HomeNew directions for libraries, scholars, and partnerships
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Published on Friday, March 03, 2017


The symposium, New Directions for Libraries, Scholars, and Partnerships, to take place on Friday, October 13, 2017, at the German National Library during the Frankfurt Book Fair where France will be Guest of Honor. Anticipated session topics include: collections and collaboration; digital scholarship; the publishing revolution; new dimensions of service to scholars and students; and new strategies for services and partnerships.


October 13, 2017 Frankfurt, Germany

The Center for Research Libraries and its French (CIFNAL) and German (GNARP) international programs, together with French and German partners, invite proposals for papers, presentations, and posters to be presented at an international symposium. New Directions for Libraries, Scholars, and Partnerships will be held on October 13, 2017 at the German National Library in Frankfurt, Germany.


What challenges confront 21st- century research libraries in Europe and North America? How can libraries more deeply engage and support scholars throughout the full life cycle of learning, digital scholarship, and interdisciplinary research partnerships?  How can libraries maintain excellence in both services and collections across a multiplicity of formats? How might regional or transnational institutional and professional alliances forge agile, sustainable collaborations to aid in this work?

These questions will be addressed at a Symposium, New Directions for Libraries, Scholars, and Partnerships, to take place on Friday, October 13, 2017, at the German National Library during the Frankfurt Book Fair.  Anticipated session topics include: collections and collaboration; digital scholarship; the publishing revolution; new dimensions of service to scholars and students; and new strategies for services and partnerships.

Since France will be the Guest of Honor at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2017, this is a unique opportunity for librarians and information professionals from France, Germany, North America and beyond to come together, share perspectives, and learn from leaders and colleagues. Symposium organizers are planning other activities in collaboration with local cultural institutions, universities, and libraries. In coordination with the Book Fair (October 11-15) there will be many additional events in Frankfurt celebrating France, French culture, and publishing.

The Symposium is sponsored by the Collaborative Initiative for French Language Collections (CIFNAL) and the German-North American Resources Partnership (GNARP), both working projects of the Center for Research Libraries (Chicago, USA), with support from the German National Library and other French, German, and international partners.

Themes and opportunities

France will be the Guest of Honor at the Frankfurt Book Fair (October 11-15, 2017), making this symposium an unparalleled opportunity to gather library and scholarly communication professionals from North America, France and Francophone countries, Germany, and beyond. Special emphasis will be on digital scholarship in the humanities and social sciences; distinctive services or collections; practical strategies for facilitating learning and research; and proposals for partnerships. Scholars work in the global arena; academic and research libraries in Europe and North America share the challenges inherent in supporting and participating in teaching and scholarship. Collaboration, innovation, and international partnerships are necessary for an effective and sustainable infrastructure for critical inquiry and research.

Proposals are encouraged from library and scholarly communication professionals at all career stages.

Successful proposals may address the general symposium themes of innovation, collaboration, or partnerships or be inspired by the related topics suggested below. Presentations or papers should be 15 minutes long; poster specifications are available at the symposium website Ansicht von Frankfurt am Main by Domenico Quaglio (1831). Held by Städel Museum, Frankfurt.

Potential topics

  • New Dimensions of Engagement with Scholars and Students
  • Transforming research information services
  • Contributing to emerging research methods, sources and practices
  • Developing subject and liaison librarianship
  • Using digital tools for teaching and learning in European studies

Strategies for Collections and Partnerships

  • Regional and international alliances and partnerships
  • Distinctive French-language collections
  • Digital humanities or social sciences projects in French or European studies
  • Addressing international interlibrary loan and document delivery dilemmas

The 21st Century Digital and/or Hybrid Scholarship Cycle

  • Issues and solutions for humanities and social science scholars
  • Effects of the current publishing (r)evolution
  • Open Access and copyright
  • Collecting and managing born-digital or transmedia material
  • Preservation and archiving

Tools and Techniques for Sustained Professional Development

  • Engaging new library professionals in international collaborations
  • Internships, exchanges, training, and curriculum innovation
  • Digital pedagogy and digital tools
  • Teaching information literacy and research methods
  • Librarianship and the liberal arts

Submission guidelines

Please submit your proposal by March 15, 2017 

for a 15 minute paper or presentation (about 2,000-3,000 words, or PPT presentation) or for a poster (A1 size or approximately 24” x 36”).

Use the submission form on the symposium website at and include an abstract of 500 words or less.

Notification will be by May 1, 2017.

Final presentation drafts are due September 20, 2017.

The primary symposium language will be English. If you need to present in French, please contact organizers to describe how you might provide translation into English, or to discuss translation options.

For further questions about posters or presentations, contact frankfurtsymposium@listserv.crl.edu.

Important dates

  • Proposal submission: March 15, 2017

  • Notification of authors: May 1, 2017
  • Early symposium registration: August 1, 2017 (registration is required of all attendees)
  • Submission of paper (text), presentation (PPT), or poster (PDF): September 20, 2017
  • Symposium: October 13, 2017
  • Frankfurt Book Fair: October 11-15, 2017

General information

Participants are responsible for their own lodging and travel; however, suggestions and local information will be posted on the symposium website. Please note that Frankfurt Book Fair registration includes regional transportation for the five Fair days, permitting registrants to stay more cheaply outside the city, with easy access to key locations. The symposium registration fee (not yet set) will be moderate.

Symposium organizers are planning other activities to take place during the Book Fair week. Please consult the symposium website, www.crl.edu/events/frankfurt2017symposium, for forthcoming information about these activities, and for the program.

Planning Team


  • Sarah How, European Studies Librarian, Cornell University; Chair, CIFNAL
  • Dr. Heidi Madden, Librarian for Western European and Medieval Renaissance Studies, Adjunct Assistant Professor of German Studies, Duke University


  • Judy Alspach, Area Studies Program Manager, Center for Research Libraries
  • Jill Baron, Librarian for Romance Languages & Literatures and Latin American Studies, Dartmouth College
  • Dr. Paula Carns, Head, Literatures and Languages Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Katie Gibson, Humanities Librarian, Miami University, Ohio
  • Dr. Richard D. Hacken, European Studies Librarian, Brigham Young University
  • Rex Hatfield, German Studies Librarian, Princeton University
  • Meredith Levin, Western European Humanities Librarian, Columbia University; Interim Head, Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary
  • Dr. Michael Seadle, Director, Berlin School of Library and Information Science, co-Director, HEADT Centre, Research Dean, Faculty of Humanities, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • Dr. Sarah Sussman, Curator, French and Italian Collections; Head, International and Area Studies Resource Group, Stanford University Libraries
  • Kristen Totleben, Modern Languages and Cultures Librarian; University of Rochester Libraries
  • Dr. Lidia Uziel, Head of Western Languages Division and Bibliographer for Western Europe, Harvard University
  • Brian Vetruba, Germanic Languages and Literatures, Comparative Literature, and European Studies Librarian, Washington University, St. Louis; Chair, GNARP
  • Sarah G. Wenzel, Bibliographer for Literatures of Europe and the Americas, University of Chicago Library

Institutional Partners and Advisors

  • Raphaëlle Bats, Chargée de mission relations internationals, Enssib, Lyon
  • Professor Tom Becker, Berufsverband Information Bibliothek e.V.
  • Bibliothèque Nationale de France
  • Fabrice Gabriel, Director, Institut français, Berlin
  • Dr. Doris Grüter, Romance Studies Information Service (Romanistik FID), Universitäts und Landesbibliothek, Bonn
  • Ute Schwens, Director in Frankfurt am Main, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
  • Dr. Heiner Schnelling, Director, Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main

For more information, contact frankfurtsymposium@listserv.crl.edu


  • German National Library - Adickesallee 1
    Frankfurt (Oder), Federal Republic of Germany (60322)


  • Wednesday, March 15, 2017


  • library, partnership, archive, research methods, German collection, French collection, special collection, European studies, digital pedagogy


  • Judy Alspach
    courriel : jalspach [at] crl [dot] edu
  • New Directions for Libraries, Scholars, and Partnerships Symposium 2017
    courriel : frankfurtsymposium [at] listserv [dot] crl [dot] edu

Information source

  • Claude Potts
    courriel : cpotts [at] berkeley [dot] edu


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To cite this announcement

« New directions for libraries, scholars, and partnerships », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, March 03, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/x4i

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