [dot] pl
Information source
- Bożena Bednarek-Michalska
courriel : bozena [at] umk [dot] pl
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Information visualisation in Humanities », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, November 03, 2016,