HomeFirst issue of new journal “Early Modern Low Countries”
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Published on Wednesday, February 08, 2017


In the spring of 2017, Early Modern Low Countries (EMLC) will publish its first issue. The new open access journal will appear in two installments every year, containing high-quality, original scholarship for an international readership on any aspect of the history and culture of the Low Countries between 1500 and 1800. The successor of two well-reputed Dutch-language journals (De Zeventiende Eeuw and De Achttiende Eeuw) EMLC aspires to publish papers by scholars from various disciplinary backgrounds working anywhere in the world.



In the spring of 2017, Early Modern Low Countries (EMLC) will publish its first issue. The new open access journal will appear in two installments every year, containing high-quality, original scholarship for an international readership on any aspect of the history and culture of the Low Countries between 1500 and 1800. The successor of two well-reputed Dutch-language journals (De Zeventiende Eeuw and De Achttiende Eeuw) EMLC aspires to publish papers by scholars from various disciplinary backgrounds working anywhere in the world.

During the early modern period, the Low Countries were major players on the world stage, and a hotbed of momentous cultural, economic, philosophical, religious and political changes and innovations. Flemish and Dutch artists, authors, and scholars made influential contributions to international cultural movements and the Scientific Revolution. As an international hub, the Low Countries connected cultures and networks from around the globe.

They were both the recipients and place of origin of numerous migrants, and merchants and entrepreneurs from these parts dominated world trade. Partly as a result of this, consumers in the urbanized Low Countries were among the first to embrace non-Western products. EMLC aspires to contribute to the study of this crucial region from multidisciplinary perspectives and within global contexts.

Submission guidelines

The editors invite scholars working in this rich field to submit a paper of 6-8,000 words. Both case studies and theoretical or programmatic articles will be considered for publication. Scholars who would like to qualify their paper for publication in EMLC’s first issue are warmly invited to submit

before 1 November 2016.

For subsequent issues, EMLC has an ongoing submission policy. Please send your manuscript as a Word Document to F.M.Dietz@uu.nl or H.J.Helmers@uva.nl.

EMLC publishes all articles in Open Access, allowing authors to retain their rights and distribute their articles as they please. All articles will be rigorously peer-reviewed and edited. We do not charge Article Processing Fees (APCs).


EMLC is an initiative of the Study Group Seventeenth Century (founded in 1985) and the Dutch-Belgian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (founded in 1968), which both aim to stimulate interdisciplinary research on the cultural heritage of the early modern Low Countries and to promote contacts between researchers from different disciplines.

Editorial board

  • Maarten Prak (Utrecht University, editor-in-chief)
  • Brecht Deseure (Free University Brussels / University of Passau)
  • Feike Dietz (Utrecht University)
  • Helmer Helmers (University of Amsterdam)
  • Elmer Kolfin (University of Amsterdam)
  • Joris Oddens (Leiden University)
  • Anjana Singh (Groningen University)
  • Violet Soen (KU Leuven)


  • Wednesday, November 01, 2017


  • low country


  • Violet Soen
    courriel : violet [dot] soen [at] kuleuven [dot] be

Information source

  • Violet Soen
    courriel : violet [dot] soen [at] kuleuven [dot] be


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To cite this announcement

« First issue of new journal “Early Modern Low Countries” », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, February 08, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/wvr

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