HomeThe history of sciences, the history of text

The history of sciences, the history of text

Histoire des sciences, histoire du texte

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Published on Thursday, December 15, 2016


As in previous years, we will study: How sources bear the mark of the environments in which they were produced. We will ask the question of how the documents attest knowledge. We will be interested in the history of writing by compilation. We will carry out research on the organization that the actors have given to the recorded knowledge, looking at the parts in which they have structured their texts.



  • Florence Bretelle-Establet
  • Stéphane Schmitt, (CNRS, SPHERE)


As in previous years, we will study:

  • How sources bear the mark of the environments in which they were produced,
  • We will ask the question of how the documents attest knowledge,
  • We will be interested in the history of writing by compilation,
  • We will carry out research on the organization that the actors have given to the recorded knowledge, looking at the parts in which they have structured their texts.


On Thursdays, from 9:30 am till 5:30pm. Condorcet Building of the Paris Diderot University – Campus map with access.

January 26, 2017 ,

Room Malevitch, 483A

  • Matthieu Husson (CNRS, SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris) Erfurt F. 377 as a pupil manuscritp in mathematical astronomy.
  • Agathe Keller (CNRS, SPHERE) The text as trace of learning: musings within the mathematics and astral sciences of the Indian sub-continent.
  • Martha Cecilia Bustamante (SPHERE)

February 24,

14:00–17:30, Room Mondrian, 646A

Session together with the seminar "Experience of techniques"

Techniques d’écriture et collections

  • Isabelle Charmantier (Freshwater Biological Association) Researching and writing up natural history collections : from Linnaeus to the Freshwater Biological Association.
  • Fan Fa-Ti (State University of New York at Binghamton) Classification and catalogues of marine animals in China.

March 30,

Room Malevitch, 483A

  • Valentin Phillipon (University Paris Diderot, CRCAO) Biographies de médecins dans les Histoires Dynastiques (Chine).
  • ZHOU Xiaohan (Univ. Paris Diderot, SPHERE) The compilation of Chouren Zhuan (Biographies of Astronomers and Mathematicians) and its continuation in the 19th century China.
  • Florence Bretelle Establet (CNRS, SPHERE) L’écriture biographique des "médecins chinois" au 21e siècle" "Twenty-first century Biographies of "Chinese Physicians".

April 20,

Room Rothko, 412B

  • Michella Bussotti (EFAO) Généalogie d’un dictionnaire: le dictionnaire Chinois-Latin de Brollo (1648-1704) et ses adaptions".
  • Fabien Simon (University Paris Diderot, ICT) Stéphane Schmitt (CNRS, SPHERE) La question de la nomenclature zoologique au 18e siècle.

June 22,

Room Malevitch, 483A

  • Laure Miolo (University Lumière Lyon 2) ’Ad communem utilitatem’ : Considérations et usages des mathématiques dans les catalogues médiévaux des bibliothèques collégiales, XIIIe-XVe siècles.
  • Edgard Lejeune (Université Paris Diderot, SPHERE) L’irruption de l’ordinateur sur le bureau de l’historien : les nouvelles manières de faire de l’histoire à la fin du XXe siècle.

Meeting of preparatio of sessions for 2017-2018


  • Bâtiment Condorcet - Université Paris Diderot, 4 rue Elsa Morante
    Paris, France (75013)


  • Thursday, January 26, 2017
  • Friday, February 24, 2017
  • Thursday, March 30, 2017
  • Thursday, April 20, 2017
  • Thursday, December 22, 2016


  • source, texte, historiographie, philologie


  • Nad Fachard
    courriel : nad [dot] fachard [at] univ-paris-diderot [dot] fr

Information source

  • Nad Fachard
    courriel : nad [dot] fachard [at] univ-paris-diderot [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« The history of sciences, the history of text », Seminar, Calenda, Published on Thursday, December 15, 2016, https://doi.org/10.58079/wj0

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