Public Space Democracy
International Study Group on New Forms of Public Agency
Published on Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Public space is the place for assembly of people, empowerment of persons. It is the hub of democracy as well as the manifestation of state power. PubliCdemoS Project bexplores the ways in which new forms of public agency extends politics to everyday life experiences, opening up avenues of artistic expressions and aesthetic forms. The core aim of this project is to renew democratic agendas by politics of performative citizenship and public making in multicultural settings.
New forms of public agency carried by persons and in collectivity bring forth the everyday life politics, the phenomenological dimensions of politics. Citizens acting together and enacting in public, manifest collectively their presence, are resetting democratic agendas and questioning pre-established social contracts. The traditional Public Square or Maïdan becomes the hub of urban democratic imaginaries as actors from different horizons and array of groups occupy the place and turn it into a theatrical scene. Public space democracy emerges on its own political terms, in distinction from avenues of parties and voting. New forms of public agency in relation to social movements, but also in difference from political collective action and intrinsically related to the person and to the subjective realm will be examined.
- 09.00 Welcoming Coffee
- 09.30 Nilüfer Göle, General introduction
- 10.30 Session 1
- 10.30 Pablo Ouziel, ‘Beingness’, institutionality and transmutation
within the 15M Climate: From 15M to Podemos
- 10.50 Sébastian Veg, Creating a textual public space:
Slogans and texts from Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement
- 11.10 Baran Uncu, Embedding the prefigurations of Gezi Protests:
the rhizomatic spread of new subjectivities and politicized identities
- 11.30 General discussion
- 12.30 Lunch Break
- 13.30 Session 2
- 13.30 Elina Kourempana, The December 2008 uprising in Athens:
Street resistance, democratic disobedience and rebellion
- 13.50 Tom Junes, Youth, historical traditions, and memory politics in protest
repertoires: Ukraine's Euromaidan revolution and new public agency in postcommunist
Eastern Europe
- 14.10 Buket Türkmen, The actors of “Democracy Watch” in Turkey:
The non-public construction of the space?
- 14.30 General discussion
- 15.15 Coffee Break
- 15.30 Session 3
- 15.30 Jean Philippe Béja, Beijing, Tiananmen 1989 and Hong Kong
Umbrella Movement: A new form of political participation?
- 15.50 Gökçe Tuncel, New forms of public agency in a public square movement: Çarşı at the Gezi Park Protests in Istanbul
16.10 Session 4
- 16.10 Levent Yılmaz, Spectacle of power: Public gatherings
- 16.30 Boyan Znepolski, What theory for the new protest movements?
- On the perspectives of Mouffe, Zizek and Butler
16.50 General discussion
17.30 Conclusion
Project Directed by Nilüfer Göle EHESS/NOMIS
Team members
- Warda Hadjab
- Zeynep Uğur
- Gökçe Tuncel
Registrations via
- Sociology (Main category)
- Society > Political studies > Political science
- room Alphonse Dupront - 10 rue Monsieur le Prince
Paris, France (75006)
- Friday, May 19, 2017
Attached files
- Public space, agency, citizenship, democracy
- Zeynep Ugur
courriel : zeynepugur8969 [at] gmail [dot] com
Information source
- Zeynep Ugur
courriel : zeynepugur8969 [at] gmail [dot] com
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Public Space Democracy », Study days, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, May 17, 2017,