A government of prediction?
Un gouvernement de la prédiction ?
The politics of modeling and computing for policy
La mise en politique des technologies de calcul et de modélisation
Published on Monday, March 06, 2017
The aims is to putting in discussion the modes and effects of the use of computational tools in government and public policies. Computation, be it based on statistical modeling or newest techniques of predictive analytics, holds the promise to be able to anticipate and act infallibly on futures and uncertain situations more generally. That the future is an object of governmental knowledge and action is nothing new though. So, what is the characteristic of today’s relationship with futures in policy making and action? To what extent do the means of computation – from statistical models to learning algorithms employed in predictive analytics — change this relationship, and the collective capacity and legitimacy to engage with future, uncertain situations? Do technologies of prediction change policies and their politics and, if so, how?
The LISIS (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences Innovations Sociétés) will organize an international conference next September in Paris (11-13).
The conference aims at putting in discussion the modes and effects of the use of computational tools in government and public policies. Computation, be it based on statistical modeling or newest techniques of predictive analytics, holds the promise to be able to anticipate and act infallibly on futures and uncertain situations more generally. That the future is an object of governmental knowledge and action is nothing new though. So, what is the characteristic of today’s relationship with futures in policy making and action? To what extent do the means of computation – from statistical models to learning algorithms employed in predictive analytics — change this relationship, and the collective capacity and legitimacy to engage with future, uncertain situations? Do technologies of prediction change policies and their politics and, if so, how?
We invite contributions in English or in French, to cover these questions in a range of policy areas (food, agriculture, energy, climate, cities, crime, medicines, chemicals or health).
Abstracts of up to a 1000 words, including elements concerning the research question, theoretical framework and empirical basis of the papers should be sent to conference@innox.fr
by April 18 2017.
The organizing committee will email the applicants back within a month.
The conference will take place in central Paris on 11-13 September 2017.
Two keynote speeches will be offered by Paul N. Edwards, professor at University of Michigan and by Steve Hilgartner, professor at Cornell University.
The scientific and organizing committee
- Stefan Aykut
- Bilel Benbouzid
- Jean-Philippe Cointet
- François Dedieu
- David Demortain
- Pierre-Benoit Joly
- Sylvain Paras
- Antoine Schoen
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences Innovations Sociétés (CNRS/ESIEE/INRA/UPEM)
- Indications sur le lieu à venir
Paris, France (75)
- Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Attached files
- Modélisation, simulation numérique, prédiction, analyse de données, computation, anticipation, scénarios, forecasting, foresight, foreknowledge, forward thinking, in silico, gouvernance, action publique, décision, expertise, évaluation des risques,
- David Demortain
courriel : demortain [at] inra-ifris [dot] org
Reference Urls
Information source
- David Demortain
courriel : demortain [at] inra-ifris [dot] org
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« A government of prediction? », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, March 06, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/x4v