HomeUrban Contradictions #1

Urban Contradictions #1

Contradictions urbaines #1

Citizen researches : state of play and prospects

Recherches citoyennes : état des lieux et perspectives

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Published on Thursday, February 16, 2017


The first day of a serie about urban contradictions will observe them from the point of view of conflicts, collaborative practices and citizen-oriented researches. Invited speakers will explore the play of power between urban counter-powers, social movements and regulatory attempts by state and transnational bodies. It will be a question of developing paths for citizen research in a collaborative dimension between urban dwellers, universities, laboratories and multi-stakeholder collaboration networks for a critical and pragmatic approach to urban contradictions.


Symposium description

As the increasing urbanisation of the city gradually escapes control by the state, its regulation seems to be ever more negotiated between financial conglomerates, metropolitan collectivities and popular movements. The reorganization of governance systems and of urban production echoes the set of contradictions affecting cities and urban societies, which are reinforced by the inexorable rise of metropolises. At first glance these contradictions stem from the relation between global and local. A closer look locates them in dynamics caught between inclusion and eviction, social diversity and segregation, the standardisation of production and patrimonial revaluation, urban sprawl and the development of a sustainable city…

These contradictions are not the simple product of an urban domination. They are the result of a very complex set of processes and of new assemblages at the crossroads between socio-economics transformations, changes in management practices and the rise of specifically urban claims. State deregulations in multiform contexts of economic liberalisation explains as much as it muddles these contradictions. Meanwhile, forms of participatory management attempt to mitigate new demands located at a micro scale or at the scale of multi-level metropolitan governance, also considering that they are poorly understood by classical and technical expert systems.

This symposium is the first to envision urban contradictions as a key element of urban transformations both of managerial systems and of city residents’ practices in a world increasingly and dominantly urban but also marked by a deep uncertainty (economical, social, environmental).

This symposium will be the first of a yearly series aimed at deepening our understanding of urban contradictions, a topic of major interest for researchers, decision-makers and residents.  It will foster reflections on the dialectical relation between bureaucracy and neo-liberalisation ; diversity and gentrification.

The first day of the conference will be devoted to urban contradictions observable in conflicts, collaborative practices and citizen-oriented researches. Invited speakers will explore the play of power between urban counter-powers, social movements and regulatory attempts by state and transnational bodies. Examples are the recent constitution of citizens councils in “priority neighborhoods” in France or local charters for the right to the city adopted by many large cities in the world. A complimentary issue will be tackled by european. In coordination with the working group on “collaborative housing” of the European Network for Housing Research, European researchers will shed light on participatory practices in social housing production and management, and analyze the new challenges of these alternative horizons. This day will be introduced by Asef Bayat conference, pioneering thinker on the issue of "street politics". A round table of international researchers will conclude this day. It will be a question of developing paths for citizen research in a collaborative dimension between urban dwellers, universities, laboratories and multi-stakeholder collaboration networks for a critical and pragmatic approach to urban contradictions.

This symposium is organized by the LAVUE research center (UMR 7218 CNRS) with the support of the University Paris 8 and Paris Nanterre and of the Ministry of Culture and Communication (BRAUP). It will gather researchers from several national and international centers who will endeavor to understand and to analyze the economic, social and urban springs and logics of these contradictions, in light of the disciplines that converge on the urban : geography, urbanism, sociology, anthropology, law, economy, history, architecture. This symposium will be held at the national school of architecture ENSA Paris Val-de-Seine.


Registration is mandatory via the website contradicity.sciencesconf.org


Tuesday 28th of March

ENSA Paris Val de Seine

  • 8h45 : Welcome
  • 9h15 : Introduction of the symposium by Alessia de Biase, Agnès Deboulet and Stephanie Vermeersch, LAVUE laboratory directors

9h30 : Inaugural Conference, Square and Counter-Square : Cities of the Arab Spring, Asef Bayat, Illinois University

speaker : Barbara Casciarri, Paris 8 University, LAVUE

10h30 - 11h45 : Collaborative-citizen researches : issues and barriers

  • Promouvoir l’émancipation des « habitants » par la recherche participative : quelles contradictions dans la mise en œuvre?  Jeanne Demoulin, Ecole d’Urbanisme de Paris, Lab’urba
  • Recherche et pédagogie en soutien aux initiatives habitantes : tensions et ajustements,    Khedidja Mamou, ENSA Montpellier, LAVUE, et Rainier Hoddé, ENSA Paris La Villette, LAVUE
  • Le non-lieu du piéton : contradictions, contrariétés et ambiguïtés dans l’espace urbain contemporain,  Manuel Joao Ramos, Lisbonne University, ISCTE
  • La recherche collaborative dans les favelas à l'épreuve des conflits de citoyenneté,    Neiva Vieira da Cunha, Rio de Janeiro University, professeur invitée Lavue

Speakers : Cyprien Aholou, chef du projet de stratégie urbaine du grand Lomé,  Alessia de Biase, ENSA Paris La Villette, LAVUE

11h45 : Break

12h00 - 13h30 : Urban counter-powers, justice and co-production

  • Usagers co-producteurs de l’espace public, entre néo-libéralisation et démocratie locale. Le cas des parcs urbains à Johannesburg,  Claire Bénit-Gbafou, Architecture and Urbanism School, Wits University, Johannesburg
  • Entre contre-pouvoir et concertation organisée. Le cas de la "Table de Quartier" du Pile, à Roubaix,  Jérémy Louis, Paris Nanterre University, LAVUE
  • Le contre-pouvoir de la rue,  Albert Ogien, CNRS, CEMS-EHESS

Speaker : Philippe Gervais-Lambony, Paris Nanterre University, LAVUE

13h30 : Free lunch

14h30 - 16h15 : Collaborative housing and social inclusion : towards overcoming contradictions? with the ENHR and the seminary Lieux et Enjeux from the CRH

  • Introduction : Entre-soi, mixité, accessibilité: les contradictions de l'habitat participatif, Sabrina Bresson, Ensa-Paris Val de Seine, LAVUE, and Claire Carriou, Paris Nanterre University, LAVUE
  • Toward affordable collaborative housing in Europe: innovations in design, self-organisation and partnerships,  Darinka Czischke, Delft University
  • Collaborative housing and social inclusion in Germany,  Anja Szypulski, Dortmund University, et Micha Fedrowitz, Wohnbund-Beratung

Speakers : Anne Labit, Orléans University and Stéphanie Vermeersch, CNRS, LAVUE

  • Housing accessible to all ? Lessons from London’s co-housing,  Melissa Fernandez, Lancaster University

16h15 : Break

16h30 - 18h15 : Final roundtable

  • Synthesis : Joao Whitakher, Sao Paulo University, Lab’Hab
  • Roundtable with Agnès Deboulet, Paris 8 University, LAVUE, Frédéric Dufaux, Paris Nanterre University, LAVUE, Eva Garcia Cheuca, Social Studies Center, Coimbra University, Manuel Joao Ramos, Lisbonne University, ISCTE, Romain Leclercq, Paris 8 University, LAVUE, Joao Whitakher, Sao Paulo University, Lab’Hab

Speaker : Marie Hélène Bacqué, Paris Nanterre University, LAVUE


  • ENSA Paris Val de Seine - 3 Quai Panhard et Levassor
    Paris, France (75013)


  • Tuesday, March 28, 2017


  • contradictions, citoyens, collaboratif, urbain, co-production, recherches, contre-pouvoir, concertation


  • Agnès DEBOULET
    courriel : agnes [dot] deboulet [at] cedej-eg [dot] org

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Information source

  • Agnès DEBOULET
    courriel : agnes [dot] deboulet [at] cedej-eg [dot] org


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To cite this announcement

« Urban Contradictions #1 », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Thursday, February 16, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/wz6

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