HomeThe international recognition of States

The international recognition of States

From Antiquity to Modern Times

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Published on Wednesday, June 07, 2017


International recognition creates legitimacy for the independent existence of new, sovereign political units. On the one hand, it is a re-ordering process; on the other, it functions as a conflict-resolution mechanism within the framework of the international coping practice of crises. As a legal, political and territorial reorganization, it calls into question the various social actors and makes it necessary to mobilize scientific, technical, intellectual and / or symbolic means. The creation of a new, sovereign unity also forces the redistribution of political power and social authority. It can be the trigger of an inter-state war or a civil war, lead to territorial fragmentation, the appearance of an independent nation on the world stage, or the beginning of a long period of peace. This international colloquium seeks to explore the figure of recognition in all its historical complexity and from various points of view.



Friday, July 7, 2017

14.00 Introduction, by D.E. ROJAS CASTRO (Grenoble).

14.15 M. FABRY (Atlanta), The Current Practice of Recognizing States

15.00 D. HÖGGER (Basel), Recognitional Fitness: Revealing Patterns of Acceptance

15.45 Coffee Break


16.15 W. PEZÉ (Tübingen), Die Auflösung des Karolingerreiches als diplomatische Frage

17.00 D.E. ROJAS CASTRO (Grenoble), War and Recognition in the Age of Independences: North and South America in Comparative Perspective

17.45 Coffee Break

18.00 Keynote

Thomas LINDEMANN (Versailles Saint-Quentin) Scientistic Misrecognition in International Relations 

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Threat and Peace

9.30 F. MONTINARO (Tübingen), Byzanz und der Aufstieg des islamischen Kalifats (7.-8. Jh.) 

10.15 G. SCHILD (Tübingen), Die verspätete Anerkennung: Die USA und die Sowjetunion, 1917-33

11.00 Coffee Break

11.15 A. TISCHLER (Würzburg), Die Anerkennung und Nicht-Anerkennung von neuen Staaten im Westfälischen Frieden

12.00 Lunch Break


14.00 C. GALLE (Marburg), Die Kraft des Glaubens. Die Bedeutung von Kirche und christlichem Glauben für die innere Einung und die äußere Anerkennung des Karolingerreichs

14.45 A. NIJENHUIS-BESCHER (Metz - Nancy), Integration, Disintegration and Confederated Unification. Institutional (R)evolutions in the Low Countries, 1550-1650

14.45 Coffee Break 


15.00 E. BALTRUSCH (Berlin), Anerkennung als Mittel
der Expansion: Das jüdisch-römische Bündnis von 161 v. Chr.

15.45 P.-H. BOUILLON (Paris), French Diplomacy and the Romanian Claim to Independence from the USSR: An Ambiguous Challenge to the Cold War Order

16.30 General Discussion 


  • Room 0.36 - Keplerstrasse, 2
    Tübingen, Federal Republic of Germany (72074)


  • Friday, July 07, 2017
  • Saturday, July 08, 2017

Attached files


  • Recognition, international relations, diplomacy, war, legitimacy


  • Daniel Rojas
    courriel : daniel [dot] rojas [at] univ-grenoble-alpes [dot] fr
  • Warren Pezé
    courriel : warren [dot] peze [at] u-pec [dot] fr
  • Federico Montinaro
    courriel : federico [dot] montinaro [at] uni-tuebingen [dot] de

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Daniel Rojas
    courriel : daniel [dot] rojas [at] univ-grenoble-alpes [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« The international recognition of States », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, June 07, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/xta

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