HomeTraining and employment reforms in Italy: what lessons?

Training and employment reforms in Italy: what lessons?

Réformer l’emploi et la formation professionnelle en Italie

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Published on Monday, May 29, 2017


La revue Formation-Emploi souhaite publier un dossier spécial consacré aux réformes conduites en Italie en matière de formation professionnelle et d’emploi. L’ambition de ce dossier est de présenter une discussion critique des réformes transalpines relatives à la gestion des transitions professionnelles et l’accès au marché du travail.



The French review Formation Emploi is willing to publish a special issue on the subject of employment and training policies’ reform in Italy. The aim of this special issue is to present and critically discuss the ongoing labour market and activation reforms in Italy. In september 2015, the adoption of the Italian so called Job Act (d. lgs. 14 settembre 2015, n. 150), represents the last episode of a whole series of reforms aiming at transforming the labour market and training policies.

Since the second half of the 1990’s several laws – Treu, Bassanini, Biagi, Fornero – (Alaimo, 2013) have attempted to align onto the international and European standards (Bonoli, 2005 ; Berkel & alii, 2011 ; Heidenreich & Rice, 2015) a system previously characterized by centralized and prevailing passive policies. Policy objectives and tools as well as stakeholders networks have been renewed aiming at reforming access to the labour market as well as professional transitions. As in most of the European countries, the European employment strategy and the debate on flexicurity policies have framed the Italian debate. The confrontation of these European incentives and norms with the national specific policy mix of professional relations and territorial decentralisation has shaped these reforms.

Furthermore, the 2008’s economic crisis followed by a substantial growth of unemployment and firms closures. This economic context has reinforced the importance of pursuing social reforms on the national political agenda. The implementation of these reforms is often called into questions especially in relation with the structural Italian territorial inequalities and asymmetries. Many questions related to the intensity and the diffusion of change emerge. What are the politics of the reforms, also in comparative perspective? What place is devoted to career development and professional training in these reforms? What effective changes have been brought? Who benefits from these reforms? What effects for beneficiaries (workers, job seekers among others)? What horizontal integration of social and economic policies have been achieved by these reforms? What changes have been brought by these reforms on the vertical integration of territorial competencies in these policy fields? These are some of the questions raised by these reforms that have to be analysed on the basis of original quantitative and qualitative datasets. This special issue aims at bringing evidences and discuss these changes from an interdisciplinary point of views and with comparative insights.

Directors and selection

Coordinated by Thierry Berthet (CNRS - Sciences Po Bordeaux) and Paolo Graziano (University of Padova), this special issue of the French review Formation Emploi (https://formationemploi.revues.org/2595) welcomes comparative (especially with the French system reforms) as well as monographic contributions. A workshop will be organized to present and discuss the papers before submission to the review. Papers will be peer reviewed by the journal editorial board who will select the papers to be published.

Formation Emploi is a multidisciplinary review ranked A by French academic authorities in economy, sociology and political science. It is double peer reviewed and available online on Cairn. It general aim is to address the issues of employment, guidance, training and education from an interdisciplinary point of view. It targets anyone interested in the relationship between training, work, and employment: researchers, decision makers, teachers, stakeholders. It is open to approaches from multiple disciplines: sociology, economics, management, psychology, etc. An independent reading committee selects the papers. The journal is the initiative of the Centre d’études et de recherches sur les qualifications (Céreq) which provides its editorial framework.

Submission Process

Submission languages Draft articles can be submitted in French, English and Italian languages. The final versions submitted to the review shoud be sent only in French or English language.

End of May 2017:

A paper’s abstract (5-6000 signs in word format) should be sent to Paolo Graziano (paolo.graziano@unibocconi.it ), Thierry Berthet (t.berthet@sciencespobordeaux.fr) and the Review (vergnies@cereq.fr). This abstract should describe the content of the article (i.e. topic, theoretical underpinnings, methodology, bibliographical insights) and contain keywords as well as author’s indications.

  • Beginning of December 2018: Draft versions of the articles should be sent to Paolo Graziano (paolo.graziano@unibocconi.it ) and Thierry Berthet (t.berthet@sciencespobordeaux.fr) as well as to the Review (vergnies@cereq.fr)
  • January 2018: Author’s workshop on draft articles.
  • March 2018: Final versions of the articles should be sent to Paolo Graziano (paolo.graziano@unibocconi.it ) and Thierry Berthet (t.berthet@sciencespobordeaux.fr) and the Review (vergnies@cereq.fr). The articles should be up to 45 000 signs (notes, references and bibliography included), Times 12, single spacing. For more information see the Review website (https://formationemploi.revues.org/2611). The final versions of articles can be sent in French or English for expertise but those selected written in English should be translated in French for publication.
  • March-October 2018: Expertise by the Review. Articles will be anonymously peer reviewed by 3 experts members of the editorial board and/or external experts. Chief editor J.F. Vergnies will directly inform the Author(s) of the expertise.


Alaimo A. (2013), « Politiche attive, servizi per l’impiego e stato di disoccupazione », in Cinelli

M.-Ferraro G.-Mazzotta O. (a cura di), Il nuovo mercato del lavoro dalla riforma Fornero alla legge di

stabilità 2013, Torino, Giappichelli, 648 ss.

Berkel R. & alii., (2011) (eds), The Governance of Active Welfare States, Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Bonoli G. (2005), “The Politics of The New Social Policies. Providing Coverage Against New

Social Risks in Mature Welfare States”, Policy and Politics, Vol.33, No.3, pp. 431-450

Heidenreich, M. & Rice, D., (eds.) (2016), Integrating social and employment policies in Europe: Active

inclusion and challenges for local welfare governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar,


  • Marseille, France (13)


  • Wednesday, May 31, 2017


  • politique d'emploi, politique éducative, formation professionnelle, marché du travail, marché de l'emploi,


  • jean-frédéric vergnies
    courriel : vergnies [at] cereq [dot] fr

Information source

  • jean-frédéric vergnies
    courriel : vergnies [at] cereq [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Training and employment reforms in Italy: what lessons? », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, May 29, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/xow

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