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HomeCrossing Borders

Crossing Borders

Intellectuals of the Right and Politics in Europe and Latin America

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Published on Wednesday, November 09, 2016


During the interwar period, authoritarian movements and regimes of the right - both of the "old" authoritarian and of the "new" radical varieties - professed their faith in national values but at the same time saw themselves as national agents of an otherwise international intellectual and political wave. Starting from the mid-1920s, a growing sense of shared goals, commonality of vision, and sense of history-making mission led them to draw on each other for inspiration and support. It soon became clear that these movements and regimes embraced ideas from each other, actively studying each other’s discourses and initiatives in the political field. The conference aims to promote a different understanding of the role of intellectuals of the interwar right who perceived themselves as transnational agents “at the service of an idea”.




9.00 Welcome Remarks

9.10- 11.00 Panel 1: Formal Networks

Chair: Álvaro Garrido, (University of Coimbra)

  • Donatello Aramini, (Roma Tre University), The myth of Rome. Politics and culture at the Institute of Roman Studies (1925- 1944)
  • Anne Cova (ICS-ULisboa), Bruno Dumons (LARHRA, CNRS) and Magali dellanSudda (Centre Emile Durkheim, CNRS), Crossing borders: the transnational activities of the French Catholic Women's leagues during the Third Republic
  • George Souvlis, (European University Institute), "A new real democracy":Legitimizing discourses on the 4th August Regime

11.15-13.30 Panel 2: Informal Networks I

Chair: Goffredo Adinolfi, (ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon)

  • Fabio Zucca, (University of Insubria), The right-wing for the United States of Europe: European personalist movements in the 30s
  • Valeria Galimi, (University of Milan), «Enlisted muses» and the idea of fascist Europe. French intellectuals and their transnational network in interwar period
  • Cláudia Ninhos, ( IHC, New University of Lisbon), Academic exchanges between Salazarism and Nazi Germany: jurists as protagonists
  • Paraskevas Matalas, (University of Crete), Cosmopolitan nationalists: Barresian intellectuals from Southern Europe to Latin America in the first decades of the 20th century
  • Mario Sznadjer, (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), The intellectual sources of the Chilean radical right

14.45-16.45 Panel 3: Informal Networks Ii

Chair: José Pedro Zúquete, (ICS-ULisboa)

  • Laura Fournier Finocchiaro, (University of Paris 8), Interpretations and translations of Italian literature in France during the interwar period, between culture and propaganda
  • Victor Lundberg, (Malmö University), When the Fascist Baby-Hawk became full-fledged. The story about six Swedish fascist's trip to the Nuremberg Rally in August 1929 – and their network, experiences and inspirations
  • Annarita Gori, (ICS-ULisboa), Intellectuals, journalists but, above all, Latin people. The “Congrès de la Presse Latine” and the attempt to create a Pan-Latinist community between Europe and South America
  • Rita Almeida de Carvalho, (ICS-ULisboa), Salazar's foreign borrowings: booksand readings, 1928- 1945
  • Alberto Spektorowski, (University of Tel Aviv), Fascism and post national Europe Barrés, Alain de Benoist and Drieu La Rochelle

17.00- 19.00 Panel 4: Individual Entanglements I

Chair: Inácia Rezola, (IHC, New University of Lisbon)

  • Federico Finchelstein, (New School for Social Research, New York), The first argentine Fascist: Leopoldo Lugones
  • Fabio Kolar, (University of Hamburg), “A burning awareness of the responsibility before God”. The political thought of Manuel Gómez Morin
  • Valerio Torreggiani, (University of Roma Tre), Society, individuals and function Ramiro De Maeztu's British Years: from Liberalism to Corporatism, 1905-1919
  • Floris Daniel Knegt, (University of Amsterdam), Europeanist transformations of Fascism: French intellectuals as transnational agents
  • Nuno Simão Ferreira, (CH - ULisboa), Alberto de Monsaraz, the wave of nationalisms and radical authoritarianisms in the inter-war Europe

9.00-11.00 Panel 5: Individual Entanglements Ii

Chair: Rita Almeida de Carvalho, (ICS - ULisboa)

  • José Reis Santos, (IHC,New University of Lisbon), Teleki Pal, Béla Imrédy and the reception of Salazar's thought in late interwar Hungary (1938-1941)
  • Sérgio Campos Matos, (ICLP-ULisboa), António Sardinha and its iberoamerican connexions: traditionalism and universalism
  • Cláudia Viscardi, (Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil), Francisco Campos: political pragmatism, ideas, and intellectual networks
  • Silvina Schammah Gesser, (Hebrew University of Jerusalem),Transnational metaphors and urban imagery in early Hispanic Fascism

11.15-13.00 Panel 6: Individual Entanglements Iii

Chair: Riccardo Marchi, (ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon)

  • Aristotle Kallis, (Keele University), Exporting a different kind of fascism? Pier Maria Bardi between politics, art and aesthetics
  • Beatríz Urías, (National Autonomous University of Mexico), Rodulfo Brito Foucher: a Mexican conter-revolucionary intellectual and his political essays in 1938
  • Maximiliano Fuentes Codera, (University of Girona), Transnational antiliberalism? The influence of Eugenio d'Ors among Argentinian intellectuals after the Great War
  • João Fábio Bertonha, (State University of Maringá, Brazil), Salgado, Reale and Barroso. Politicians and intellectuals circulating among Brazil, Italy, Germany and Portugal

14.35-16.30 Panel 7: Corporatist Ideas

Chair: António Costa Pinto, (ICS-ULisboa)

  • Laura Cerasi, (Ca' Foscari University of Venice), Intellectuals in the mirror of the corporative State during the mid-1930s
  • Matteo Pasetti, (University of Bologna), Perceptions of an epoch-making turn: European right-wing intellectuals facing Fascist Corporatism
  • Luciano Aronne de Abreu and Luís Carlos dos Martins Passos, (PUCRS, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), Social order and economic development: a Brazilian corporatism
  • Carlos Bastien, (ISEG-ULisboa), Samuel A. M. Oliveira, a foreign-looking corporatist
  • Melissa Teixeira, (Harvard University), Oliveira Vianna's legal imagination and its global contexts

16.45 keynote speech:Constantin Iordachi, (Central European University, Budapest), Mihail Manoilescu and the debate over Corporativism in interwar Romania

Organizing Committee

  • Rita Almeida de Carvalho, ICS-ULisboa;
  •  Anne Cova, ICS-ULisboa;
  • Olivier Dard, Univ. Paris IV;
  •  Federico Finchelstein, New School for Social Research, New York;
  • Annarita Gori, ICS-ULisboa;
  •  Aristotle Kallis, Keele University, UK;
  • Antonio Costa Pinto, ICSULisboa;
  • Claudia Viscardi, Federal University of Juíz de Fora, Brazil.



  • Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa - Av. Aníbal Bettencourt, 9
    Lisbon, Portugal


  • Thursday, November 17, 2016
  • Friday, November 18, 2016

Attached files


  • fascisms, intellectuals, interwar period, rightwings


  • Annarita Gori
    courriel : annarita [dot] gori [at] ics [dot] ulisboa [dot] pt

Information source

  • Annarita Gori
    courriel : annarita [dot] gori [at] ics [dot] ulisboa [dot] pt


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To cite this announcement

« Crossing Borders », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, November 09, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/w30

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