HomePower and media, media power Insights on the Americas

Power and media, media power Insights on the Americas

Pouvoirs et médias, pouvoir des médias

Poder y medios de comunicación, poder de los medios de comunicación

Poder e mídias, poder das mídias

Insights on the Americas

Regards sur les Amériques

Miradas sobre las Américas

Olhares sobre as Américas

*  *  *

Published on Friday, June 30, 2017


For its 11th issue, RITA proposes to interrogate the links between power and media in the Americas. Several areas of debate can be suggested, although they should not be considered as exclusive. Articles making a critical analysis of official media as well as opposition media, in varied historical and geographical contexts, will of course be welcome. Other articles may deal with the treatment of popular movements by the media. Critical reflections on the relationship between media and economic power are also encouraged. The Thema section can also include analysis of the current diversification of information media by focusing, for instance, on the emergence of “alternative” media on the Internet, or on the power of fake news over the construction of collective representations.



O Globo, CNN, Le Nouvelliste, El Espectador… These names are the symbol of important opinion trends across the Americas. But that is not all. Recently, Wikileaks and the Panama Papers have enabled news media all over the world to alert public opinion on the contemporary drifts of political and financial systems. But long ago already, in Canada or Chile, news media had contributed to the bringing down of governments, as in the case of the Watergate scandal. In other situations, the written press, the radio and television have collaborated with authoritarian regimes. By serving the authorities in power or by acting as a counter-power, news media have played a fundamental role in American political lives, and have justified the use of the expression “fourth power”. The power of media has even gone further is some occasions, by exalting patriotism as in Argentina during the South Atlantic War. It has also had important geopolitical consequences, on the regional and global scale. Thus, during the last few decades, news media in the United States have influenced several occupants of the White House on what they should do in Latin America or the Middle East. Lastly, media were also powerful promoters of artistic movements. Famous and reputed, the latter appear as one the main vehicles of diffusion of American cultures over the world.

For its 11th issue, RITA proposes to interrogate the links between power and media in the Americas. Several areas of debate can be suggested, although they should not be considered as exclusive. Articles making a critical analysis of official media as well as opposition media, in varied historical and geographical contexts, will of course be welcome. Other articles may deal with the treatment of popular movements by the media: what discourses do American media convey on ethnic and sexual demands, and on feminist movements? What are the consequences in terms of recognition by official power for these movements? Critical reflections on the relationship between media and economic power are also encouraged, as well as papers on the agenda-setting power of media in topics such as the protection of environment. The Thema section can also include analysis of the current diversification of information media by focusing, for instance, on the emergence of “alternative” media on the Internet, or on the power of fake news over the construction of collective representations. Reflections on the power of American media over regional cultural dynamics, and the diffusion of a mainstream culture over the globe are also welcome. Lastly, papers on local media, community radios for instance, or texts on news media in the rest of the world dealing with the critique of United States soft-power may also complete this thematic dossier.

Submission guidelines

As usual, the 11th issue of RITA will include, in addition to the section Thema, an off-topic section, “Free Field” composed with four categories or headings: Insights on the Americas, Research Notes, Dissertation or Ph.D. Summaries, and Research Factory:

  • Dissertation  and  Ph.D. summaries

(Résumés  de  mémoire  ou  de  thèse)  will  highlight  your research by underlining its key achievements.

  • Research notes

(Notes de recherche) are designed to present, under the form of a scientific article,on-going or achieved research, whose topic does not fit the issue. They must include a problematic question, entail a research protocol, and take the form of a scientific paper.

Call for papers – RITA n°11 - On the contrary, Insights on the Americas (Regards sur les Amériques) does not require the same scientific approach: in this section, the form and length are free (essays, journalistic papers, or field diaries, etc.). -Finally, Research Factory (Fabrique de la recherche) aims to “go behind the scene” and to propose methodological articles linked to the making of research.

For more details about those four categories, please consult this webpage: http://www.revue-rita.com/nos-rubriques.html

Please send your proposals (full article) up to the

22nd of October 2017

to revue.rita@gmail.com

We remind you that articles can be written in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese.

Do not forget to respect the formal norms of each category

(cf. http://www.revue-rita.com/normes-de-presentation.html).

The editorial board will pre-select authors within the month of October 2016. All applicants will be informed

of the selection process at that time.

The Reading Committee will then evaluate the pre-selected texts: they might be accepted or refused, with or without modifications.

The 11th issue will be launched in Spring 2018.

We recall that all papers must be original and not currently assessed by another review

Reading Committee

  • Jessica Brandler-Weinreb Docteure en Sociologie  - Paris 3 / CREDA
  • David Copello 4ème année de Doctorat de Science Politique (O. Compagnon et G.Delannoi) - Sciences Po
  • Bruno Hervé Huamani 5ème année de Doctorat d'Anthropologie (C. Salazar-Soler) - EHESS
  • Aurélie Le Lièvre Docteure en Science Politique
  • Julie Liard Attachée territoriale Sociologie
  • Céline Raimbert 6ème année de Doctorat de Géographie (M. Droulers) - CREDA / IHEAL - Université Paris 3 Sorbonne-Nouvelle
  • Nasser Rebaï Docteur en Géographie - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Professeur associé à la Faculté Latino-Américaine de Sciences Sociales (FLACSO, Equateur)
  • Etienne Sauthier Docteur en Histoire - Paris 3 / CREDA


  • Sunday, October 22, 2017


  • Amériques, médias, pouvoirs


  • Revue Interdisciplinaire de Travaux sur les Amériques RITA
    courriel : revue [dot] rita [at] gmail [dot] com

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Revue Interdisciplinaire de Travaux sur les Amériques RITA
    courriel : revue [dot] rita [at] gmail [dot] com


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To cite this announcement

« Power and media, media power Insights on the Americas », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, June 30, 2017, https://doi.org/10.58079/y0t

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