Biographical and Intellectual History of Science, Technology and Innovation
Philosophical perspectives and political visions
Published on Wednesday, February 15, 2017
This is an International Conference of advanced training and postgraduate education and research in the History of Science field, although following an interdisciplinary and collaborative perspective, open to a specialized public as well as other interested and general public. Our main purpose is to value the biographical methodology approach in academic training and scholarly research, not just for the historiographic practice, where it is of increasing interest the conjunction between History of Science and Intellectual History, but also with regard to broader contexts of production and incorporation of knowledge both by the concerned communities and by a socially and publicly responsible society.
Following other initiatives within the context of the history of science in Portugal, the IHC (Institute of Contemporary History) and its research group ‘Ciência’ / ‘Science’ – CEHFCi (Ciência – Estudos de História e Filosofia de Cultura Científica [Science – Studies of History and Philosophy of Scientific Culture], the old Centro de Estudos de História e Filosofia da Ciência [Centre for Studies in History and Philosophy of Science] from the University of Évora), at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon (FCSH/NOVA), previously and already consolidated in the HetSci – Group of Studies in History and Science, are promoting a post-graduation international conference entitled “Biographical and Intellectual History of Science, Technology and Innovation: Philosophical Perspectives and Political Visions”, to be held next November 2017.
This is an International Conference of advanced training and postgraduate education and research in the History of Science field, although following an interdisciplinary and collaborative perspective, open to a specialized public as well as other interested and general public. Our main purpose is to value the biographical methodology approach in academic training and scholarly research, not just for the historiographic practice, where it is of increasing interest the conjunction between History of Science and Intellectual History, but also with regard to broader contexts of production and incorporation of knowledge both by the concerned communities and by a socially and publicly responsible society.
In this International Conference, we are encouraging fellow colleagues and post-graduation students to submit presentation proposals either of biographical accounts that are engaged in describing scientific practices as well as dissecting those intellectual rationales from the past, either of philosophical or political substance. In sum, the opportunity of this International Conference lies not merely in the large number of important individuals whose lives remain to be described, but more significantly in the contribution that biographical and imminently intellectual approaches could give to the study of Science, Technology and Innovation in history.
Submission guidelines
It is open until 30 April 2017, a call for the submission of individual communication proposals to take place within the international conference entitled “Biographical and Intellectual History of Science, Technology and Innovation: Philosophical Perspectives and Views of Politics”, to be held in Portugal.
The event will take place in Portuguese city of Évora, on the 23 and 24 November 2017, counting with the participation of two invited speakers, a public discussion round-table and having in mind the possibility of publishing the best works within a peer review publication.
The selection of proposals by the Scientific Committee presupposes compliance with the following parameters: a summary of up to 300 words, 5 Keywords and a maximum of 4-5 bibliographical references, to be submitted through the web platform
Thematic axis
1 – University «Gurus and Mandarins» and power structures in S&T
2 – Academics and scientists in the organization of science
3 – Engineers and industrialists: the heralds of the Technique
4 – Technocrats and bureaucrats: from scientific policy to technological policy
*The communications sent as free themes will be evaluated according to their intrinsic quality and arranged in related sessions.
The submission of communication proposals should be made via Instructions: a summary of up to 300 words, 5 Keywords and a maximum of 4-5 bibliographical references, together with the normal credentials (name, institutional affiliation, etc.). Registration after proposal acceptance should be made via
You may download the call (PDF) HERE.
Contacts: or
Organizing Committee
Augusto José Fitas (University of Évora / IHC-CEHFCI-UÉ)
Maria de Fátima Nunes (University of Évora / IHC-CEHFCI-UÉ)
Tiago Brandão (IHC-FCSH/NOVA)
Scientific Committee
- Adílio Jorge Marques (U.F.F., Brazil)
- Adriana Feld (CONICET / U.N.Q., Argentina)
- Álvaro Garrido (U.C., Portugal)
- Ana Cardoso Matos (CIDEHUS / U.E., Portugal)
- Ana Cristina Martins (IHC, Portugal)
- Ana Simões (CIUHCT / F.C.U.L., Portugal)
- António Augusto Passos Videira (U.E.R.J., Brazil)
- Carolina Bagattolli (4P-U.F.P.R., Brazil)
- Gilson Leandro Queluz (U.T.F.P.R., Brazil)
- Irina Podgorny (FCNM-U.N.L.P., Argentina)
- Isabel Malaquias (U.A., Portugal)
- Leoncio López-Ócon (CSIC, Spain)
- Luís Alberto Marques Alves (CITCEM / F.L.U.P., Portugal)
- Luís Miguel Carolino (I.S.C.T.E., Portugal)
- João Príncipe (U.E., Portugal)
- João Rui Pita (CEIS20 / U.C., Portugal)
- Jose Pedro Sousa Dias (MUNHAC, Portugal)
- Jorge Alves (F.L.U.P., Portugal)
- Maria Paula Diogo (CIUHCT / FCT-U.N.L)
- Maria Margaret Lopes (Unicamp, Brazil)
- Martha Cecilia Bustamante (U. Paris 7, França)
- Manuel Valente Alves (F.M.U.L., Portugal)
- Olival Freire Jr. (U.F.Ba., Brazil)
- Victor Navarro Brotons (U.V., Spain)
- University of Évora, Espírito Santo Palace
Evora, Portugal
- Sunday, April 30, 2017
Attached files
- history of science, history of technology, innovation, intellectual history
- Ângela Pacheco
courriel : angelap [at] uevora [dot] pt
Information source
- Diana Barbosa
courriel : comunicacao [dot] ihc [at] fcsh [dot] unl [dot] pt
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To cite this announcement
« Biographical and Intellectual History of Science, Technology and Innovation », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, February 15, 2017,