HomeThe New Medieval Lisbon 1147-1217

The New Medieval Lisbon 1147-1217

La nouvelle Lisbonne médiévale (1147-1217)

La nueva Lisbonna medieval (1147-1217)

A nova Lisboa medieval (1147-1217)

The Ways of the West and the East

Les chemins de l'Occident et de l'Orient

Los caminos de Occidente y de Oriente

Caminhos de Ocidente e do Oriente

*  *  *

Published on Wednesday, March 01, 2017


Between the 23rd and 25th of October 2017, the Institute for Medieval Studies (IEM) will organize the V colloquium “The New Medieval Lisbon”. The commemorative evocation of the conquests of Lisbon in 1147 and of Alcácer do Sal in 1217 is the pretext for a broader debate not only around these events, their meaning and impact, but also on its wider context, and on the diversity of the ways that, at the time, were being shaped and reshaped, both in the peninsular context and in the wider scenarios which linked the West to the East.



Between the 23rd and 25th of October 2017, the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM) at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the NOVA University of Lisbon (FCSH/NOVA) will organize the V Colloquium "The New Medieval Lisbon". The commemorative evocation of the conquests of Lisbon in 1147 and of Alcácer do Sal in 1217 is the pretext for a broader debate not only around these events, their meaning and impact, but also on its wider context, and on the diversity of the ways that, at the time, were being shaped and reshaped, both in the peninsular context and in the wider scenarios which linked the West to the East.

The meeting is therefore intended to stimulate a comprehensive look at the Christian and Muslim realities, particularly in their political, ideological and military strategies, and at the ways in which they were received and perceived, i.e., the basis for relationship based on coexistence, confrontation or in mixed forms of coexistence.

With such an object of study, it is also fundamental to take a look at the sources we have for the knowledge of such facts and their underlying realities, as well as to the successive readings and re-readings that they were submitted to and the identitarian strategies which they served and reflected. The achievements of 1147 and 1217 are also the motto for the observation of immediate and longterm impact(s) of such episodes on a broader political-military, administrative, cultural, religious, urbanistic and social latitude, and for the identification of ruptures and lines of continuity.

Instruction for submission of paper proposals

submission deadline: 15 May, 2017, to iemlxcongress@fcsh.unl.pt

Proposals for papers should be accompanied by a detailed summary (500 words), and an abbreviated CV of the applicant, explaining his/her academic background, institutional integration and most significant scientific outputs. All proposals must be sent to iemlxcongress@fcsh.unl.pt, until May the 15th, 2017. Their acceptance is subject to validation by the Scientific Committee of the Colloquium. The subsequent publication of the texts presented will also be subject to the assessment of a referee committee, made up of recognized Portuguese and foreign researchers.

The final programme of the Colloquium will be publicized until July the 15th 2017. Due to the limitation of the number of papers admissible to the Colloquium, the organization may propose the formation of one or more round tables, thus opening the possibility of participation to a greater number of scholars, and promoting scientific debate and the sharing of research. The possible suggestion for integrating some of the proposed papers into round tables format will be communicated to the proponents with great anticipation, and in no case will it prevent the subsequent submission of the full text for publication.


  1. Contexts and Powers (confronting powers; Christian and Muslim contexts; the papacy; military orders; political and military strategies; conflicts and coexistence; the Crusade and the way of the East).
  2. Discourses and ideologies (sources; conquest narratives and other written, epigraphic or material documents; Crusade; jihad; re-readings by the military orders and the mendicant orders; construction of identity discourses; propaganda strategies; Modern and contemporary re-readings of the Conquests).
  3. Continuities and disruptions (the impact of the conquest, both immediate – including other strongholds associated with the defense of Lisbon – and on the longer term, in the definitive search for Christian territorial rule over the South – including here the final conquest of Alcácer; Archaeological evidence; integration and resistance, Mozarabic, ethnic religious minorities under Christian domination; paths, forms and dimensions of cultural dialogue).

Scientific Committee

  • Amélia Aguiar Andrade (IEM-FCSH/NOVA)
  • Carlos de Ayala Martínez (Univ. Autónoma de Madrid)
  • Francisco García Fitz (Univ. de Extremadura)
  • Hermenegildo Fernandes (CH-FLUL)
  • Isabel Cristina Fernandes (GEsOS/Município de Palmela)
  • José Mattoso (IEM-FCSH/NOVA)
  • Manuel Luís Real (CITCEM-FLUP; IEM-FCSH/NOVA)
  • María Jesus Viguera (Univ. Complutense)
  • Maria João Branco (IEM-FCSH/NOVA)
  • Mário Jorge Barroca (CITCEM-FLUP)
  • Martín Alvira Cabrer (Univ. Complutense)
  • Philippe Josserand (Univ. de Nantes)
  • Simon Barton (Univ. of Central Florida)

Organizing Committee

  • Catarina Tente
  • João Luís Fontes
  • Luís Filipe Oliveira
  • Mário Farelo
  • Miguel Gomes Martins


  • Av. de Berna, 26 C
    Lisbon, Portugal (1069-061)


  • Monday, May 15, 2017


  • reconquest, military, religion, tolerance


  • João Luís Fontes
    courriel : iemlxcongress [at] fcsh [dot] unl [dot] pt

Reference Urls

Information source

  • João Luís Fontes
    courriel : iemlxcongress [at] fcsh [dot] unl [dot] pt


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To cite this announcement

« The New Medieval Lisbon 1147-1217 », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, March 01, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/x2f

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